新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 7重难点精讲精练


中学生英语·阅读与写作 2009年5期


1.问 这一课我们学了nobody这个单词,但是我还不

答 知道everybody, somebody和anybody,它们有什么区别呢?


(1) nobody意为“没人”,是否定词,表示否定意义,一般在句中作主语。例如:

Nobody is in the room. 房间里没有人。

(2) everybody意为“每个人”,表示集体概念,但当其在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:

Everybody loves their parents. 每个人都爱自己的父母。

(3) somebody意为“某人”,一般用在肯定句中,但如果是表示请求等,可用在疑问句中。例如:

There is somebody outside waiting for you. 外面有个人在等你。

Can somebody help me? 有人能帮帮我吗?

(4) anybody意为“任何人”,一般用在否定句和疑问句中。例如:

I dont know anybody. (=I know nobody.)我一个人都不认识。

Does anybody want to go? 有人想去吗?

2.问 tall和high都有“高”的意思,它们之间有什么区别?

答 tall和high这两个形容词都表示“高”,但有时含义不同,可修饰的对象也不同。

(1) tall指从某物(或人)的顶端到底部的长度,与此物(或人)的宽度相对,往往含有高度远过于宽度,或高于同类物体的意味。它通常指人、树、建筑物等的高度,其反义词是short。例如:

Yao Ming is a very tall man. 姚明是一个身材高大的人。

There is a tall tree behind our classroom. 我们教室后面有一棵高树。

(2) high指高度,强调的是从地面或某基准面向上到某点的距离,通常用来形容山脉、高楼等,其反义词是low。例如:

That is a high mountain. 那是一座高山。

The table is one meter high. 这张桌子一米高。

(3) 注意tall和high的名词形式都是height(高度)。例如:

What is the height of the new station? 新车站有多高?

(4) high常用于比喻,表示程度、地位、时间、声音、价格等方面的“高”,而tall却不能这样用。例如:

Date_________ Weather_________

high temperature(高温),high price(高价),high speed(高速),high voice(高声),high summer(盛夏)等。

3.问 我们课文中有这样两个句子:1. Shes good-looking but shes a little bit quiet. 2. Shes short and a little bit heavy.请老师解释一下a little bit的用法,好吗?

答 好的。a little bit与a little同义,两者都意为“一点儿、少许”。She is a little bit quiet.也可说成Shes a little quiet.由于a little bit是固定结构,因此不可以将little和bit调换位置,也就是说,只能说a little bit,不可以说a bit little,这一点在使用时要特别注意。

4.问 What ... look like?是本单元里的一个主要问句,请问老师,怎么回答这种疑问句?

答 在What ... look like?中,如果主语是“人”,如What does she look like?/ What do you look like? /What do they look like? 则通常问的是人的“外貌”,因此答语通常是表示“相貌特征”的形容词或名词,如:Shes short./Im thin. /Theyre of medium height.等。如果主语是“某物”或“某个地方”,如:What does the hat look like?/What does the city look like?等,则通常问的是某物或某地的“外部特征”,因此答语通常是表示“外部特征”的形容词或名词,如It looks like a cat./Its very clean./Its a beautiful place. 等。

5.问 请给我解释一下She never stops talking.这句话,好吗?

答 好的。此句相当于 “She is always talking!”意为“她总是讲个不停!”。句中的never是副词,意为“从不;决不”,它在句中的位置与always在句中的位置相同。

stop在此是动词,意为“停止;终于”,常构成stop doing sth.与stop to do sth.两种结构。stop doing sth.意为“停止做某事”,强调停止现在正在做的事情;stop to do sth.意为“停下来去做另一件事”,强调停止现在正在做的事情,然后去做另外一件事情。例如:

Stop singing, please!请停止唱歌!

Stop to listen to me. 停下来听我讲。

6.问 本单元主要学习询问外貌与描述外貌,请老师给我归纳一下其常用句型,好吗?

答 好的。请看下面的归纳。


1. What + do/does +某人(主语) + look like?, 侧重于询问人的长相或总体特征。例如:

—What does his brother look like? 他哥哥长得什么样子?

—He has a medium build. 中等身材。

2. What is/are+某人(主语) like?, 侧重于询问人的性格、气质、个性等内在的东西。例如:

—What is Miss Green like? 格琳小姐是个什么样的人?

—She is quite nice. 她相当和善。


1. 从身高、体重方面:

My uncle is medium height. 我叔叔中等个儿。

Our English teacher is medium build. 我们的英语老师中等身材。

2. 从发型、面部特征方面:

Jack has curly hair. 杰克有一头卷发。

My P.E. teacher has a beard. 我们的体育老师留着胡须。

3. 从着装方面:

Date_______ Weather_________

They are wearing uniforms. 他们穿着制服。

【拓展】 有些描述人的短语不只有表面理解的含义,更多时候用其引申含义,所以使用时应该注意:

long face 可以指人的脸很长,更多时候表示不高兴,拉长脸。例如:

She has a long face all day long. 她整天拉长着脸。

big mouth 可以指人的嘴很大,也可形容人爱乱讲话。例如:

I dont like her, because she always has a big mouth. 我不喜欢她,因为她整天讲话。

big nose 可以指人的鼻子很大,也形容人总爱打听别人的私事。例如:

You have a big nose, Jim. This is private. 你真爱打听,吉姆,这是隐私。


Ⅰ. 用everybody, somebody, anybody和nobody补全短文。

There are four people. Theyre everybody, somebody, anybody and (1)_______. There is a job to do and (2)_______ is asked (被要求) to do it. Everybody is sure that (3) _______ will do it. (4)_______ can do it, but (5)_______ does it. They get angry (生气的) about that because it is (6) _______ job. At last, (7) _______ does it when (8) _______ can do it.

Ⅱ. 用tall或high填空。

1. Your price is too _________.

2. He is a _________ boy.

3. This kind of flowers grows in _________ mountains.

4. —What does he look like?

—He is _________ and thin.

Ⅲ. 单项选择。

( )1. What ________ Jenny ________ like?

A. does; look B. is; looks C. is; look D. does; looks

( )2. She ________ of medium build and ________ long hair.

A. has; is B. is; has

C. has; has D. is; is

( )3. —What does Mary look like? —________.

A. She is fine B. She has brown hair

C. She is looking at a picture D. She likes action movies

( )4. —________?

—She has long hair.

A. Who is she B. What does she do

C. What does she look like D. What is she

( )5. Stop ________ computer games, George. Its time for lunch.

A. playing B. play C. to play D. plays

( )6. —What does Mary look like? —________.

A. She is a little thin B. She is a bit little thin

C. She is a bit thin D. She is little bit thin

( )7. —________?

—Its two ears (耳朵) are big and long.

A. What does a rabbit (兔子) look like B. What does a rabbit like

C. What does a rabbit look D. What is a rabbit look like

( )8. —What does Beijing look like? —________.

A. I dont like it B. Its beautiful

C. I like it D. It looks like a big city

Ⅳ. 句型转换。

1. His brother ismedium build. (就划线部分提问)

_______ does his brother _______ _______?

2. She has long curly hair. (改为一般疑问句) _______ she _______ long curly hair?

3. Lucy is like Lily. (改为同义句)

Lucy _______ _______ Lily.

Keys: Ⅰ.1. nobody2. everybody3. somebody4. Anybody5. nobody6. everybodys7. nobody8. anybody Ⅱ. 1. high2. tall3. high4. tallⅢ. 1~5 ABBCA 6~8 AAB Ⅳ. 1. What; look like2. Does; have3. looks like


反义词 大不同
Taking Meals(就餐)