新目标英语九年级Unit 15随堂通


中学生英语·中考指导版 2009年4期

王 琳 刘洪生

I. 请根据句意及括号中所给汉语或首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词,使句子完整。

1. Some of the ___________(沼泽) have become dangerous places.

2. We should try our best to save ___________(濒于灭绝的) species.

3. I like this animal because its strong and___________(聪明的).

4. There is no ___________(原因,理由) to believethat hes dishonest.

5. The animal called m___________ is about 10 feetlong and weighs about 1, 000 pounds.

6. When we go to the desert, well see little v___________ there.

7. Its harmful for the villagers to eat or drink the p___________ food or water.

8. Elephants are strong, but they arent a__________ at all. They are usually very friendly.

Ⅱ. 根据句意及课本内容,用适当的介词或副词填空。

1. Use the facts ___________ the chart above to role. Play a conversation ___________ a student and a zoo attendant.

2. Manatees eat __________ 100 pounds food a day.

3. Im writing to say Im ___________ building a new zoo in our town.

4. Zoos are terrible places ___________ animals to live in.

5. I have visited a lot ___________ zoos __________my life.

Ⅲ. 选择填空。

( )1. —Would you like ___________ some milk?

—No, thanks.

A. drinks B. drinking C. to drink D. a drink

( )2. —Could you tell us ___________ themanatees, please?

—Certainly. Were trying ___________ them.

A. /; to save B. for; saved

C. about; to save D. on; saving

( )3. —Im also interested in this topic very much.


A. So do I B. So am I

C. So have I D. So I am

( )4. Tigers and pandas are ___________ animals.

A. danger B. endangered

C. endanger D. dangerous

( )5. Some of the swamps have become _________.

A. pollute B. polluted C. pollutes D. polluting

( )6. Im __________ to find there are hardly anyanimals in the zoo.

A. sad B. glad C. afraid D. surprised

( )7. —Have you had your lunch?

—No, I dont like ___________ anything.

A. eat B. eats C. to eat D. eating

( )8. —of the animals on land is thesecond strongest?

—Ive no idea.

A. Which B. What C. When D. Why

( )9. —Dont forget to turn off the lights.


A. I wont B. I cant C. I dont D. I didnt

( )10. —I think we should protect animals.

—Yes, ___________ them is getting smaller.

A. many of B. most of

C. the number of D. a number of

Ⅳ. 根据所给的汉语提示完成英语句子,每空一词。

1. 他们正努力为他们的新公司筹款。

Theyre ________ ________ ________ money for their new company.

2. 要做个好的推销员一定要有闯劲才能成功。

A good salesman ________ ________ ________ if he wants to succeed.

3. 我想跟你说句话,现在合适吗?

Is this ________ ________ ________ for me to have a word with you?

4. 那个学校的变化使他们感到很惊奇。

They ________ ________ ________ the change of that school.

5. 她在父亲久病期间,一直照料着他。

She ________ ________ her father all throughhis long illness.

Step Ⅱ(for Section B)

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。

1. A key is m________of metal.

2. Manatees are about 10 f________long and weigh about 1,000 pounds.

3. I visited the zoo and couldnt b________what I saw.

4. Please turn off the l ________before youleave the room.

5. The radio is too n________. Could you please turn it down?

6. A dog is a kind of u________animal.

7. Why are English words w ________on these things?

8. Its very important to prevent the pollution of the e________ .

Ⅱ. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. He was surprised________ (find) the dog that he had lost.

2.________(Recycle) some waste things is very useful.

3. Dont plan on________(drive) a car in Singapore.

4. Dont worry. Your radio________(repair) very soon.

5. The workers________(make) ________(work)12 hours a day last year.

6. This kind of skirts________(sell) very well.

7. I saw a wallet________(lie) on the ground.

8. Tom________(go) out an hour ago. He________ (be) back in an hour.

Ⅲ. 翻译句子,一空一词。

1. 他有一只斑点狗。

He________a ________ dog.

2. 学生们在进行慈善募捐。

The students ________ ________________________ ________ .

3. 我们必须阻止有害气体污染空气。

We must ________harmful gas________ our air.

4. 这张桌子是用再生纸做的。

This table________________ ________________________ .

5. 我们反对学生们玩电脑游戏。

We________________________students________computer games.

Ⅳ. 易混词语练中辨。

1. stop doing; stop to do

①Im really very tired. Lets stop ________(have) a rest.

②They stopped ________(talk) when the teacher came into the classroom.

③Grandpa stopped ________(listen) butthere was no sound.

④Do you know when it has stopped _______(rain)?

2. hear of; hear from

①She said she had never ________ such afunny story before.

②The old man ________ his son who worked in the USA yesterday.

③Have you ________ the accident that happened in the park?

④My mother often ________ her classmates.

3. be made of; be made from;

be made by; be made in

①The table ________ wood and metal, isnt it?

②I think most of paper we use ________ grass.

③This kind of CD player ________ Japan.

④ Jims birthday cake _______ Mrs Black last night.

4. used to; be used to; be used to doing

①He used _______(go) to work by bike, but hewent to work on foot today.

② Im used ________(get) up early now.

③ Bamboos can be used ________(carry) water.

④ Her father used ________(be) a famous basketball player.

Step Ⅲ(for Self-check)

Ⅰ. 根据下列动物征描述,将代表符合特征的动物的编号填


( )1. A yellow and black spotted animal which runs the fastest on earth.

( )2. A white and aggressive animal that lives in areas near the North Pole.

( )3. A large and endangered Chinese wild animal with black and white fur.

( )4. A big and gray animal which lives in the water under trees in mangrove swamps.

( )5. The largest wild animal that lives in Africa and Asia. It has thick grey skin and a very long nose.

( )6. A large Australian animal that moves by jumping, has strong back legs, and carries its baby in a pouch.

( )7. An African animal with back or brown fur that lives and hunts in groups.

It belongs to (属于) the ape (类人猿) family which is the most similar to humans.

Ⅱ. 根据句意用下列各题空格内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. As a teacher, I am against __________(teach) students lessons on weekends.

2. I dont think its a good way for animals __________(live) in the zoos.

3. The song helps to educate the students about ___________(get) up early in the morning.

4. I urge all the drivers __________(drive) more carefully.

5. In order to help save the planet, you should stop __________(ride) cars and start riding bikes.

6. Theyre talking about __________(visit) the Great Wall during the summer vocations.

Ⅲ. 根据括号内汉语提示完成句子。

1. Manatees are about _________________(10英尺长) and they weigh about 1,000 pounds.

2. There ________________(过去有) a lot of manatees in the water under the trees in mangrove


3. Manatees are endangered because some of the swamps _______________(已经被污染了).

4. Some people think that zoos are terrible places for animals ________________(居住).

5. When I saw so many dead fish floating (漂浮) on the river, I couldnt believe _____________(我所见到的).

6. Its so important _______________(回收) paper to solve the trees.

7. You should turn off the shower while you ______________(洗澡).

Step Ⅳ(能力拓展)

Ⅰ. 阅读理解。

You can see whales(鲸) in the sea in many parts of the world. Now, whale watching is a tourist business in some places. In California there are land trips, boats, etc. to watch grey whales in their natural surroundings. Its become big business on many coasts (海岸/海滨).

What do the whales feel about this? Well, they seem to enjoy the attention. The whales swim very close to the boat—sometimes too close ! The high streams of water that come from the whales often make the tourists clothes very wet; and the whale sometimes move along the boat, rising and falling in a friendly—but dangerous way. The whales even put their heads out of water for tourists to pat (轻轻地拍) them!

So the whales like humans to watch them as they lift themselves high in the air and turn over.

Its an exciting sight—40 tons of grey whale! But the whales are so interested in the people who come to see them that they forget their normal way of life. People are now studying the whales to see if their behaviour(行为) has changed. The U.S scientists are trying to find out if the whales have stopped marriage. If they have stopped, this could be a serious situation. Perhaps, the whales are too interested in watching the tourists who are watching them.

( )1. Which of the following is NOT a good place to do business of whale watching?

A. California. B. Easter coast cities.

C. Hawaii Islands. D. Rocky Mountains.

( )2. How does the whale like to be watched by tourists?

A. Very much. B. A little.

C. Not at all. D. Not mentioned in the text.

( )3. Who may make the tourist wet?

A. Californians. B. Tourists themselves.


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