

疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年6期

⊙ By Harvey Jones



⊙ By Harvey Jones



Imagine creatures so beautiful that people thought they had come down directly from Heaven, so1)striking that the first Europeans to see them thought they could only have escaped from the Garden of Eden. In fact, that Eden was New Guinea. They were birds, but unlike birds that anyone had ever seen before. And their displays were even more extraordinary and2)bizarre than their appearance, some of the most complex to be found in the animal kingdom. They may not have come from the Garden of Eden, but they certainly deserve the name that the first European scientists gave them, the birds-ofparadise.

The male king bird will call to the females in the area. If none come, he will perform without them. After3)puffing himself up, he4)flicks his5)quills above his head and6)rattles them, making the little disks dance in theair above him. He7)swings upside down and locks his legs, and then he turns himself into a8)pendulum.

The king bird is a9)soloist. The males of many other species display in groups. These are the greater birds-of-paradise. Males10)assemble every day in one special tree waiting for a female to arrive. When one does, they all11)snap into action, and she selects the one she prefers. By selecting the finest12)plumes in this way, the females have increased the males’ beauty generation after generation and so brought these13)magnificent dances into existence.

Seeing the dance gives Miriam an insight into the14)intimate15)rituals of her people. Miriam Supurma (Scientist): I was thinking back to people in Papua New Guinea, they have these16)gatherings where they go into a hut and sit in a row, the17)alternating male, female, male, female. They start singing and18)rocking their heads back and forth. It’s like picking out someone they fancy. I can understand why, when they do their traditional dance, they put the feathers on. Probably, to them, [sic] represents something, you know, that’s kind of19)sacred they find in the forest, and because of the bird’s behavior, it’s a very unique and special bird.

The spectacular beauty of their birds fascinates the people of New Guinea. The bird of paradise plumes were important. And, when men want to dance, it’s festival time, and feathers are still essential headwear.

Papuans are steeped in the mysteries of their20)tribal past. Nobody knows it all, only that birds and humans have been together for thousands of years. The desire to possess the beauty of the birds is an ancient21)obsession. Everywhere the paradise birds are hunted and their plumes treasured and stored on the22)rafters in houses throughout the land. These precious feathers are kept in bamboo tubes ready to23)adorn the bodies of a new generation to help them begin a new cycle of human life.

1) striking [5straIkIN] adj. 引人注意的,突出的

2) bizarre [bI5zB:(r)] adj. 奇异的

3) puff [pQf] v. 使成蓬松的一团

4) flick [flIk] v. 轻打,轻弹

5) quill [kwIl] n. (鸟的)翮羽

6) rattle [5rAt(E)l] v. 发格格声

7) swing [swIN] v. 前后摆动

8) pendulum [5pendjJlEm] n. 钟摆

9) soloist [5sEJlEJIst] n. 独奏者,独自表演者

10) assemble [E5semb(E)l] v. 集合,聚集

11) snap [snAp] v. 快速地行动,敏捷地动作

12) plume [plu:m] n. 羽毛

13) magnificent [mA^5nIfIsEnt] adj. 壮丽的,极好的

14) intimate [5IntImEt] adj. 亲密的,亲近的

15) ritual [5rItFJEl] n. 仪式,典礼

16) gathering [5^ATErIN] n. 聚会,集会

17) alternate [5C:lt:neIt] v. 交替,间隔

18) rock [rɒk] v. 摇摆,摆动

19) sacred [5seIkrId] adj. 神圣的

20) tribal [5traIbEl] adj. 部落的,部族的

21) obsession [Eb5seF(E)n] n. 着迷,痴迷

22) rafter [5rB:ftE(r)] n. [建]椽子

23) adorn [E5dC:n] v. 装饰

u Garden of Eden 伊甸园:基督教《圣经》中人类始祖亚当和夏娃最初居住的地方。根据《圣经·旧约·创世纪》的记载,上帝在创造人后,在东方的伊甸园为亚当和夏娃造了一个乐园,里面有生灵万物,果木繁茂,景色优美,两人过着无忧无虑的生活,直到犯下原罪才被逐出乐园。后来伊甸园被喻为广义上的乐园、天堂,亦简称为Eden。








