


曲蕾 关慧劼


[关键词]语篇 主位 述位 听力理解



主位概念由布拉格学派的创始人之一Mathesius提出,认为位于句首的成分在交际过程中起了一个起点的作用,该起点称为主位(theme),其余部分为述位(rheme)。韩礼德将主位分为单项主位(simple theme)和复项主位(multiple theme),从语言功能的角度出发,又将其分为语篇主位(textual theme)、人际主位(interpersonal theme)和概念/话题主位(ideational / topical theme)。在英语中,每个句子都有自己的主位结构,当句子单独存在时,它的主位和述位是已确定的,不再变化的。正因为没有上下文,它的主位和述位又是孤立的,没有发展的。但是,绝大多数语篇都是由两个或两个以上的句子构成,这时,前后句子的主位和主位,述位和述位,主位和述位之间就会发生某种联系和变化,这种联系和变化就叫推进(progression)。随着各句主位的向前推进,整个语篇逐步展开,直至形成一个能表达某一完整意义的整体。




因此对听力语篇的主位进行分析有助于增强学生对语篇的理解,提高其英语听力学习的效率,并能在一定程度上减少“似乎每个词、每句话都听得出,却把握不住句子、甚至语篇意思”的现象。M. Berry认为,主位分析可以给听众和读者提供在语篇理解方面非常有价值的洞察力。Charles C. Fries认为,主位分析可以给听众和读者提供一个语篇框架,这可以看做是主位的主要功能。



It (T1) was a bad night for Lewis. His research in the neighboring town (T2) has taken longer than he expected. It (T3) was late and he (T4) was very tied when he drove home. He (T5) turned into his buildings parking lot, but all the spaces (T6) were full. He (T7) drove back out onto the street, looking for a parking space. The first block (T8) was full. The next block (T9) was almost empty. Lewis (T10) didnt see a “no parking” sign, but he (T11) has expected that his parking were allowed there. Most of the spaces (T12) would be filled. Then he (T13) saw a small parking lot with two free spaces. He (T14) was so glad to see them that he didnt even think to read the sign by the entrance. He (T15) drove in, parked and hurried home to go to bed. The next morning he (T16) went back to the lot to get his car. It (T17) was gone. He (T18) ran home and telephoned the city police to say that his car had been stolen. It (T19) took the police only a minute to tell him what had happened: his car had been on a private lot. It (T20) had been taken away by the police. Lewis (T21) had to take a taxi to visit the city garage far from the city center. He (T22) had to pay a fee of 40 dollars to get his car back. In addition, he (T23) got a parking ticket, his first one ever in Greenville.

全文23个主位中,有13个主位是he/Lewis,即短文的主人公,也是动作的主要发出者,可以看出,主位同一型推进,即平行型推进模式在本语篇中占较大比例。其余的10个主位中,T2(his research)、T6(but all the spaces)、T8(the first block)、T12(most of the spaces)、T17(it)、T20(it)为线性主位推进的结果,属延续性主位推进模式,小句的主位为上句述位或述位的一部分。这种平行型和延续性推进模式较为符合听者对语篇推进的期待,因此听者会感到语篇易于理解。此外,T6(but all the spaces)、T11(but he)、T13(then he)、T16(the next morning he)、T23(in addition he)为复项主位,多采用语篇主位+概念主位的形式,其中的语篇主位为听者提供了很好的提示,便于听者理解。


While Gail Obcamp, an American artist was giving a speech on the art of Japanese brush painting to an audience that included visitors from Japan, she (T1) was confused to see that many of her Japanese listeners have their eyes closed. Were they (T2) turned off because an American had the nerve to instruct Japanese in their own art form or they deliberately tried to signal their rejection of her? Obcamp (T3) later found out that her listeners were not being disrespectful. Japanese listeners (T4) sometimes closed their eyes to enhance concentration. Her listeners (T5) were showing their respect for her by chewing on her words. Some day you (T6) may be either a speaker or a listener in a situation involving people from other countries or members of minority group in North America. Learning how different cultures signal respect (T7) can help you avoid misunderstandings. Here (T8) are some examples. In the deaf culture of North America (T9), many listeners show applause not by clapping their hands but by waving them in the air. In some cultures (T10), both overseas and in some minority groups in North America, listeners are considered disrespectful if they look directly at the speaker. Respect (T11) is shown by looking in the general direction but avoiding direct eye contact. In some countries (T12), whistling by listeners is a sign of approval while in other countries it is a form of insult.

该语篇中,除了延续型主位推进,如T2(were they),T4(Japanesse listeners),平行型主位推进,如T3(Obcamp),T5(her listeners)外,还出现了派生型主位推进,如Here (T8) are some examples. In the deaf culture of North America (T9), …… In some cultures (T10), ……。此外,有的主位并不是從上一个小句直接推演而来,间隔了一个或几个小句,如T3(Obcamp),甚至出现了跳跃型主位推进模式,即该小句与相邻小句之间缺少应有的逻辑或语义关系,如T6(someday you)。这使得该语篇与以平行型和延续型主位推进模式为主的例文1相比,难度有了增加。在指导学生进行这类短文的听力练习时,应向学生讲解其推进模式,提醒学生留意思维的推演和跳跃,向学生说明这种跳跃发生的原因,并结合学生自身的思维过程,引导学生接受短文的推进模式,这样可以降低听力短文的难度,提高学生对与自己不同的思维过程的接纳程度,提高学生的英语短文听力效率。




[1]Halliday, M.A.K. An introduction to functional grammar [M]. London: Arnold, 1994:343-352.

[2]Halliday, M.A.K. Things and relations: regrammaticising experience as technical knowledge. In Martin, J. R. and Veel, R. Reading science: Critical and functional perspective on discourses of science [A]. London: Routledge, 1998:49-99.

[3]彭漪,柴同文. 功能语篇分析研究[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 2010.


