

中学英语之友·高一版 2008年6期


1. ——Is your father still smoking?

——Yes, although I ____ advise him to stop.

A. tried to B. managed to C. had to D. was able to

2. The workers are striving to finish the project ____.

A. all the time B. ahead time C. ahead of time D. at times

3. We were all glad that you had ____ the exam.

A. got down B. got through C. got over D. got out

4. If you ____ when he is in trouble, he will always appreciate you.

A. give him a hand B. tear him down

C. make fun of him D. take possession of him

5. We thought of selling this old furniture, but weve decided to ____ it.

It might be valuable.

A. hold on to B. keep up with C. turn to D. look after

6. I cant help ____ by the beauty of the West Lake.

A. striking B. being struck C. bursting D. being burst

7. I feel like ____ a long walk. Would you like ____ with me?

A. taking; going B. taking; to go

C. to take; to go D. to take; going

8. The ____ of the earthquake was 200 kilometers away from Tianjin,

but the people of the city could still feel the earthquake.

A. bow B. place C. contact D. focus

9. ——I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.

——It ____ true because there was little snow there.

A. may not be B. wont be C. couldnt be D. mustnt be

10. ——Are you sure that youve met him before?

——____ Im mistaken.

A. Unless B. If C. When D. Since

11. It suddenly ____ to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.

A. happened B. occurred C. thought D. took place

12. He avoided ____ with the headteacher because he disliked him.

A. talking B. talk C. to talk D. talked

13. ——Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

——Yes. They have better players, so I ____ them to win.

A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want

14. When visiting a foreign country, you should know customs ____ country to country and culture to culture.

A. vary from B. vary against C. vary out of D. vary off

15. A young man knocked him down and robbed ____.

A. his suitcase B. his suitcase from him

C. him of his suitcase D. a suitcase of his


Sheri Straily never knew how far lifes highway could take her until her dream for her children helped her find out…

Growing up, Sheri __1__ thought for a moment that shed make it to college. __2__, she took a job driving a tractor-trailer. __3__ years passed, Sheri fell in love, __4__ and had three __5__. Because she wanted to be __6__ to home, she changed her job for a desk one at the trucking company.

But one day after work, as Sheri __7__ her kids playing, she began to __8__: I want them to achieve so much, but how __9__ I afford to give them the opportunities they will need, like college?

Then it came to her: she was the one who __10__ college first!

“Go for it,” her __11__ Steve encouraged her. So Sheri enrolled(注册) at the University of Denvers Womens College, which let her take all of her __12__ on weekends so that she could still __13__.

Though Sheri loved her studies, she __14__ home: rather than make the two-hour travel home, Sheri __15__ in a dormitory(集体宿舍) on weekends, “I __16__ I were home with Steve and the kids,” shed think. But Eric, eight, Ryan, seven, and Kristin, five, backed their mom all the __17__. “Just do your best,” they said.

Sheri did, getting straight As as she earned a __18__ in business administration (商业管理). Now shes __19__ the University of Denver Law School on a merit scholarship(奖学金)!

“It hasnt been __20__,” notes Sheri. “But its rewarding—for me and my family.”

1. A. sometimes B. never C. often D. seldom

2. A. However B. Therefore C. Instead D. Naturally

3. A. As B. When C. After D. Because

4. A. developed B. selected C. worked D. married

5. A. jobs B. children C. chances D. troubles

6. A. far B. free C. kind D. close

7. A. found B. knew C. watched D. noticed

8. A. wonder B. doubt C. imagine D. think

9. A. should B. will C. can D. must

10. A. liked B. needed C. admired D. demanded

11. A. friend B. husband C. child D. boss

12. A. classes B. jobs C. homework D. holidays

13. A. learn B. rest C. work D. remain

14. A. loved B. left C. lost D. missed

15. A. lived B. stayed C. slept D. settled

16. A. wish B. suppose C. hope D. dream

17. A. way B. day C. year D. same

18. A. position B. praise C. degree D. respect

19. A. learning B. attending C. enjoying D. joining

20. A. anxious B. difficult C. interesting D. easy



Dear editor,

You can find language pollution whenever you open a newspaper or turn on your TV set, listen to a popular song or look at various advertisements (广告). Language pollution exists almost everywhere and can especially be seen in the following places:

(1) Chinese characters written in the complex (复杂的) form. Although simplified(简化的) Chinese characters were accepted for use many years ago, it seems that more and more people like Chinese characters written in the complex form.

(2) Many goods are produced in China but carry foreign names, which sound strange and have no meaning at all.

(3) Words or expressions being used have a bad meaning. “Ba” (霸),which means bully in Chinese, is one example.Now there are lots of goods,restaurants,even factories or firms, with “ba” in their names.

(4) Too many incorrect grammatical expressions, some films have strange names and incorrect grammatical structure(构造). “Ai ni mei shang liang”, which means love you without consulting, is grammatically incorrect and this kind of expression is now becoming popular.

Some language experts point out that language pollution must bedone away with, which is an idea shared by myself and many others. Fan Yongquan, Shanxi

1. According to the passage, we know ____.

A. Chinese characters written in complex form are much more

beautiful than the ones written in simplified form

B. Advertisements, TV programmes, pop songs and so on are getting


C. Many goods produced in China with foreign names can be sold


D. Many people agree with some language experts on pollution of


2. The purpose of writing the letter is that ____.

A. we must do something to make our language pure

B. goods produced in China should not use the foreign names

C. everybody should try to stop the pollution

D. film makers should study grammar carefully

3. The expression “do away with” means ____.

A. cleaned B. got away C. recycled D. ended

4. The best title of the passage is ____.

A. Pay Attention to Grammar

B. Pollution of Our Language

C. Follow Experts Advice

D. Films and Goods with Strange Names


Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia, some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud burp after you finish eating. Burping would show that you like your food. In some countries, if you give a big burp, you are told to say “Excuse me, please”.

In many places people like to eat together. But in some part of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. People show their good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat.

What are manners like in an East African town? The people try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finished what he is doing. Then he will talk to you. Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want to be friends.

5. In Mongolia, burping is a way of showing that ____.

A. you enjoyed the meal prepared by the host

B. you are impolite

C. your meal was not enough

D. you are friendly with your host

6. People in an East African town are being polite by ____.

A. waiting for a long time before visits

B. sitting down beside others

C. seeing a friend quickly

D. trying not to see you

7. We have good manners to show that we ____.

A. are different from other people

B. dont want other people to worry us

C. begin all manners in the same way

D. want to be friends with other people

8. The best title for this passage is ____.

A. Good Manners B. All Manners is the Same Way

C. Different Kinds of Manners D. Do Have Manners


Ever since humans have lived on the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier(障碍), communication is completed through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists and the local people unable to make themselves understood by each other through speaking or writing have had to turn to this form of expressing. Many of these symbols of the whole words are very lively and exact and can be used internationally; spelling, however, cannot compare with them.

Body language sends ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either meaningfully or not. A wink (眨眼) can be a way of showing that the party is only joking. A nod means agreement, while shaking the head indicates disagreement.

Other forms of nonlinguistic (非语言的) language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read with the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code (莫尔斯电码) and smoking signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide and warn people.

All in all, while words are the most common form of communication, other systems and techniques also play the role of expressing human thoughts and feelings.

9. When words dont work ____.

A. people have no way to communicate

B. people can use other forms of communication

C. other forms of communication are of little value

D. body language is invaluable

10. Which form other than oral speech could be most commonly used

among blind people? ____.

A. Picture signs B. Braille

C. Body language D. Signal flags

11. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? ____.

A. Sign language is the best among all languages

B. Braille is a kind of language for those who cant see well

C. Sign language can be used internationally

D. Only language in the form of words can express human thoughts

and feelings

12. In this passage, there are ____ different forms of communication


A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11


Around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports and activities. Of course, there have always been people who have locked for adventure—those who have climbed the highest mountains, traveled into unknown parts of the world or sailed in small boats across the greatest oceans. Now, however, there are people who try to find an immediate thrill(毛骨悚然) from a risky activity which may only last a few minutes or even seconds.

I would consider bungee jumping to be a good example of such an activity. You jump from a high place(perhaps a bridge or a hot-air balloon) 200 meters above the ground with an elastic(有弹性的) rope tied to your ankles. You fall at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground. Other activities which most people would say are as risky as bungee jumping include jumping from tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top of high cliffs(峭壁).

Why do people take part in such activities as these? Some psychologists(心理学家) suggest that it is because life in modern societies has become safe and boring(令人厌烦). Life, according to many people,offers little excitement. They live and work safely and comfortably. The answer for some of these people is to try to find danger in activities such as bungee jumping.

13. Which of the following is the best title for this test? ____.

A. Bungee Jumping: a Dangerous Sport

B. Bungee Jumping: an Exciting Sport

C. Dangerous Sports: What and How?

D. Dangerous Sports: What and Why?

14. More and more people today are ____.

A. trying activities such as bungee jumping

B. climbing the highest mountains

C. coming close to death in sports

D. looking for adventure such as traveling into unknown places

15. People take part in dangerous sports mainly because ____.

A. they want to have a change in sports

B. there is not much work for them to do

C. there is not much excitement in their lives

D. they are curious about such sports


“Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meanings. “Cool” can be used toexpress feelings of interest in almost anything. When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say, “Its cool.” You may think, “Hes so cool,” when you see your favorite footballer. We all maximize(扩大) the meaning of “cool”. You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”. Heres an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall (瀑布) they had visited. On one students paper was just the one sentence, “Its so cool.” Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt. But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏) of words. Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. So it is quite important to keep some credibility (可信性). Can you think of many other words that make your life as colorful as the word “cool”? I can. And I think they are also very cool.

16. We know that the word “cool” has had ____.

A. only one meaning B. no meanings

C. many different meanings D. the same meaning

17. In the passage, the word “express” means “____”.

A. see B. show C. know D. feel

18. If you are ____ something, you may say, “Its cool.”

A. interested in B. angry about C. afraid of D. unhappy with

19. The writer takes an example to show he is ____ the way the word is used.

A. pleased with B. strange to

C. worried about D. careful with

20. In the passage, the writer suggests(暗示) that the word “cool” ____.

A. can be used instead of many words

B. usually means something interesting

C. can make your life colorful

D. may not be as cool as it seems

Ⅳ.单词拼写 (10分)

1. It was c____ of you to go skating on such thin ice.

2. Hearing what he said, I was filled with ____(怒火).

3. The g____ people use for “yes” and “no” are different around the


4. The money will be used for one ____(特定的) purpose.

5. As is known to all, love and hate are opposite e____.



1. 长城是世界奇观之一。长度超过 6000 公里,有 2000 多年历史。

2. 讲话时间是上午八时三十分。在长城逗留两个半小时,十一时离开。游览车在入口处等。请记住车号,准时上车。

3. 贵重物品随身携带。下车前关上窗。

4. 祝大家玩得愉快。


1. 用词 80 至100 个。

2. 应包括以上要点,但不要逐字翻译,要组成一段通顺连贯的讲话。

3. 开头语已给出,不计入总词数。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Here we are at the foot of the Great Wall._______________________






