

一带一路报道 2020年6期



上半年,亚吉铁路顶住疫情压力,安全顺利地完成了66.51 万吨民生物资的运输,保证了当地的货物供应;当沙特疫情蔓延,国家电网迎难而上,一个月内按时上线智能电表,为沙特超230 个家庭安装了智能电表;在东盟,今年前三季度我国与东盟的贸易额同比增长了7.7%,远远高于中国同第二大贸易伙伴欧盟的贸易增速。中老铁路、柬埔寨双燃料电厂等一大批项目复工复产、火热进行;在中东欧,中国市场成为其出口新的增长点,从保加利亚的酸奶、希腊的橄榄油、波兰的牛奶到捷克的啤酒、匈牙利的葡萄酒,源源不断的农产品走进了中国家庭,带动了中东欧农产品贸易的快速恢复……


There is a picture that we can’t forget at all, even after half a year. In June when the global epidemic was still spreading rapidly, a China-Europe Railway Express train loaded with anti-epidemic supplies arrived in Valenton, southeast of Paris, France on June 23.Three excited faces of train attendants can be seen in the photos. The epidemic has slowed down the pace of the global economy. In order to stabilize the global trade chain, the China-Europe Railway Express has never stopped throughout the epidemic. They, back and forth,secured the global supply of goods, which gave people the light of hope in the chaos.

Out-of-ordinary, the pronoun of 2020, may also indicate the road from hope to disappointment and then rekindle the light. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), known as the “road to hope”, has been a beacon for the stagnated global economy.

In the first half of this year, despite the pressure of the epidemic, the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway successfully transported 665,100 tons of goods for people’s livelihood, ensuring the supply of local goods. When the epidemic spread in Saudi Arabia, State Grid Corporation of China took on a difficult task of equipping smart meters within a month. And then smart meters were installed in more than 230 Saudi households. In ASEAN, the trade volume between China and ASEAN increased by 7.7% in the first three quarters of this year, far higher than that between China and the EU, the second largest trading partner of China. A large number of projects, such as the China-Laos Railway and the Cambodia Dual-fired Station, have resumed operation and production constantly. In Central and Eastern Europe, China’s market has become a new growth point of its exports. Ranging from yoghurt in Bulgaria, olive oil in Greece, milk in Poland, beer in Czech Republic to wine in Hungary, a steady stream of agricultural products have entered Chinese families, driving the rapid recovery of agricultural trade in Central and Eastern Europe.

The Belt and Road is bound to be extraordinary. Up against the trend, the BRI is right on time!


Indonesia:the final closure of Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway

10月,随着最后一方混凝土顺利入仓,雅万高铁DK655 特大桥(40+64+40)米刚构连续梁成功实现合龙,全桥下部结构主体工程87 个墩台和1 联连续梁全部完成,标志着工程施工进入由下部结构到上部结构箱梁架设工序转换的关键阶段。

雅万高铁DK655 特大桥位于印度尼西亚爪哇省普瓦加达县,全长2819 米,桥址全部位于淤泥质稻田中,地质条件差,施工难度较大,跨越的芝塔龙河为全线流量最大、河床最宽的河流。


雅万高铁连接印尼首都雅加达和第四大城市万隆,设计时速每小时350 公里,线路全长142.3公里。项目通车后,从雅加达至万隆的时间将由现在的3 个多小时缩短至40 分钟左右,可以有效促进当地经济和方便民众出行。

雅万高铁全线开始持续架梁 (本版图片/新华社 供图)Major continuous beam for Indonesia’s Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway is built

In October, with the smooth entry of the last piece of concrete, the DK655 specially long span bridge (40+64+40m)of Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway successfully achieved the final closure of rigid-frame continuous composite beams.All 87 piers and one continuous beam of the main structure of the lower part have been completed, marking that the construction has entered the critical stage from the process of the lower structure to the box girder erection on the upper structure.

The bridge is located in Poagadha,Java, Indonesia, with a total length of 2,819 meters, situated all in muddy paddy fields,making it a great difficulty to construct in such poor geological conditions. Besides,the bridge is required to cross the Citarum River which has the largest overall flow and the widest riverbed.

Since the beginning of the project,Sinohydro Corporation Engineering Bureau 7 Co., Ltd. has adhered to the construction concept of “model leading, test in advance” to strengthen the control of the whole process of construction and actively build highquality projects with the support of the factory-based production, mechanized operation, specialized construction and information-based management;Various Chinese innovative techniques and small machines and tools have been introduced successively, such as seam welder, elevation control system for pile foundation, hydraulic pile breaker, prestressed automatic tension, to effectively improve the construction efficiency.

Connecting Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, with Bandung, the fourth largest city, the Jakarta-Bandung Highspeed Railway is designed to run at 350 km per hour and is 142.3 km long. After the opening of the project, the time from Jakarta to Bandung will be shortened from the current 3 hours to about 40 minutes,which can effectively promote the local economy and facilitate people’s travel.

亚吉铁路在疫情期间货运周转量实现增长Chinese-built Ethiopia-Djibouti railway records increase in revenue despite COVID-19


Ethiopia:a transportation lifeline in anti-epidemic

亚吉铁路是非洲第一条电气化跨国铁路,全部采用中国标准和中国装备建设而成。2020年上半年,亚吉铁路在防疫的压力之下,安全顺利完成了民生物资的运输工作,完成化肥、粮食、钢材、水泥等货物运输66.51 万吨,货运周转量为4.61 亿吨公里,与去年同期相比稳中有增。

今年年初新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中方运维联合团队努力克服疫情带来的困难,全力做好员工防疫工作,始终坚守岗位,保证货物运输通道畅通,与当地各方共同努力使亚吉铁路在疫情中切实发挥了“运输生命线”“民生保障线”的作用,共开行货运列车588 列,运送集装箱3.84 万个,发送货物73 万吨,特别是协助埃塞从吉布提港口抢运了14 万吨的化肥和小麦等急需物资,有力保障了埃塞企业生产的需求和民生供应。为配合埃塞政府推动增加农产品出口冷链物流的国家战略,8月22日,亚吉铁路又开启了冷链运输服务,为埃塞新鲜农产品输往海外打开了通道。

The Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, the first electrified transnational railway in Africa, is built entirely with Chinese standards and equipment. In the first half of 2020, under the pressure of epidemic prevention, the railway completed the safe and smooth transportation of livelihood materials, including 665,100 tons of fertilizer,grain, steel, cement and other goods, and the freight turnover was 461 million ton-km,increasing steadily compared with the same period last year.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 at the beginning of this year, the Chinese operation and maintenance team has made great efforts to overcome the difficulties caused by the epidemic, and its staff have done a good job in epidemic prevention while always sticking to their posts to ensure the smooth transportation of goods, through joint efforts with local parties, to make the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway a “transport lifeline”and “livelihood security line” in the epidemic. 38,400 containers and 730,000 tons of goods were transported by a total of 588 freight trains. In particular, it helped Ethiopia transport 140,000 tons of urgently needed materials such as fertilizer and wheat from the port of Djibouti,effectively ensuring the production needs of Ethiopian enterprises and the supply of people’s livelihood. In line with the Ethiopian government’s national strategy of promoting the increase of cold-chain logistics for agricultural exports, the railway started the cold-chain transport service on August 22, opening a channel for Ethiopia’s fresh agricultural products to be exported overseas.

东海岸铁路项目全面复工复产Construction at Malaysia’s East Coast Rail Link project resumes in full force


Malaysia:the busy construction site of East Coast Railway




东海岸铁路设计全长640 公里,建成后将显著带动马来西亚东海岸地区经济发展并极大促进沿线地区互联互通。目前,在马方政府的全力支持下,项目完成全线首根钻孔灌注桩的浇筑,部分隧道和桥梁等施工点也正在紧张施工中。

In order to contain the COVID-19 epidemic, the Malaysian government has implemented the Action Control Order nationwide since March 18,pressing the “pause button” for most economic and trade activities. The East Coast Railway project in Malaysia also ceased due to the Action Control Order.

In order to reduce the impact of the epidemic on the site construction, the project design team paid close attention to the new changes of the epidemic situation, actively communicated with the relevant departments of the Malaysian government and the owners, and arranged in advance the preparation work for the subcontractors to enter the site and start all the temporary construction projects once the control order being cancelled, as well as speeding up construction drawing design, application for approval and other related work...

Recently, with the improvement of the epidemic situation in Malaysia, the government has gradually eased the epidemic control measures conditionally.Construction sites of Malaysia’s East Coast Railway have been busy again after the project’s contractor, China Communications Construction, applied to the relevant Malaysian government authorities for permission to start construction.

The East Coast Railway, with a

total length of 640 km, will significantly

boost the economic development of the east coast of Malaysia and greatly improve the communication among the areas along the railway. At present,with the full support of the Malaysian government, the project has completed the pouring of the first bored pile in the whole line, and some construction points such as tunnels and bridges are under construction.


Tanzania:a rebirth of a century-old railway


该项目东起坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆,西至基洛萨,分为两个标段。主要工程内容为283 公里铁路线路升级改造及沿线结构物修复。项目完工后,将极大提高该线路的运输能力,有效改善沿线地区人民的生活水平,为坦政府倡导的工业化奠定坚实基础。作为东非铁路网的重要组成部分,还为布隆迪、卢旺达、刚果(金)等周边内陆国家提供货物出海通道,为坦政府倡导的工业化发展提供可靠、高效的运输途径。

In July, the phase-I renovation project of the Central Line Meter-gage Railway in Tanzania, undertaken by China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation,has completed its main track. The railway was built in 1888 after Germany built the Usambara Railway, which dated back to over a hundred years ago.

The project is divided into two sections from Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania to Kilosa in the west. The main task of the project is to upgrade 283 km railway line and restore the structures along the line.Upon completion, the project will greatly enhance the transportation capacity of the line, effectively improve the living standards of people along the line, and lay a solid foundation for industrialization advocated by the Tanzanian government.As an important part of the East African railway network, it also provides shipping channels for goods to neighboring landlocked countries such as Burundi,Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and provides reliable and efficient transportation for the industrialization advocated by the Tanzanian government.

中央线米轨铁路修复改造项目现场Construction site of Tanzania’s Central Meter-gage Line Railway rehabilitation project (本版图片/新华社 供图)


Bangladesh:the Padma Bridge will bring a bright future to Bangalese


帕德玛大桥主桥长6.15公里,为上层双向四车道公路、下层单线铁路的公铁两用大桥,上部结构由41孔跨度为150米的钢桁梁组成,单孔重约3200 吨,全桥总重约13万吨,是中国企业在海外承接的最大单体桥梁工程。

为保障桥梁的建造,该局提出了“现场作业工厂化、高空作业平地化、水上作业陆地化、零散作业整体化”的思路,并先后研发打造了“小天鹅号” “天一号”“大桥海鸥号”等架建桥利器,使得桥梁装配式施工得以实现。

帕德玛大桥建成后,将把孟加拉国西南部两个省、共计21 个区与首都达卡连成一片,结束两岸人们千百年来依靠舟楫过河的历史。同时,该国南北铁路网也将顺利打通。

The China Railway Bridge Bureau has successfully erected the first steel girder of the Padma Bridge in Bangladesh on September 30, marking a major progress in the construction of the Bridge of Dreams in Bangladesh.

The main bridge of Padma Bridge is 6.15 km long, which is a road-rail dualpurpose bridge with two-way four-lane highway on the upper layer and single track railway on the lower layer. The superstructure is composed of steel truss beams with a span of 150 meters with 41 holes. The single hole weighs about 3,200 tons, and the bridge’s total weight is about 130,000 tons. It is the largest single bridge project undertaken by Chinese enterprises overseas.

In order to ensure the construction of long bridges, the bureau put forward the idea of “factory-like field operations,leveling of high-altitude operations, landbased operations on water, and integrated scattered operations” and developed and built “Little Swan”, “Tian Yi”, “Bridge Seagull” and other bridging tools, so as to realize the bridge assembly construction.

Once completed, the Padma Bridge will connect 21 districts of two provinces in southwestern Bangladesh with Dhaka,the capital, putting an end to the thousandyear history of people relying on boats to cross the river. Also, the country’s north-south railway network will thus be knocked together.

帕德玛大桥建设取得重大进展Construction of Bangladesh’s Padma Bridge makes headway (本版图片/新华社 供图)


闺蜜之旅 游走马来西亚