

英语世界 2022年12期

文/爱德华·科平 译介/宁一中

1825 年,迪洛尔出版了《巴黎郊区的故事》,鲁夫赖地区那片古老的森林尚不为人所重,不禁令人叹息。仅在10 年前,那里还驻扎着一支外国军队。郁郁葱葱的山坡和林木成荫的大道上,英俄士兵比肩而驻。茂盛的树木被砍伐,搭建成侵略者的营地,真是耻辱!

2Thirty years have passed since Dulaure wrote.The aspect of the ancient Bois has been, in fact, completely changed within the last few years.When Horace Walpole1第四任奥福德伯爵(1717—1797),英国作家。其小说《奥特兰托城堡》被认为开创了哥特式小说之先河。was in Paris he complained that it had no park.Many subsequent visitors have echoed the lamentation.They have admired the fine houses of the French capital, the broad streets, the pleasant promenades, the cheerful gardens; but they have always qualified their admiration by this disparaging observation, “There is no park!”


3They can do so no longer.The Bois de Boulogne has become a park—the park of Paris.You have but to see the Bois de Boulogne on a fine summer’s evening, more especially if the evening be that of Sunday, to feel convinced it is the most popular of Paris.Every avenue, every footway, every bridle path seems to be full of company, company of the most varied kind.


4The millionaire is here from the Bourse; his clerk is here also; the fashionable lady who occupies herself only with coquetting and conquest is here;your blanchisseuse, who concentrates all her energies upon washing and starching, is just behind her; blazing carriages illuminated by incandescent footmen are here; domestic shandrydans and mouldy street cabs are not absent;spirited English horses, graceful and delicate as forest fawns, are here.


5Five years ago, then, the scene began to change.Engineers, builders,architects, surveyors, gardeners, and excavators were sent for; new paths were cut through the wood; new roads were laid out; flowers and exotic shrubs were planted; grass was sown; trees were introduced; lakes were dug; artificial streams were made; grottoes were constructed; islands were formed; cascades were built; —the wilderness was changed into a smiling garden.



6Here flowers are allowed to grow unimprisoned within heptagonal or octagonal fortifications.Paths are permitted to wind round bush and thicket, over hill and dale, without hinderance or restraint, as happy children might wander on a summer holiday.Rock and stone,instead of being tamed by the sculptor into attitudes of lifeless symmetry, are allowed to retain all their native wildness of aspect.They have full liberty also to welcome the rippling stream, the loving moss, or the foot-weary traveller.


7The effect of all this is charming.You have the wild beauties of nature softened and refined by art.You have the pebble, which on the sea-beach looked so beautiful, rendered even more beautiful by the lapidary’s skill.Compared with a mountain or a crag, it looks very insignificant, doubtless.But then, we cannot carry off the mountain or the crag, and keep it always by us.The pebble, on the contrary, we may for ever have beneath our eyes.


8Alas! Must it be said? There are persons who regret the uncultivated roughness of the ancient wood, and complain of the change which has banished it.They recall, with the fondness with which we always evoke the memories of the past, (for who stores in his mind other than happy recollections of former days?) they recall, I say, the wild freedom of the old Bois, the unmown sward, the unenclosed slopes, the unclipped brushwood, the untended flowers, the untouched footways.Their fancy warms in speaking of these things.


9The Bois, as I have said, has become much more frequented than of yore.Carriage company has doubled in number.Equestrians have augmented in the same proportion.Pedestrians even more so.For every ten persons who visited the place in former days there are a hundred, probably, now.But if there are more guests so also is there more accommodation for them.


10Often and often have I wandered during the week along the winding footpaths of the wood, musing upon literary studies, listening to the singing of the birds, or watching the morning sunlight creep through the trees, as the friendly breeze opened a passage for it mid their branches.Sometimes for an hour I have scarcely met with human form.Not a single idler has crossed my path.The whole Bois has been for the time my own.Except occasional parties of woodmen, engaged in their daily occupations, there has been no one near to scan my aspect, criticise my garb, or interfere in any way with my movements.


11Perhaps I have spoken too warmly in favour of the Bois.It has been my favourite haunt so long that I have grown attached to it.I look upon it, it may be,as the lover looks upon his mistress.Where others see blemishes I see beauties.What the unsympathising call a freckle, I call a love mark.


12It may be so, I say; it maybe that my mind is full of these amorous delusions.But, then, are not these and similar delusions the charm of our lives? If we were to lose them would not existence be dull indeed? ■

12是的,也许就是这样,也许我脑中满是这些充满爱意的幻觉。话又说回来,这些幻觉和类似的幻觉不正是生活的魅力吗?没有了这些幻觉,活着该是多么的无趣呢! □

