Qian Fangli The chairman of CPPCC in Zhuhai City was sued since her son has ac cepted bribes


中国经贸聚焦·英文版 2016年7期

Qian Fangli, chairman of the Po- litical Association of Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province has been investigated for serious violation of discipline. It is reported that her son and brother has profited a lot from illegal participation in the real estate projects Qian Fangli, who comes from Anqing, Anhui Province is 62 years old now.She has been the political leader in Zhuhai for more than ten years.Her brother is a labor contractor that mainly undertake the construction business from the real estate projects in Zhuhai. Qian Fangli was often asked to attend the dinners hosted by those real estate investors.But she has insisted that she has never directly received a penny from these real estate investors.However, two Chaozhou based real estate investors who were speculated by local government admit that her son has accepted their bribes in 2008 when they were processing a real estate project in Zhuhai City.

Public information shows that Qian Fangli has worked in the Party committee of South China Normal University for over seventeen years. And she resigned as the Organizational Minister of the South China Normal University Party committee in order to serve as Zhuhai Municipal Committee, deputy secretary of Zhuhai municipal Party committee. Since the year 2012, she has served as chairman of CPPCC in Zhuhai. During her incumbency as chairman of the CPPCC in Zhuhai, the Secretary of the Zhuhai Municipal Committee of Guangdong Province called Li Jia is the fourth deputy provincial officials to be investigated by the central watchdog after the 18th CPC National Congress.It is still unknown that if there is an association between Qian Fanglis case and Li Jias case .endprint