

广东教育·高中 2009年4期




1. 完形填空题共设10个空,文章的长度一般在150—200个词。如2007年广东高考完形填空的短文长度是153个词,2008年是206个词。

2. 完形填空的短文的首句一般不设空,文章中一般没有超纲词,但也会有由考纲词汇的词根派生出来的新词,如2007年高考的完形填空中有recognization, automatically, infrequent等派生词;2008年高考有supernatural, unrecognizable等。

3. 主要考实词,如:名词、动词(包括动词短语)、形容词、副词等。每一小题的四个选项均属同一词类,且为同一语法形式。

4. 完形填空短文的体裁可能是具有一定故事情节的记叙文,或夹叙夹议、富有哲理的议论文,也可能是说明文。



1. 利用语篇标志。

语篇一般指比单个句子长的语言单位,如句群、段落等。表明语篇之间内在联系的词语,称为语篇标志。如:表示结构层次的语篇标志有firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally等;表示因果关系的有thus, therefore, so等;表示转折关系的有but, however等;表示递进关系的有besides, what is more, furthermore等;表示时间关系的有before, so, so far, yet, meanwhile, meantime, now, later等。

Ann was diagnosed(诊断) in 2003, when she was 38, shortly after the birth of her fourth daughter. However, she never told them she was___25___, hoping for a miracle and not wanting to burden her friends.(2009佛山一模)

25. A. wellB. sadC. afraidD. sick


2. 注意前后搭配。


例2:You see, up to now, hes been king of roost. Hes been boss of the backyard. I have always been around to___23___his wounds, and to soothe his feelings. (广东实验中学2009届高三第二次阶段测试)

23. A. relieveB. releaseC. repairD. decrease

分析:本题空格后是名词wounds,所以能与之搭配的应是动词repair(抚平创伤),故选C。而A. relieve (减轻),B. release(释放),均不能与“创伤”搭配。

3. 利用词语复现。


例3:That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie...Mother is the type of woman who suspect that a late night___24___or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news.(华附2009届高三综合测试二)

24. A. visitB. sleepC. callD. date

分析:在前句中已知作者“called to invite her...”(打电话给他的母亲),所以下文应是a late call (一个夜深的电话)才会令她觉得是个坏消息。因而选C. call。call在前文中是动词,在空格处是名词。

例4. When people are enclosed toghther, they are in what is called a stress situation. That means that they are under an unsual amount of28 or stress.(中山一中2009届高三年级第一阶段测试)

28. A. emphasisB. conflictC. powerD. pressure


4. 辨别近义词语。


例5. It is not yet known how much the ongoing snow disater will___29___China, but it is certain we will be hit harder...(2009年茂名一模)

29. A. costB. spendC. use D. lose

分析:该组词属近义词,特别是spend和cost,从意义上不易区别,但根据结构,此空后有双宾语,即China和How much,能接双语的只有cost。再说,spend的主语要求是人,而cost的主语要求是事物。

例6. My son starts school today. Its going to be strange and new to him___21___. And I wish you would treat him gently. (广东实验中学2009届高三第二次阶段测试)

21. A. at the moment B. after a while

C. in a whileD. for a while

分析:A 项at the moment (此刻,目前),B项 after a while (过了一会),C项in a while(一会儿后),D项 for a while (暂时)。根据句意:儿子刚上学,他对一切暂时会感到陌生和新鲜。故选D。

5. 利用逻辑关系。


例题7. A few days later, mother died of a heart attack...Later I received a restaurant receipt from the same place where mother and I had dined. An attached note said, “I paid this bill___28___. I was almost sure that I couldnt be there.... (华师大附中2009届高三综合测试二)

28. A. in advanceB. afterwards

C. in time D. any way

分析:从前句得知,作者是在母亲已去世后才 “receive a reataurant receipt from the same place...”,结合后句I was almost sure that I couldnt be there,可推测出:母亲是预先付了约定吃饭的账单的。因此,故选A。

例8. Not all of these faires are the friendly, people-loving characters that appear in Disney films, and in some folktales they are ___22___and cause much human suffering.(2008年广东省高考卷)

22. A. cruel B. powerful

C. frightenedD. extraordinary

分析:由上文的not all of...friendly(不并所有的仙女都很善良)可知,some...cruel (有些是很残忍的)。另外,根据常识,cause much human suffering (给人类造成疾苦)的,应当是cruel(残酷的,使痛苦的)。


完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。

Making friends requires some skills. You must first go___1___there are people.You are unlikely to make friends staying home alone. Joining a club or group, talking to those who have a lot in common with you is a best way. Or getting yourself ___2___in some activity also benefits.

Quite a number of people are___3___when talking to people who they have just met. After all, it is human nature to feel___4___about the unknown. Most of fears about dealing with new people come from doubts about yourself. We___5___other people are judging us—finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But dont forget that they are feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself as you are, and try to___6___others at ease. You will both feel more comfortable.

Try to act___7___even if you dont feel that way when you enter a room full of strangers. Walk tall and straight. Keep good contact—look___8___at other people and smile.

If you see someone youd like to___9___, say something. It is much better to start a conversation by yourself.

Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with that person. ___10___is based on mutual liking and “give and take.” It takes time and effort to devoelop. And there are things that keep a new friendship from happening.

1. A. in whichB. when C. where D. if

2. A. involved B. associated

C. connected D. attended

3. A. excited B. nervous

C. pressed D. worried

4. A. mature B. cautious

C. messy D. awkward

5. A. assumeB. imagine

C. suggest D. reply

6. A. put B. do

C. make D. place

7. A. outspoken B. tidy

C. modest D. confident

8. A. upwards B. directly

C. bravely D. happily

9. A. talk to B. talk of

C. talk about D. talk over

10. A. Relation B. Friendship

C. Connection D. Feeling


责任编校 蒋小青

