

国际人才交流 2023年4期

文/Peng Sun(加拿大) 译/张佳艺







The rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through a Chinese Path to Modernization has become a hot topic in recent times.The report to the 20th CPC National Congress proposes the five key characteristics and nine essential requirements of the Chinese Path to Modernization. These characteristics and requirements are crucial in the pursuit of high-quality development, building a human community with a shared future, and creating a new form of human advancement. This article seeks to expound the understanding of the five key characteristics and nine essential requirements, analyze the difficulties and challenges for China, and give suggestions on China’s modernization.

The Five Key Characteristics of Chinese Path to Modernization

China’s enormous population presents a unique challenge in its pursuit of modernization. However, the Chinese Path to Modernization recognizes that the process must prioritize the needs of all people and ensure that no one is left behind. By prioritizing the common prosperity of all people, the Chinese government aims to create a society that benefits everyone,regardless of social status or income level. This inclusive approach to modernization is essential for China’s continued growth and success.

The Chinese government recognizes that modernization must prioritize the common prosperity of all people and has made significant efforts to promote economic growth and reduce poverty. The Chinese Path to Modernization recognizes that a significant wealth gap between citizens is a barrier to modernization and has implemented policies to address this issue. By prioritizing the common prosperity of all people, China can create a more equitable and inclusive society that benefits everyone and ensures that no one is left behind in its pursuit of modernization.

The Chinese Path to Modernization recognizes that modernization must balance the development of the economy with the preservation of cultural heritage and promotion of social values. China’s cultural heritage is a significant part of its national identity and has played a crucial role in shaping its society. Therefore, modernization must not come at the cost of erasing the past or neglecting the spiritual and cultural needs of its people. By promoting both material and spiritual development, China can create a society that values both economic growth and cultural heritage, ensuring a sustainable and prosperous future for all its citizens.




The Chinese Path to Modernization recognizes that modernization must prioritize environmental protection and promote a sustainable economy. China has faced significant environmental challenges due to its rapid economic growth,including air and water pollution, deforestation, and soil degradation. Therefore, the government has implemented policies to promote sustainable development, reduce pollution levels, and protect natural resources. By prioritizing environmental protection, China can achieve sustainable economic growth and ensure a healthy environment for future generations.

The Chinese Path to Modernization recognizes that modernization must be achieved through peaceful means,without engaging in military expansion or aggression towards other nations. China is committed to the principles of peaceful coexistence and has emphasized the importance of building mutually beneficial relationships with other nations based on respect and equality. China’s emphasis on peaceful development has allowed it to strengthen its economic ties with other countries and play a leading role in promoting international cooperation and world peace. By prioritizing peaceful coexistence, China can contribute to a more stable and prosperous global community.






The Nine Essential Requirements of Chinese Path to Modernization

The Chinese Path to Modernization recognizes the critical role of the Communist Party of China’s leadership in guiding the country’s development. The Party’s leadership ensures that the country’s modernization policies align with its strategic goals and national interests. The Party’s leadership has been instrumental in shaping China’s economic and social development policies, from promoting innovation and technological advancement to implementing poverty reduction programs. The Party’s leadership has also ensured political stability and provided a framework for national unity and social harmony. Therefore, the Communist Party’s leadership is essential for achieving China’s modernization goals and ensuring a prosperous future for all its citizens.

The Chinese Path to Modernization acknowledges that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the guiding ideology for China’s modernization. China must develop its economy while preserving socialist values and promoting social stability.This means that China’s modernization process should focus on improving people’s livelihoods and providing them with equal opportunities. The country’s economic growth should benefit all citizens, and the government should ensure that social welfare programs are in place to support the most vulnerable members of society. By prioritizing socialism with Chinese characteristics,China can achieve sustainable development, promote social harmony and stability, and realize the common prosperity of all its people.

The Chinese Path to Modernization prioritizes high-quality development, which involves improving the quality of economic growth, optimizing the industrial structure, and promoting innovation. China’s development should focus on enhancing the quality of life of its citizens, rather than just increasing the size of its economy. The country should prioritize sustainable development, innovation, and upgrading its industrial structure,to promote higher value-added industries, improve productivity,and boost the competitiveness of its economy. By pursuing highquality development, China can realize its modernization goals,promote sustainable growth, and contribute to the prosperity of the global community.

The Chinese Path to Modernization recognizes the importance of people’s democracy throughout the modernization process. China believes that citizens should have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives and communities. The government should actively promote citizens’ participation in decision-making processes and enhance public oversight of government policies. This includes developing institutions that encourage citizen participation, such as town hall meetings, public hearings, and online forums. By promoting people’s democracy, China can foster a more engaged and active citizenry, promote social stability, and ensure that the country’s modernization policies align with citizens’ needs and aspirations.





The Chinese Path to Modernization recognizes that spiritual enrichment is essential for citizens’ overall wellbeing. China believes that modernization must not only focus on economic development but also on cultural development.The country must promote its cultural heritage and encourage citizens to participate in cultural activities that enrich their lives. This includes developing cultural institutions, preserving historic sites, and promoting traditional Chinese art forms,such as calligraphy, music, and dance. By prioritizing spiritual enrichment, China can promote social harmony and enhance citizens’ quality of life, which is an essential component of the Chinese Path to Modernization.

The Chinese Path to Modernization emphasizes the importance of common prosperity for all people, which means that no citizen should be left behind. To achieve this, China must prioritize policies that reduce income inequality, such as implementing fair taxation policies and increasing wages. The government must also ensure equal access to education and healthcare, so that every citizen has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Improving the standard of living for all citizens is also essential, which can be achieved by investing in infrastructure and providing social safety nets for those in need.

The Chinese Path to Modernization recognizes the vital importance of environmental protection in the country’s modernization journey. China’s commitment to ecological civilization requires reducing pollution, conserving natural resources, and promoting sustainable development. The country has implemented various policies and regulations to address environmental concerns, such as improving air and water quality and investing in clean energy. China’s development must prioritize ecological sustainability to ensure a better future for all citizens and the world at large.

The Chinese Path to Modernization recognizes that cultural diversity is essential for human civilization’s development, and promoting it is critical in modernization. China must value cooperation, mutual respect, and peaceful coexistence with other nations to develop a new form of human civilization. The path involves promoting cultural exchange and dialogue with other nations, respecting each other’s differences, and learning from each other. Through developing a global community with shared interests and values, China can work together with other nations to address global challenges and promote mutual development.









Suggestions on China’s Modernization

Despite China’s progress towards modernization, several challenges and difficulties remain. The following are some of the significant challenges facing China:

Environmental degradation is a significant challenge facing China. The country has suffered from severe air, water, and soil pollution. China has implemented various policies to address this issue, such as promoting renewable energy and strengthening environmental regulations, but progress is slow.

Income inequality is another challenge that China faces.While the country has lifted millions out of poverty, the income gap between urban and rural areas remains significant. Wealth inequality is also a growing concern.

Social stability is critical to China’s development. The government must balance economic growth with social stability to avoid social unrest. China has implemented policies to address issues such as corruption and inequality, but more work needs to be done to ensure social stability.

Finally, China faces increasing international competition. The tensions between China and The United States have risen in recent years.

Environmental protection. Environmental protection is crucial for China’s sustainable development. To achieve this goal, the government must prioritize environmental protection and invest in clean energy.

One of the key solutions is to increase the use of renewable energy. China has already made significant progress in this area,with the country becoming the world’s largest producer of solar and wind energy. The government should continue to invest in clean energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, and promote the use of electric vehicles to reduce carbon emissions from transportation.

Another important strategy is to reduce pollution levels. The government should strengthen environmental regulations and enforce them effectively. It should also promote the use of clean technologies to reduce emissions from industries such as coal-fired power plants and steel production.

Conserving natural resources is also critical to environmental protection. The government should promote sustainable practices such as reforestation and land restoration to prevent soil erosion and desertification. It should also regulate the use of water resources to prevent over-extraction and ensure that water is used efficiently.










Overall, environmental protection is an essential component of China’s sustainable development. The government should prioritize this issue and take concrete steps to reduce pollution levels, promote clean energy, and conserve natural resources.

Income redistribution. To address income inequality, China’s government must prioritize income redistribution policies. One such policy would be to reduce the income gap between urban and rural areas, as well as between different regions. This can be achieved by investing in infrastructure and promoting economic development in rural areas, while also implementing tax policies that target the wealthy and redistribute wealth to lower-income individuals.

Another key strategy would be to promote education and training programs to improve citizens’ employability. By investing in education and providing access to job training programs, the government can help individuals develop the skills they need to secure higher-paying jobs and reduce income inequality.

The government can also encourage the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas, which would create jobs and generate income for the local population. This can be achieved by providing financial support and training programs to entrepreneurs in these regions.

Finally, the government should promote policies that encourage the growth of the middle class. This can be achieved by creating more opportunities for upward mobility, such as increasing access to education and job training programs,promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, and providing social safety nets for those who fall behind.

In summary, to reduce income inequality in China, the government must prioritize income redistribution policies,promote education and training programs, encourage the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas,and promote policies that encourage the growth of the middle class. By taking these steps, China can ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth and achieve sustainable development for all its citizens.

Promoting social stability. Promoting social stability is crucial for China’s sustainable development. To achieve this, the government should prioritize addressing social issues such as inequality and corruption. This can be done by implementing policies that target the root causes of these issues, such as improving access to education and healthcare, and providing social safety nets to vulnerable populations.

The government should also strengthen legal institutions to ensure that the rule of law is upheld and that citizens’ rights are protected. This includes improving the judicial system, cracking down on corruption and promoting transparency in governance.Additionally, the government should work to promote social harmony by fostering a sense of national unity and promoting cultural diversity.






Another important aspect of promoting social stability is improving the welfare system. The government should invest in social programs that provide assistance to those in need, such as the elderly, disabled, and low-income families. This will not only help reduce poverty and inequality but also promote a sense of social justice and stability.

Moreover, the government should encourage greater participation by civil society organizations and individuals in addressing social issues. This can be achieved by providing incentives and support to NGOs and grassroots organizations that work to address social issues, and by fostering a culture of civic engagement and participation.

International cooperation. As China’s global influence continues to grow, it is crucial for the country to prioritize international cooperation and communication. One suggestion is to promote cultural exchange by investing in programs that allow for greater exchange of ideas and perspectives between China and other countries. This can involve supporting initiatives that facilitate international travel for students, scholars, and artists, and promoting language education and cultural exchange programs.

Another way to enhance international cooperation is to improve China’s international communication efforts. This includes developing a more robust public diplomacy strategy and expanding China’s media presence overseas to ensure that China’s perspective is represented accurately in global news coverage. In addition,China can work to improve its foreign language proficiency and invest in training more foreign language teachers to enhance its communication capabilities.

Finally, China should continue to develop its soft power as a means of enhancing its global influence. This can involve promoting China’s culture, values, and institutions to build a positive image of the country overseas.

China’s success in achieving its modernization goals can serve as a valuable model for other developing countries seeking to achieve economic growth, environmental protection, and social development.


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