

疯狂英语·新策略 2015年10期

by David Crouch Joyce译



HighlyTrained, Respected and Free: Why Finland’s Teachers Are Different

by David Crouch Joyce译


In a quiet classroom adorned with the joyful creations of small children, Ville Sallinen is learning what makes Finland’s schools the envy of the world.

Sallinen, 22, is teaching a handful of eight-yearolds how to read. He is nearing the end of a short placement in the school during his fve-year master’s degree in primary school teaching.

Viikki teacher training school in eastern1)Helsinki describes itself as a laboratory for student teachers. Here, Sallinen can try out the theories he has learned at the university to which the school is2)affiliated. It’s the equivalent of university teaching hospitals for medical students.




1) Helsinki ['helsɪŋkɪ] n. 赫尔辛基,芬兰首都及最大的城市

2) affliated [ə'fɪlɪteɪtɪd] adj. 附属的,有关连的

Finland is going through a deep economic crisis, and there are fnancial pressures on schools, just as there are on the rest of the public sector. But the fve-year master’s degree for primary school teachers is not in question.

Leena Krokfors, professor of teaching at Helsinki University, says: “The beef in the Finnish teacher training system is the time that students have to learn.”

The high-level training is the basis for giving young teachers a great deal of3)autonomy to choose what methods they use in the classroom—in contrast to England, Krokfors says, where she feels teaching is “somewhere between administration and giving tests to students”. In Finland, teachers are largely free from external requirements such as inspection, standardised testing and government control; school inspections were scrapped in the 1990s.

“Teachers need to have this high-quality education so they really do know how to use the freedom they are given, and learn to solve problems in a research-based way,”Krokfors says. “The most important thing we teach them is to take4)pedagogical decisions and judgments for themselves.”

In Britain, by contrast, academies, private schools and free schools can hire people to teach even if they are not qualifed. Labour claimed in 2013 that becoming a teacher in Britain was now easier than fipping burgers.

Olli Mättää, a teacher trainer at the Normal5)Lyceum in Helsinki, said “When we got the international ranking results, we were thinking, if we are that good, how bad are the others?” he says.

For a small,6)agrarian and relatively poor nation, educating all of its youth equally well was seen as the best way to catch up with other industrialised countries, according to Pasi Sahlberg, a Finnish educationist at Harvard who has done much to popularise Finland’s methods abroad.

The Finnish dream, as he calls it, was for all children, regardless of family background or personal conditions, to have a good school in their community—a focus that has remained unchanged for the past four decades.









3) autonomy [ɔː'tɒnəmɪ] n. 自治

4) pedagogical [pedə'gɒdʒɪkəl] adj. 教育学的,教学法的

5) lyceum [laɪ'si(ː)əm] n. 讲学场所,学院

6) agrarian [ə'greərɪən] adj. 有关土地的,耕地的

7) credential [krɪ'denʃəl] n. (学历、资历、资格或成就等)证明

8) didactician [dɪ'dektʃən] n. 遵循教学方法教课的老师

9) dissonance ['dɪsənəns] n. 不一致,不调和,不谐和音

In the early phase, during the 70s and 80s, there was strict central direction and control over schools, state-prescribed curriculums, external school inspections and detailed regulation, giving the Finnish government a strong grip on schools and teachers. But a second phase, from the early 90s, consciously set out to create a new culture of education characterised by trust between educational authorities and schools, local control, professionalism and autonomy. Schools became responsible for their own curriculum planning and student assessment, while state inspections were abandoned. This required teachers to have high academic7)credentials and be treated like professionals.

Not only is teacher education in Finland strongly researchbased, but all the students on the primary school master’s course are engaged in research themselves—a point of pride for Patrik Scheinin, dean of the faculty. The course aims to produce “8)didacticians” who can connect teaching interventions with sound evidence, he says.



“We want to produce cognitive 9)dissonance. The task of a good didactician is to disturb the thinking of someone who assumes they know everything about teaching,” Scheinin says. “Just because you’ve been doing something for 20 years and it works for you doesn’t mean it works for other teachers, other students, or in other subjects.”

In Helsinki Normal Lyceum, student teachers are running day-long10)multidisciplinary workshops for pupils aged 13 to 19. In one, Maria Hyväri, 24, is discussing11)Dewey,12)Steiner and13)Montessori, and asking pupils to think critically about teaching methods at the school. “I want to make a difference,” she says. “There are all these new teaching tools and ideas, and it’s great because here we can try different things—it makes me feel inspired.”

Hyväri is in the middle of an undergraduate degree in French and English, but she has chosen to take an additional pedagogical year in the middle of her fve-year degree, which will launch her on to a teaching track in her fnal two years to emerge qualifed as a secondary school teacher. During this year she spends about half her time in the school, and half in the university’s teaching department.

For Olli Mättää, a teacher trainer at the school, Finland’s14)PISA scores are a byproduct of the system rather than a central goal. “When we got the results, we were thinking, if we are that good, how bad are the others? We were taken by surprise,” he says.





It showed that the country was doing some things right, he says, and15)vindicated the decision in the 1970s to make primary school teacher education a university degree.

Educationists point to historically specific factors that have helped to fashion Finland’s schools, such as the country’s small population, its relatively late dash for modernity, and broad acceptance of values such as equality and collaboration. But the decision to make teaching an advanced degree subject has given teaching a high profle in Finnish society.

Back in primary school, Ville Sallinen got the teaching bug eight years ago while still a full-time student, when he started coaching football. It sparked his interest in working with children. He is not particularly academic, he says, but like many students, his passion for teaching got him on to the master’s course.

“I would like to have more experience in schools like what we are having now,” Sallinen says. “Next year we have no practical element. It is good to get experience in a real school.”

At the end of each day, he sits down with his mentor, Tunja Tuominen, to16)deconstruct teaching moments and to theorise them. Says Tuominen: “Student teachers come here like little chicks, mouths wide open and eager to learn.”






10) multidisciplinary [,mʌltɪ'dɪsɪplɪnərɪ] adj. 包括各种学科的,有关各种学问的11) Dewey 即John Dewey, 约翰·杜威(1859—1952, 美国哲学家、教育家)

12) Steiner 即Rudolf Steiner,鲁道夫·斯坦纳(1861—1925,奥地利社会哲学家)

13) Montessori 即Maria Montessori,玛利亚·蒙台梭利(1870—1952,意大利女医师及教育家)

14) PISA abbr. Program for International Student Assessment,国际学生评估项目,是一项由经济合作与发展组织(OECD)统筹的学生能力国际评估计划。主要对即将完成基础教育的15岁学生进行评估,测试学生们能否掌握参与社会所需要的知识与技能, 评估主要分为3个领域:阅读素养、数学素养及科学素养

15) vindicate ['vɪndɪkeɪt] v. 维护,辩护

16) deconstruct [dɪkən'strʌkt] v. 解构


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I’m not going back to school!我不回学校了!