

传动技术 2015年4期


0 引言

0 Motivation



During the course of transmission development,hundreds of prototype transmissions are assembled,both for internal trials and for customer tests.The development partners(vehicle manufacturers)also require the prototypes for overall vehicle optimization in development.Prior to installation in the vehicle or to delivery to customers,the prototype transmissions undergo a release test run that tests the most important basic functions.In the case described here,the release test is performed on a special electric test bench as shown in Fig.1,whereby the transmission is driven by an electric motor and the output side can be optionally braked or put under a load torque by an eddy current brake.

The conventional method is to manuallycontrol or actuate both the test bench(speed and torque)and the transmission functions(gear changes).This means that during the test run,the test bench driver manually actuates or adjusts the individual test steps and events on a user interface or by pushing buttons.The time sequences of the measurement data are displayed and analyzed online on the screen.This evaluation is very subjectively colored and comparison with strict limit values can be difficult.At the end of the test run in the conventional procedure,only the raw data from the measuring is archived.This makes statistical analysis more difficult and evaluations made may not be immediately understandable later.

图1 测试台Fig.1 Test bench


The objective on introduction of the automated release test run described here was to design the test procedure including pre-conditioning to be reproducible so that it would also be possible to achieve automated evaluation of the measurement data,including OK/NOK evaluation with respect to defined limit values.Additionally,automated reporting as well as statistical recording and evaluation of characteristic values were implemented.Another objective is to develop automatic test procedures for new transmission concepts or new functions and to transfer them to the EOL(End Of Line)release test bench in volume production assembly.

1 测试流程



图2 在自动验证测试中的测试阶段Fig.2 Test phases in the automated release test run

1.1 阶段1:排气


1.2 阶段2和阶段3:暖机和换挡


1.3 阶段4,离合器填充


图3 8HP50的离合器CFig.3 Clutch C in the 8HP50






图4 离合器填充测试Fig.4 Testing clutch filling



1 Procedure

In order to save setup time when necessary,the test procedure is designed so that all important transmission functions can also be tested without the output side being connected.The test procedure of the automated release test run consists essentially of 9 phases,as shown in Fig.2.

The test bench is controlled by a step control program that runs automatically.The equipment used here is a ZF test bench automation software(PASU)on a UNIX basis.The step control program also includes the transmission control via a corresponding CAN interface.This requires the implementation of software modules tailored to the variants and containing the corresponding CANspecifications as well as the appropriate shift sequences.

Before the start of the test run itself,the transmission is pre-conditioned manually as this is necessary to adjust the oil level.This entails shifting all gears for the first time to fill all the clutches.The oil level is adjusted in the running transmission via the oil overflow bore in position P.Also included here is a manual parking lock check in load-free state.

1.1 Phase 1:Venting cycle

The automated test run starts with a newly introduced venting cycle which involves applying an individual number of consecutive pressure impulses to each clutch.Each time,two different clutches receive impulses together in an interlaced sequence in order to avoid force locking.This procedure is already matched to the procedure on the End of Line(EOL)test bench in volume production assembly.The purpose of the venting cycle during pre-conditioning is in particular to identify and reduce delays in pressure buildup caused by original air.To evaluate the venting cycle,the filling impulses of one clutch are shown in an overlapping way so that the pressure buildup can be analyzed.

1.2 Phases 2 and 3:Warming up and changing gears

This is followed by changes into all gears including engaging the lock-up clutch and a constant-speed drive under medium load to warm the transmission up to operating temperature.At the same time,the procedure tests whether the individual gears are engaged,force locking is created,and the corresponding gear ratios are achieved.

1.3 Phase 4:Clutch filling

Typically,the clutches in automatic transmissions connect two torque-carrying shafts or gearset components to each other and consist of a multidisk package with outer and inner multidisks each held in a multidisk carrier,as shown in Figure 3.

The task of the piston is to compress the multidisk package,and for this purpose pressurized oil is applied to the corresponding surface inside the piston chamber.The disk springs open the clutch in the non-pressurized state.

During the test run,each clutch is closed five times under load with a square pulse.Each time,force locking is created even without a connected output side by locking the transmission internally.This means that the clutch to be tested is activated as the fourth clutch while one gear is already activated by three engaged clutches.During this process,the speed of the transmission input shaft is braked at low speed against the torque of the open lock-up gear/torque converter.

In this phase,the filling behavior of the clutch in question is evaluated.In the case of prototype transmissions in which pressure connections of clutch pressures are installed,the pressure characteristics are evaluated.In the case of transmissions without pressure connections(e.g.with volume production housings),the speed and torque curves can be used for evaluation.

Comparative values are evaluated for the following characteristics relating to clutch filling:response time for closing,filling pressure,filling time and response time for opening as well as emptying time,as shown in Fig.4.

The response time when closing results from the time difference between the shift command(electric signal)and the first pressure reaction.The response time is influenced by low-dispersion current times and the task time of the CAN as well as by inertia and frictional forces of the valves and the oil columns to be moved.The filling pressure of the clutch is mainly influenced by the spring force of the return element(disk spring)and the piston frictional forces.It is determined by the pressure level that builds up while the piston moves.The filling time is the time difference between the first pressure reaction and the pressure increase during the effective rapid filling when the piston reaches the multidisk package.It is an indicator of the clutch clearance,or the piston stroke up to contact with the multidisk package.In the case of opening,the response time results from the shift command to the first significant pressure drop and the emptying time up to complete pressure loss in the clutch.The multidisk spring force and the sealing elements again play a role in the emptying time.

In the case of transmissions without pressure connections,the rapid filling time is evaluated as the difference between the shift command up to the reaction of the turbine speed(speed of intake).The measured values are automatically compared with the defined limit values and correspondingly evaluated as OK or NOK.Additionally,the values are entered in an XLS file and statistically evaluated there.

1.4 阶段5和阶段6:升温和泄漏测试

为了测量变速箱内部的泄漏,变速箱的油温需要上升到100°C左右。变速箱的泄漏通过转速饱和度来确定。这意味着,在额定的系统压力下,油泵泵出的油量可以转换为泄漏油量的测量。在系统压力15 bar且所有离合器打开状态下对第一个泄漏比较值进行测量。转速的饱和度在这里基于油泵的特征曲线、泵出的油量、液压模块的泄露和泵的内部泄漏。单个离合器的泄漏通过离合器结合时比较基础泄漏和总泄漏来决定。

测试的过程是由转速降低和升高组成。从期望的饱和度降低到明显的非饱和区间,然后从非饱和区间升高到饱和区间。从而通过转速可以测得在什么点对应了15 bar的系统压力。这样就可以和额定值进行比较,并且记录统计。

图5 泄漏测试Fig.5 Leakage measurement

1.5 阶段7:液压脉冲储油功能测试

液压脉冲储油功能(HIS)是基于发动机启停技术设计,它用于支持油泵的快速启动.在变速箱运行过程中多余的油储存于HIS元件中,当快速启动时元件中的油被释放入液压控制单元的主回路和离合器中。基于此,三个离合器在300 ms内被足够压力的油液填充并结合。


1.6 阶段8:额外的冷却系统


图6 额外冷却系统的测试Fig.6 Testing the additional cooling system

1.7 阶段9,倒档


2 数据分析和报告



图7 FAMOS分析序列(摘要)Fig.7 FAMOS analysis sequences(excerpt)



3 结论



图8 在台架上FAMOS的分析Fig.8 FAMOS analysis on the test bench





1.4 Phases 5 and 6:Warming up and leakage measurement

For measurement of the internal transmission leakages("consumers"),the transmission is first warmed up to an increased operating temperature of 100°C.The internal transmission leakages are indirectly determined by measuring the saturation speed.This means the speed at which a defined system pressure threshold is reached and the oil pump transports exactly the quantity that is"consumed"as leakage in the transmission at the corresponding operating point.The first comparison value for the base leakages is measured without engaged clutches at a pressure threshold of 15 bar.The saturation speed measured here can be converted based on the geometric pump capacity into the delivery quantity that corresponds to the internal leakage of the hydraulic control unit plus the internal pump leakage.The individual clutch leakagesare calculated from the difference between the base leakage and the total leakage when the corresponding clutch is engaged.

图9 测试报告Fig.9 Report

The procedure during this measurement is that the input speed is reduced in a double ramp from above the expected saturation speed to significantly below it,then increased again,as shown in Figure 5.Then the speeds determined at which the system pressure falls below or rises above the 15 bar threshold are evaluated.The comparison values de-termined in this way are also compared with the defined limits and made accessible for statistical analysis in a database.

1.5 Phase 7:Hydraulic impulse oil storage testing

The hydraulic impulse oil storage(HIS)in the transmission hydraulically supports the oil pump during rapid starting(start-stop function).The HIS is filled during operation with excess oil which on rapid starting is released into the primary hydraulic circuit of the transmission supplying the clutches.This way,three clutches can be filled and engaged within 300 ms to generate force locking for setting off.

HIS testing is performed with the transmission stationary and correspondingly stationary oil pump.The HISis triggered when the system pressure drops to zero.The height and length of the pressure impulse in the system during triggering the store are analyzed.

1.6 Phase 8:Additional cooling system

The additional cooling system is an optional functionality for heavy applications.When the clutch is engaged,an increased volume flow of coolant is automatically applied when the clutch pressure exceeds a threshold value during gear changes under high load.The function is tested by measuring an unsaturated secondary pressure at a stationary operating point while the corresponding clutch pressure is increased and decreased again beyond the threshold value in a double ramp.If the additional cooling system is functioning correctly,the secondary pressure drops significantly,as shown in Fig.6.

1.7 Phase 9:Reverse gear

The speed endurance strength of the reverse gear is tested in a separate phase because faulty components can cause an increased drag torque with corresponding increased heat in a clutch.During the test,the transmission drag torque is monitored over a slow speed ramp and for evaluation automatically compared with the fixed limits.

2 Data analysis and reporting

The analysis is performed with the measured data analysis tool FAMOS from IMC.This enables programming of evaluation sequences with pre-installed functions from an extensive command pool.

The entire software architecture for the analysis consists of some 50 sequences,sub-sequences,and sub-dialogs for the individual test phases which are accessed by the analysis dialog during analysis(see Fig.7).A special characteristic of the sequences is that they can by parameterized dynamically,i.e.when a clutch is analyzed,the name of the clutch,the clutch pressure,and the measurand of the triggering signal are transferred to the sequence.

With the help of the FAMOS Dialog Editor,a user interface was designed as shown in Figure 8.Working with this directly on the test bench,the user can pre-select e.g.the variables and subsequently start the automatic analysis including target value comparison of the individual test steps,then visualize the results.Important characteristic values are automatically input into the database,where they are available for statistical analysis.

Additionally,for the purposes of documentation,a report can be generated at the push of a button with the most important characteristic values and output in pdf format,as shown in Figure 9.

3 Results

The installation and implementation of the automated test run for 8HP transmissions with standard and four-wheel drive is complete for all three sizes.We were able to roughly halve the testing time to approx.20-25 min(depending on size),plus setup time.

The limit values(target values)for the main transmission functions were verified by experiments with limit sample transmissions.Here,the dimensions or characteristic values of the corresponding characteristics were deliberately set to the tolerance limit.In the case of clutches,this applies for instance to the clutch clearance and the multidisk spring force.

Additionally,error simulations were carriedout with specially prepared prototype transmissions where characteristics were deliberately set outside the permitted tolerances or parts were installed in a faulty way.As expected,the test results for these transmissions were outside the permitted limits.

Due to the complexity of both the transmission control system and the CAN communication on the test bench as well as the evaluation,there is a broad scope for error which can disrupt the smooth running of the test program,including the evaluation.For this reason,an ongoing optimization phase is designed to enable troubleshooting both in the test bench control program and also in the evaluation routines.

A significant improvement in the test run quality is shown by the fact that,due to the automation,the test program now runs in a reproducible way so that the analysis by means of target/actual comparisons is more objective.Additionally,the automation capability of the analysis enables a complete evaluation and seamless documentation of the results.Furthermore,the automatic transmission control makes it possible to integrate additional test modules with flexible clutch control systems.This would not be feasible in practice with conventional manual control.

The recording and statistical analysis of leakage values and characteristic values of clutch filling behavior allow us to reach conclusions about the spread of parameters as early as the development stage.This information can therefore be applied at an early stage in new designs or in the calibration of necessary program maps in the software.

Automated Release Test Run in Transmission Development

Dipl.-Ing.(FH)Rolf Braun,Maximilian Gaβmann,Zhang Jilin,Dr.Rolf Gall,ZF Friedrichshafen AG,Friedrichshafen


To increase the efficiency of release testing of prototype transmission,and to make comparative analysis and evaluation possible,an automated release test run was established.

变速箱 全自动验证测试 离合器测试

Transmission Automated release test Clutch test




In it,a step control program for the test bench control unit ensured a reproducible test procedure.This meant that additional,new test phases could be integrated that were not possible in manual operation.The measurement data is analyzed with the FAMOS measurement data analysis tool.A user-friendly user interface allows the test bench driver to visualize the results of the individual test modules as soon as they are completed.The permitted limit values are shown simultaneously.To document the results,a release test report is automatically issued,detailing the key functional data of the transmission.

