

新东方英语·中学版 2009年3期

By Alison Snyder


For over 150 years, scientists have known that fires can be extinguished1) with sound waves, but they still don't know how.

"I throw more power into my voice, and now the flame is extinguished," wrote Irish scientist John Tyndall about his experiments with sound and fire in 1857. After countless public demonstrations and a handful of lab tests, researchers are still struggling to determine exactly how sound snuffs2) flames.

Sound travels in waves, which are simply variations of pressure in a medium—whether solid, liquid or gas. The energy from vibrating3) objects moves from particle to particle in the air in a repeating pattern of high- and low-pressure zones that we perceive as sound. According to the ideal gas law, temperature, pressure and volume4) are related; therefore, a decrease in pressure can lead to a corresponding decrease in temperature, which may explain how sound can extinguish a flame.

In 2004, Dmitry Plaks, now a student at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and his classmates at the University of West Georgia tested whether sound waves could extinguish fires in hopes of using sound to extinguish flames in a spacecraft. They placed a candle in a large topless chamber with three bass5) speakers attached to the walls. The candle was lit and the Canadian rock band Nickelback6)'s "How You Remind Me" was pumped through the speakers. Within roughly 10 seconds, once the song hit a low note, the flame was out.

Physicist James Espinosa, a former advisor to the student team, notes that the candle wasn't running out of oxygen to fuel the flame because the chamber was large and open to the air. He also doesn't believe that wind—which would actually displace the warm air around the candle with cooler air—had put out the fire. There is another indication that the fire hadn't been extinguished by wind: frequency7). The students tested a range of frequencies and found that the effective range was between 40 and 50 hertz, within the range of human hearing.

Plaks speculates8) that the pressure drop created by the sound wave was what extinguished the flame. Gary Ruff, project manager for fire suppression technologies at NASA's Glenn Research Center, agrees: if the difference between the high-pressure peak and low-pressure trough9) in the sound wave was large enough, the flame would go out.

Such acoustic10) fire suppression might prove useful in space, Espinosa suggests. But Ruff and NASA disagree with him: Making the sound waves to extinguish a fire would require electricity, and astronauts would also have to be able to see the flames in order to direct sound waves at them.

Nevertheless, this summer Espinosa will try to extinguish a larger flame with a smaller speaker system. He plans to create an electric arc11), like that used for welding12). This spark creates a shock wave13) that can be focused with an acoustic horn14) so that an array15) of such waves can be aimed at the fire.

Such a system might prove useful here for putting out fires in locations whose contents could be damaged by water, such as museums that house valuable artwork or centers with data servers or other electrical equipment. "Sound is being used to cut pieces of metal, to destroy kidney stones," Espinosa adds. "It can do more than people give it credit for16)," including, apparently, firefighting.











1. extinguish [Ik5stIN^wIF] vt. 熄灭,扑灭(火等)

2. snuff [snQf] vt. 熄灭,掐灭(蜡烛等)

3. vibrate [vaI5breIt] vi. 颤动;振动;抖动

4. volume [5vRlju:m; (?@) -jEm] n. 音量,声量;响度

5. bass [beIs] adj. (乐器)低音的

6. Nickelback: 加拿大当红摇滚乐队,其专辑All the Right Reasons自2005年发行以来,创下了在美国音乐排行榜Billboard 200中停留156周的纪录,迄今为止总销量接近700万张。最新专辑Dark Horse也凭借32.6万张的骄人销量夺得了Billboard 2008年12月的亚军。

7. frequency [5fri:kwEnsI] n. 【物】频率,周率

8. speculate [5spekjuleIt] vt. 推测,推断

9. trough [trC:f] n. 【物】波谷

10. acoustic [E5ku:stIk] adj. 受声波控制的

11. electric arc: 电弧;arc [B:k] n. 弧

12. welding [5weldIN] n. 焊接;焊合

13. shock wave: 冲击波,运动气体中的强压缩波

14. acoustic horn: 射声器,喇叭(筒),传话筒

15. array [E5reI] n. 整齐的一批;大量

16. give sb./sth. credit for: 认为某人(物)有(某种优点或能力)


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