

旅游休闲 2016年1期


智利对于中国人来说是一个遥远而神秘的国度。除了安第斯山、复活节岛等几个有限的名词,大多数中国人对它别无所知,而这也更加激起了中国游客的好奇心与一探究竟的强烈愿望。智利有多种多样的风光和文化可以体验,你可以徒步欣赏高山冰川,乘坐游轮游览帕塔哥尼亚湖区,或是徜徉圣地亚哥感受西班牙文化,到复活节岛与大石雕像亲密接触……除了多样的自然风光及文化,智利的葡萄酒也是闻名世界。智利独特的气候,为其产出优质葡萄酒奠定了基础,再加上欧洲古老的酿酒方法,使得酿制出智利葡萄酒既有欧洲传统,又不失南美风味,给人一种新旧交叠的感觉,是智利葡萄酒的独到之处。受智利葡萄酒组织Wine of Chile的邀请,我们踏上了为期八天的智利葡萄酒之旅,探访了精彩纷呈的特色酒庄,更乘坐游轮前往帕塔哥尼亚湖区,登上著名的企鹅岛与企鹅亲密接触,体验了一个难忘的智利葡萄酒之旅。

For Chinese, Chile is a distant and mysterious country. In addition to several limited nouns such as Andes and Easter Island, most Chinese have no idea about it, which also intrigues the curiosity of Chinese tourists and strong desire to find out more. Chile has a variety of landscapes and cultures to experience: you can appreciate mountains and glaciers on foot, visit Patagonia Lake District by cruise, or intoxicate yourself in San Diego to feel Spanish culture, and closely contact with stone statues on Easter Island... In addition to a variety of natural landscapes and cultures, Chiles wine is also famous all over the world. With unique climate, Chiles grapes have a distinctive flavor, which lay a foundation for qualified wine. The ancient European wine-making method makes Chiles wine have European tradition while with South American flavor, which gives us a kind of new and old overlapping feeling. And it is the uniqueness of Chiles wine. Invited by Chile Wine organization Wine of Chile, we begin our eight-day Chile wine tour. In this tour, we visit wonderful chateaux, go to Patagonia Lake District by cruise, land on the famous Penguin Island to closely contact with penguins, and experience a memorable Chile wine trip.

With 4300 kilometers from north to south and 200 kilometers from east to west, Chile is the longest and narrowest country in the world. The towering Andes separate Chile from Bolivia and Argentina in the east, which forms a thin and narrow zone between Andean west piedmont and Pacific coast. As the narrow and long Chile territory stretches across 38 latitudes from north to south, its climate covers tropical climate in the northern desert, Mediterranean climate in the middle and frigid climate in the southern mountain glaciers. The unique climate and geographical conditions lay a good foundation for Chile to produce highquality wine.

Chile Wine

Chile wine gradually moves toward the world in the 1990s. Due to advantages of low tax, unique flavor, etc, it is deeply loved by the popular. Because of the unique climate, its grapes have a distinctive flavor, which lay a foundation for qualified wine. The ancient European wine-making method makes Chiles wine have European tradition while with South American flavor, which gives us a kind of new and old overlapping feeling. And it is the uniqueness of Chiles wine.

