

英语世界 2022年12期

文/戴维·莱博维茨 戴安娜·刘 译介/张菊

David moved to Paris in 2004, and after years of cooking, baking, and tasting both the sweet and unsavory parts of life in France (the sweet being the pastries, the unsavory the experiences with bank tellers), he’s cultivated la vie du quartier, an intimate knowledge of one’s arrondissement1arrondissement〈法〉区。相当于英语中的district。that few attain.His Paris is multicultural, tightknit, and deliciously creative—a more down-to-earth side of the city that often goes unnoticed.

2004 年,戴维移居法国巴黎。多年在法国烹调烘焙,体验法国生活的甘苦(甘甜的是糕点,苦涩的是与银行出纳员打交道的经历)之后,他已熟谙这里的市井生活,很少有人像他那样深入了解自己生活的区域。他的巴黎是多元文化的,紧凑且富有创意——这是这座城市更接地气的一面,也是常常被忽视的一面。


2On the eve of the launch ofDrinking French, his new book that takes a delectable dive into the iconic drinks of France, David brought HiP Paris2一个旨在帮助游客及巴黎本地人深度开发了解巴黎的网站。on a tour of his perfect day in Paris, which includes a walk around Belleville, naturally fermented pastries, pork dumplings, and the best coffee and spirits the city has to offer.

Café au lait and a walk through Belleville

3In the morning, I usually get up around 7 am, stay in my pajamas, and have coffee at home.In America, people like to drink a pot of coffee, but to me coffee is like a punctuation mark—one shot and I’m good.


3早晨我一般7 点左右起床,穿着睡衣在家先喝点儿咖啡。在美国,人们早起后喜欢喝一壶咖啡,但对我来说,咖啡就像一个标点符号——一杯就好。

4Afterward, I’d walk over to Belleville; it’s around 20 minutes on foot from where I live in the 11th arrondissement3第11 区,位于塞纳河右岸。巴黎共20 个区,以塞纳河中段为中心螺旋形顺时针外展。邮政编码以75开头,尾数是每个区的数字。比如,第11 区的邮政编码是75011。.It’s a multicultural neighborhood that feels authentic.If you want to see the real Paris, this is where you go.One thing people, especially foreigners, often forget about Paris is that it’s a melting pot.Belleville is also an inexpensive neighborhood, which means that young people can afford to open up businesses there.

4随后,我会走到贝尔维尔,从我住的11 区步行过去约20分钟。这是一个原汁原味的多元文化社区;如果想看看真正的巴黎,就该来这里。人们,尤其是外国人,经常忘记一点:巴黎是个大熔炉。贝尔维尔还是一个生活成本不高的社区,这意味着很适合年轻人在此创业。


5First, I’d stop at La Fontaine de Belleville and have acafé noisette4榛子咖啡,准确说是榛果风味的咖啡,有浓浓的榛果味和奶香味。正规榛子咖啡的榛果味来自于榛果提取物制作的榛果糖浆,并非在咖啡中直接加入实物榛果。.It’s a French coffee shop for the new generation with a great vibe5vibe 气氛,环境。, quality coffee,homemade desserts, and really good sandwiches.They’re famous for their classicjambon-beurresandwich6火腿黄油三明治,一种经典的法式三明治。一般做法是,将外脆里嫩的长棍面包纵向切半后在内侧抹上黄油,再夹入熟火腿(也称巴黎火腿),有时还会放酸黄瓜片。, made with Prince de Paris ham—it’s the last boiled ham actually made in Paris.

Produce, pork dumplings, and pastries

6Next, I’d go shopping for some ingredients.Terroirs d’Avenir sells beautiful French produce as well as a variety of cheeses and butters.There are also a lot of stores over on Boulevard de Belleville.I like to stop by Djudjura Blida, a North African butcher, for meat—a lamb shoulder7羊肩肉,羊腿上方、脊椎两侧的肉,一般指羊的第一根到第四根肋骨上的肉。因肌肉运动多,所以这个部位的脂肪分布更均匀,肉质滑嫩,鲜美多汁,适合做炖羊肉、烤羊肉、红焖羊肉等。to braise or a roast chicken for dinner.It’s not particularly scenic, but it’s a real slice of this part of Paris.There are also a lot of Middle Easternépiceries(small grocery stores) in Belleville, like Produits du Monde.As a baker, I need to buy ingredients in big quantities, and this spot is perfect for that.I also just enjoy wandering around the neighborhood—it’s how I discover things.




7For lunch, I’d head to Raviolis Chinois Nord-Est—their pork dumplings are the way to go! I also love the spicy dumplings over at Trois Fois Plus de Piment8位于三区的一家川菜馆,在巴黎的中餐馆中很有名。, although that’s in a different arrondissement.As a former Californian,I adore Asian food and eat it a lot… it’s very fulfilling for me.

8Afterwards, I’d walk over to Le Petit Grain and pick up a pastry and some bread.The pastries there are what I call“bakers’ pastries” rather than fancy French pastries.Everything is naturally fermented and they don’t use yeast in their croissants.They don’t use plastic either.It’s a zero-waste bakery!


An apéro9apéro = apéritif〈法〉开胃酒。该词源自拉丁词aperire(打开),意为在正餐前开启好胃口(ouvrir l’appétit)。法国人喝开胃酒通常在下班后、晚餐前。大多数法国家庭在晚上8 点后才吃晚餐,此前人们会喝点儿开胃酒、吃点儿开胃小菜垫垫肚子。开胃酒不一定非得是酒,也可以是餐前饮用的无酒精软饮料,并可配以水果、奶酪盘、熟食盘、小零食等。法国人常喝的开胃酒有香槟、气泡酒、基尔酒、荨麻酒、茴香酒、利尔酒、皮诺酒、调配鸡尾酒等。白葡萄酒和红酒一般是正餐酒(vin à table),正餐时饮用。 hour sans prétention

9Then I’d stop at La Cave de Belleville for a bottle of wine.It’s a natural wine bar without the dogma.Natural wine has become a big deal in Paris,but there can be a certain snobbism associated with it, even though natural wine is, in fact, a very earthy ingredient!I’m not a wine expert, so I’d just ask them for a recommendation.It’s also a great place for dinner—you can order a charcuterie platter and a bottle of wine from the shelves.



10Forapérohour, I’d head over to Combat, a cocktail bar in the neighborhood.I met the owner, Margot Lecarpentier, at a food presentation and fell in love with her work.I’m always in awe of bartenders, and she has this beautiful way of presenting cocktails like they’re food, on a low counter rather than a high bar.


11You really feel like you’re being taken care of when you’re there.The cocktails change all the time, but one of my favorites is the Quatresse, a drink named after four ingredients that all start with an “s”: sage, Suze, syrup,and Scotch whisky, which I included inDrinking French.Margot explained to me that the neighborhood is actually called Combat because it hosted animal fights from the late 1700s until the middle of the following century, when city authorities banned the practice.

11在那儿,你会真切感到自己受到热情接待。鸡尾酒总在变,但有一款一直是我的最爱,那便是夸特雷斯,一种根据其中四种成分命名的鸡尾酒,每种成分都以字母s 打头:sage(鼠尾草)、Suze(苏兹)、syrup(糖浆)和Scotch whisky(苏格兰威士忌)。我把这款鸡尾酒收录在了《喝在法国》这本书里。玛戈向我解释说,这片街区其实就叫“战斗”,因为从18 世纪末这儿就开始举办动物格斗赛,直到19 世纪中市政当局禁止了这种做法。

12Everything in France has a story, including the drinking culture.The French have their café in the morning, their apéro in the afternoon… they’re a part of their social life and traditions.In the book, I wanted to take a deeper look at France through the lens of their drinks.For instance, take pastis, an anise-flavored alcohol.When it was introduced, it killed many regional apéritifs because everyone wanted to pretend like they were in Marseille, pastis’ hometown.Hence, regional apéritifs ended up falling out of favor.So it’s not just a drink—there’s an entire history behind it.


Dinner and a soirée au calme

13For dinner, I might head over to a friend’s house around 9 pm—the French eat late! No drinks for me afterward.I’d just head home to bed.I banned screens in my bedroom, so I’ll usually spend some time reading.Right now, I’m working my way throughThe Seine:The River That Made Parisby Elaine Sciolino.■


13晚餐,我也许去朋友家吃,晚上9 点左右吧——法国人晚饭吃得很晚!晚餐之后我就什么都不喝了。我会直接回家睡觉。我的卧室不放带屏幕的物品,所以睡前我通常会读会儿书。最近,我正读伊莱恩·西奥利诺的《塞纳河:造就巴黎的河流》。 □

