

科教导刊 2021年36期












Promoting Students' Development with Evaluation

YU Bojun


YU Bojun

Deputy Director of Zhejiang Provincial Teaching and Research Office

Core Member of Science Curriculum Standard Revision Group of Ministry of Education

Member of the Teaching Guidance Committee of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education (Science)

Evaluation,in some people,s first impression,may be equivalent to examination. It is an important means to distinguish students,learning,which is not comprehensive enough. Evaluation should be an effective means to promote students,development and help students,development,not just screening. The main purpose of evaluating students,scientific learning is to fully understand the process and results of students,scientific learning,stimulate students,learning and improve teachers,teaching. Therefore,the evaluation should fully consider the differences of students in age,gender,learning habits and environment,and strive to promote the learning of all students.

Evaluation has a strong guiding role. Teachers,evaluation ideas and methods will have an inestimable impact on students' learning science. Science teachers should establish correct evaluation concept,learn advanced evaluation technology,and adopt appropriate evaluation means to promote the development of students;We should change the evaluation concept of focusing only on results rather than process,change the practice of evaluating students,scores with a test paper,and change the means of one-way evaluation only by teachers.

In daily teaching,science teachers mainly use process evaluation and summative evaluation.

Classroom teaching evaluation is a kind of process evaluation. Teachers should always pay attention to students,performance in class and give encouraging evaluation. Homework is an important carrier of process evaluation. Teachers should first do each homework problem for students,and then correct and feed back in time. In addition to using some conventional symbols for correction,the purpose of reminding,helping and motivating students should beachieved through appropriate comments. Classroom evaluation and correction should be organized,excellent homework should be displayed,and the completion of students,homework should be recorded and analyzed.

Narrative recording of the observation of students,behavior is also an important content of process evaluation. The ideas,processes and conclusions displayed by students in the record sheet and notebook are an important basis for teachers to understand students,learning progress and evaluate them. Teachers can see the results of inquiry,the track of learning and the assumption of the next inquiry activities from the notebook,and can see students,works,articles,concept maps,scientific paintings,etc.,so as to make a process evaluation on students.

Summative evaluation generally refers to the final evaluation,and the final examination is one of the important carriers. The questions of the test paper will play an obvious guiding role. The proposition personnel should gras p the direction of the prop - osition,grasp the content and difficulty of the test questions,minimize the problems memorized by rote,integrate them into the situation of analyzing and solving practical problems,and pay attention to evaluating the students,understanding and application of scientific concepts.

Whether it is process evaluation or final evaluation,the evaluation results must be analyzed and fed back in time in order to promote teaching and learn - ing. When analyzing the evaluation results,we should not only have horizontal comparison,but also strengthen the "value-added" evaluation,pay attention to the development and progress of students,so as to enhance students,confidence and interest in learning science.

The evaluation of students,scientific learning should also highlight the characteristics of the discipline. Science discipline attaches great importance to inquiry and practice. Therefore,in the examination and evaluation,we should highlight the practice examination and reflect the ability oriented literacy. The lower grades advocate “traveling examination”and other forms of practice,and the middle and higher grades can adopt the combination of written examination and practice to try to avoid replacing the final evaluation of science courses with paper and pen examination.

In order to highlight experimental teaching and carry out the examination of experimental skills in some places,the starting point is very good. However,it is necessary to avoid only testing students,experimental skills instead of practical ability. A better way is to test students,ability to transfer,apply and solve problems. It can be combined with the content of teaching materials to design some practical problems similar to the level of teaching materials,so as to promote students to improve their problem-solving ability through practical examination. For example,prepare a chopstick,a thread and a nut,and ask students to swing 60 times a minute;Prepare a fresh-keeping bag,a candle and two paper clips. Let the students make a hot air bag that can stay in the air for 20 seconds. Strengthening the assessment of students,practical ability will better reflect the direction of discipline development and improve the overall teaching quality of science in primary school.


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