Huang Guanchun As the Hunan Provincial Committee was jidaguo


中国经贸聚焦·英文版 2016年7期

The 57 year old Huang Guanchun is born in Hubei Ezhou, his whole official career was in Hubei before this transference.Long time ago, Huang Guanchun has been to countryside as an educated young person to have a whole picture of the farmers life. At the age of 20, he graduated from Public Security School in Huber Province and then became a policeman. Later on he has served as Wuhan Municipal Committee, Secretary of the Political Committee of Wuhan city, and the Minister of Public Security Bureau. In 2012, he was promoted to be vice governor in Jilin Province, and be the General Supervisor for Public Security Bureau there, since then he was of sub provincial official level. When he in charge of the Jilin Province, Huang Guanchuns career suffered great challenge. On June 3, 2013, there is a particularly significant fire explosion happened in Dehui , Changchun City. The main plant of Jilin Bao Yuanfeng poultry industry Co., Ltd. suffered a great lot from this accident. Finally, there were 121 people lost their life and other 76 people were badly hurt. The direct economic loss was around 1.82 billion yuan. After this accident, the State Department accident investigation team has given two deputy provincial officials demerits as punishment, among which Huang Guanchun was one of the official that has been punished. However, in 2016, both these two officials have been reused and regained their position in the provincial Party committee standing committee respectively.endprint