

科教导刊 2021年36期













Teachers should Let Go in Correct Method and Moderate Way

LI Deqiang




LI Deqiang

Deputy Editor in Chief of Science Textbook of People's Education Hubei Education Press

Member of the Teaching Guidance Committee of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education (Science)

Vice Chairman of Primary School Science Teaching Steering Committee of Hubei Provincial Department of Education

Many years ago,in the study of science curriculum reform,Mr. Liu Mogeng once made a very vivid example. Scientific learning is like crossing a river. There are many ways:it can be to take a boat to cross the river,it can be the teacher who builds a bridge first,let the students line up and walk past neatly shouting “1-2-1”,or it can be the teacher who holds the students or carries them on his back.

There is another way,students pick up the size of stones in the river to pad their feet and cross the river by themselves. The teacher stands on the other side of the river to lead the students,and the direction is always towards the goal. Even if a student falls into the water,it doesnt matter. As long as he reaches out and holds it,the student will keep up with the big army.

The former can be called “crossing the bridge”,which focuses on helping,while the latter can be called “building the bridge”,which focuses on letting go. Students learn in exploration and have an obvious sense of autonomous learning. However,when implementing the “bridge building”teaching,as long as some teachers completely let go and let the students “climb and roll”,there will be a “chaotic”classroom scene,and the teaching effect is not satisfactory . It can be seen that even if teachers let go,they should consider it comprehensively,put it properly and appropriately. Specifically,the following three aspects are crucial:

First,we need to stick to the position of children.

Children are in the growth stage. They are full of curiosity about everything in nature,but lack scientific cognitive channels and methods. They havestrong plasticity. The characteristics of their growth are “no determination,no completion and no maturity”. To stick to the position of children,we should understand these characteristics,grasp a series of related expressions such as language,behavior and thinking,and recognize the normality and rationality of these expressions from the depths of our thoughts. Only in this way can teachers understand,tolerate and effectively guide many “cross-border”behaviors of children,and then find ways and means to im - prove teaching.

Secondly,we need to adhere to the quality orientation.

With the proposal of subject core literacy,subject teaching has ushered in the era of “literacy intention”. Go back to the previous example of crossing the river and expand your imagination. You will see such a scene:when students are looking for stones to approach teachers,some may fall into the water,some may lose their way,some may ask their peers for help,and some may follow others,methods... What can students learn in such rich practice? The attitude of seriousness,self-discipline and respect,as well as the ability to observe,think and express,are not these the most core parts of literacy? The question is,in the actual classroom teaching,can teachers guide students to the goal like a river,because this requires teachers to recognize and understand the great significance of literacy to students,life development,rather than focusing on the immediate scores and “performance”. With the change of orientation,the form of classroom teaching has naturally changed.

Third,we need to focus on long-term development.

Real learning should happen to students,but students,learning must be gradual. Some people say that “education is a slow art”,and its essence is that teaching must consider the possibility of cultivation and development from a long-term perspective,which is to focus on long-term development. Slow does not mean random growth,but an "accumulation " towards the goal.

Martin Kaplus believes that what a child can learn depends not only on his intellectual level,but also on the organization and teaching method of the curriculum. With long-term development,we can see that in science teaching,it is a long-term process from helping students find answers to guiding students to ask questions and "uncover the answers". During this period,students never come to the meeting,from timidity to courage,from imitation to innovation,many are changing. What remains unchanged is teachers,consistent trust,re trust and common pursuit of goals. What supports all this is that teachers have confidence in the growth of students and firmly believe that it takes time and patience for them to constantly hone their literacy in scientific practice.


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