

农业工程学报 2018年13期

赵立新,张增辉,王成义,荐世春,刘 童,崔东云,丁筱玲


赵立新1,张增辉1,王成义2,荐世春3,刘 童1,崔东云1,丁筱玲1※

(1. 山东农业大学机械与电子工程学院,泰安 271018; 2. 山东农业大学信息科学与工程学院,泰安 271018; 3. 山东省农业机械科学研究院,济南 250100)

为实现小麦精播施肥过程的实时监测,确保播种作业质量,该文设计了一种基于变距光电传感器的小麦精播施肥一体机监测系统。该监测系统以STM32单片机硬件系统为下位机,通过反射式光电传感器和旋转编码器分别获取种肥流动与种肥轴转动信息,判断精播机运行状态,并通过Modbus通讯协议将信息传输至MCGS触摸屏上位机人机交互界面实时显示。下位机排种监测电路仿真测试结果表明,放大电路对种管光电传感器检测距离的改变值为4~7 mm;上下位机通讯测试结果表明,数据传输内容准确率为100%;监测系统样机试验测试结果表明,故障报警准确率≥92.5%,种肥缺失、堵塞、泄漏响应时间分别≤0.2、≤0.3、≤0.3 s。该监测系统实现了对小麦精播施肥机作业的实时高精度监测,有助于提高小麦精播机作业质量。


0 引 言


目前,国外对精播机监测系统进行了较多研究,美国Precision Planting公司设计的基于光电传感器的MeterMAx试验台功能齐全,可迅速准确地检测播种故障以及播种参数,但该产品在国内使用时需配备专属电源[6-7],该公司研制的WaveVision监测器解决了排种过程中多粒种子同时通过导种管无法区分的问题,提高了排种性能监测的可靠性及准确性[8]。Karayel等[9]设计的高速摄像系统实现了对小麦和大豆布种粒距与落种速度的检测,但该系统图像的处理过程无法做到在线监测。Navid等[10]在Karayel的研究基础之上增加图像数量并结合MATLAB处理数据的方法获取更加准确的监测结果。美国John Deere公司基于光电传感器研发的SeedStar系列监测仪将播种监测推向实用化,该公司的第二代产品还可实时进行播种参数设置[11-12]。国内对精播机监测系统的研究起步较晚,但成果显著[13],张继成等[14-15]设计了一种基于光敏电阻的监测装置能够实现大型精密播种施肥机在播种施肥作业过程中对每个作业单体的实时监测;Lu等[16-20]基于对射式红外检测方法设计的播种质量监测系统可对播种过程出现的故障情况发出声光报警信号;丁幼春等[21-24]利用光纤传感器法、聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)压电薄膜法以及时间间隔法分别对油菜等小粒径排种器的排种性能监测进行了研究;周利明等[25-26]基于电容器电容随板间介质变化原理开发的电容式传感器可对小麦、玉米的排种性能进行在线监测;陈进等[27-28]运用高速摄像系统对精密排种器的种子排种过程进行图像采集进而处理得到排种器性能的方法;胡少兴等[29]提出了基于神经网络的种子位置智能检测方法,该方法可全面监测种子的运动情况。


1 系统结构与工作原理

1.1 监测系统结构方案

监测系统的结构分为下位机STM32F103硬件电路与上位机触摸屏人机交流界面2部分。下位机硬件电路由OH-1021光电传感器(日本ALEPH公司生产,检测距离2~30 mm)、信号整形放大电路、编码器转速采集模块、通讯模块、中央处理器及外围电路组成。上位机人机交流部分采用MCGS触摸屏,触摸屏放置于驾驶室内便于驾驶员及时观察机具运行状况。系统结构如图1所示。

图1 小麦精播施肥一体机监测系统结构示意图

1.2 监测原理

图2为传感器安装及工作过程示意图。监测系统排种管与排肥管均采用PVC-U管,该管壁厚2 mm,外径28 mm,该管内壁光滑,对流体阻力小,透光性强,不会因为内壁堆积少量的灰尘而影响红外光线的透过性。排种与排肥监测传感器均采用OH-1021反射式光电传感器,可通过改变传感器供电电压来改变探测距离,传感器的检测距离与供电电压成正相关,如图3所示。当有物体阻挡红外光线时,传感器输出低电平;无物体阻挡红外光线时,传感器则输出高电平。

排种管中小麦颗粒处于充满状态,小麦颗粒经排种管流入排种器(如图4a所示)。设定排种传感器的初始检测距离为5 mm,即管壁厚度(2 mm)与单粒小麦短径(3 mm)的总和。正常工作时,颗粒流动经过光电传感器监测位置时反射红外光线,传感器输出经历高电平-低电平-高电平的变化过程。



图2 传感器安装及工作过程示意图

图3 传感器检测距离与供电电压关系

图4 传感器监测示意图

表1 故障监测判断


Note: Blocking wheat: Lock-rotor in case of seeding device fault; Lack wheat: lack of seeds in seed box; Leaking wheat: leaking of wheat in case of brush worn. blocking fertilizer: Lock-rotor in case of fertilizing device fault; lacking fertilizer: lack of fertilizer in fertilizer box; leaking fertilizer: leaking of fertilizer in case of brush worn.

主控系统采用1 000线欧姆龙旋转编码器采集排种轴转速和排肥轴转速。系统驱动直流电机属于感性负载,转速突变的可能性较小,为最大程度降低监测滞后性对监测系统程序故障判断过程造成的影响,主控系统以100 Hz频率向监控系统发送种肥轴转速。

2 下位机监测系统电路设计



图5 下位机电路原理图

3 系统软件设计


3.1 下位机排种、排肥监测流程





3.2 上位机触摸屏报警界面设计


上位机的后台数据更新采用循环策略中的ReadP(批量读取)命令以100 Hz频率向下位机发送机具运行状态请求,界面脚本程序以500 Hz频率刷新来自下位机的应答信号,保证下位机的数据能实时显示在上位机报警界面。


4 排种监测电路仿真


利用Multisim电路仿真软件建立下位机电路模型,如图7所示。开关S1初始状态下连接GND(ground,大地)(即IO输出低电平),电位器A的比例值为0,三极管处于截止状态。调节电位器B的值,负载电压即为变距前的传感器电压,结果表明负载电压与电位器B的比例值呈正相关。根据传感器供电电压与检测距离关系得知,当传感器检测距离为5 mm时,负载端电压为2.646 V(如图3点所示),此时电位器B的比例值为92%(如图8a所示)。


调节电位器A的比例值,分别记录不同比例值时开关1连接3.3 V电源和GND(I/O输出高低电平)时的负载电压,电位器A比例值与负载电压关系如图8b所示,由图8b可知电位器A的比例值为84%时负载压差最大,此时可最大程度改变探测距离。

注:V1为开关S1连接至3.3 V电源时负载电压;V2为开关S1连接至GND(Ground)时负载电压;V3为V1与V2的电压差值;V4为开关S1连接至3.3 V电源时负载电压;V5为开关S1连接至GND时负载电压;V6为V4与V5的电压差值;L1为开关S1连接至3.3V电源时传感器检测距离;L2为开关S1连接至GND时传感器检测距离;L3为L1与L2的距离差值。

设定电位器A的比例值为84%,微调电位器B的比例值,对比开关S1分别连接GND与3.3V电源时的负载电压。仿真结果如图8c所示,电压差值为0.413~0.646 V,可使光电传感器检测距离增加4~7 mm(如图8d所示,即图3中点到点的变化),此压差的变化足以解决红外光线位于管壁上2个颗粒之间的空隙时,无法判定故障的问题。

5 田间试验与结果分析


图9 试验现场


在种肥箱内分别放置0.5 kg麦种与5 kg复合肥料,启动播种机进行播种施肥试验,当出现种肥缺失时,人为添加同等质量种肥颗粒,持续播种。拖拉机带动机具以不同速度向前行进,使用毫秒计时器记录各排种器和排肥器种肥实际缺失到系统种肥缺失报警的时间间隔,并统计报警次数,测试重复5次。





试验结果如表2所示,由试验数据得知,种肥缺失报警监测准确率均≥95%,响应时间均≤0.2 s;监测系统种肥堵塞监测准确率均≥95%,响应时间均≤0.3 s;监测系统种肥泄漏监测准确率均≥92.5%,响应时间均≤0.3 s,系统能够迅速准确的对各种运行故障进行报警。


Note: Check =Check by system/Check by artificial ×100%, that is, the system check accuracy.

6 结论与讨论


2)运用Multisim对监控系统排种监测电路进行仿真与试验测试,结果表明:放大电路对排种管光电传感器检测距离的改变值为4~7 mm,该距离能有效调整传感器检测距离。

3)对监控系统进行样机故障模拟测试,结果表明:系统报警响应准确,故障监测准确率≥92.5%;报警响应速度快,种肥缺失、堵塞、泄漏响应时间分别≤0.2、≤0.3、≤0.3 s。


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Design of monitoring system for wheat precision seeding-fertilizing machine based on variable distance photoelectric sensor

Zhao Lixin1, Zhang Zenghui1, Wang Chengyi2, Jian Shichun3, Liu Tong1, Cui Dongyun1, Ding Xiaoling1※

(1.,271018,; 2.,271018,; 3.,250100,)

Precision seeding has become the main developing direction of the modern seeding technology, and the quality of seeding machine’s operation will directly affect the growth and yield of wheat. Facing complex field moisture, machine vibration, noise and other unfavorable factors as well as the fully closed environment of seeds’ tubes and fertilizer’s tubes, only using audio-visual method is difficult to know the running status of seeder in real time. When the seeds’ tubes and fertilizer’s tubes are plugged or the seeds and fertilizer are lacked, it will cause the question of seedling absence in large areas, and result in yield reduction. Therefore, researching and developing the monitoring system of seeding-fertilizing machine has important significance and benefits both in producing and economy. In the early research stage of the laboratory, an electronically controlled wide wheat fertilization precision seeder was designed to achieve wide precision seeding. In order to realize the real-time monitoring of the process of wheat precision seeding-fertilizing machine and ensure the operation quality, a monitoring system with variable distance photoelectric sensor, which can realize the function of wheat precision seeding-fertilizing machine, was designed based on the previous research. The monitoring system takes the STM32 MCU (micro control unit) hardware detection system as the lower computer, and transmits the information by Modbus communication protocol to man-machine interface of MCGS (Monitor and Control Generated System) touch screen displaying real-time operation status. The lower computer uses a reflective photocell as a monitoring sensor, and determines the malfunction type by combining the information of seeds’ and fertilizer’s flow and shaft rotation measured by master system’s rotary encoder and transferred by Modbus communication. The monitoring sensors of wheat and fertilizer were adopt OH-1021 reflective photoelectric sensor which transmitting terminal and receiving terminal distributed on the same side. When there are particles blocking infrared light, the sensors output low level; when there are no particles, the sensors output high level. The sensor output experiences a high-low-high level change process when the infrared light is reflected while the particles flow through the photoelectric sensor. It is easier to determine the operating status of the fertilizing according to the fertilizer shaft speed and the output of fertilizer sensor data collected by MCU, since the fertilizing sensor was installed under the row fertilizer device. But the seed tube with sensor was installed above the seeding device, in which the wheat particles were full and flowing slowly. The initial detection distance of the seed sensor is set as 5 mm, which is the sum of the short diameter (3 mm) of single wheat particle and the tube thickness (2 mm). In normal operation, the wheat particles reflect the infrared light when flowing through the position of seed sensor, and the sensor output experiences a high-low-high level change process. The MCU determines the operating status of the seeding according to the sensor output and seed shaft speed. During the monitoring of seeding, the type of malfunction cannot be distinguished when the infrared light is located on the gap between 2 particles on the wall of the seed tube. The MCU controls the conduction of the triode via changing the IO (Input /Output) port output by activating the variable pitch task function, and thereby controls the detection distance of the sensor. When the output of the MCU is high, the triode is turned on, then voltage of the sensor is increased, resulting in the increase of detection distance, and thereforethe type of malfunctions is determined by further understanding on the seed-reserve in the seed tube. The circuit simulation test results of the lower computer’s seeds’ tube show that the detection distance of the photoelectric sensor of the seeds’ tube is changed by 4-7 mm under the amplifier circuit; monitoring system prototype test results show that the accuracy of fault alarm at least reaches 92.5%, and the response time of lacking seeds and fertilization, blockage and leakage is less than or equal to 0.2, 0.3 and 0.3 s, respectively. The monitoring system realizes high-precision real-time monitoring of wheat seeding and it can improve the quality of wheat seeding.

monitoring; design; sensor; precision seeding-fertilizing machine; variable distance; MCGS touch screen

赵立新,张增辉,王成义,荐世春,刘 童,崔东云,丁筱玲. 基于变距光电传感器的小麦精播施肥一体机监测系统设计[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(13):27-34.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.13.004

Zhao Lixin, Zhang Zenghui, Wang Chengyi, Jian Shichun, Liu Tong, Cui Dongyun, Ding Xiaoling. Design of monitoring system for wheat precision seeding-fertilizing machine based on variable distance photoelectric sensor[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(13): 27-34. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.13.004











20220503 双粒花生精量穴播排种器设计与试验