

中学英语园地·教学指导版 2008年5期





[试题演练] 阅读下列语段,把它们组成一篇连贯的短文。

(A) A fire-engine will arrive quickly. The firemen know what to do. They have long ladders to reach high windows.

(B) If you want to be a fireman,you must be strong and healthy. A fireman has to be able to carry heavy things. He has to be able to climb ladders and to work in high places. So he also has to be brave.

(C) They try their best to rescue the people who cant get out. If some people are hurt,they are taken to hospital in ambulances(救护车).

(D) When a fire begins,we must tell the fireman. Do you know how to do this?

(E) After all the people have been rescued,the firemen put out the fire. Sometimes this is very difficult because some people keep things in passages and on stairs. Then the firemen cant get past to fight the fire.

(F) Go to the nearest telephone and dial the number 119. When someone speaks,tell him about the fire. Speak slowly and clearly.

[答案及简析] 这是一篇有关消防知识的短文。根据已给出的第一语段D,我们可以预测全文的内容,并找出下列对火灾的处理方法:就近拨打119报警,消防车来灭火并救出受伤人员,再将其送到医院。最后谈到当一名消防队员应具备的基本条件。根据这个步骤,我们可知正确的顺序应是: 1. F 2. A 3. C 4. E 5. B




[试题演练] 首先阅读下列短文,了解短文大意。

A school inspector(检察官) was coming to visit a school. The school headmaster was afraid. He sent a boy to the station to see if the inspector was on the train and he told the boy to run back to school if the inspector arrived.

When the boy got to the station,he was very glad to meet his uncle there. He didnt see the inspector. The boy told his uncle the secret and he said the headmaster was waiting for the inspector.

The boy thought his uncle was coming to see his father. But his uncle came with him to his school. His uncle wanted to see the headmaster because he was the inspector.


The headmaster felt__1__when he heard a school inspector was coming to__2__the school. So a boy was sent to the station. He asked the boy to run__3__as soon as he__4__the inspector. The boy was so__5__when he saw his uncle at the station. His uncle didnt know__6__the boy was there__7__school time. From the boys words,he knew the headmaster was waiting__8__him. The man didnt go to the boys home,instead came__9__the boy to his school. The boy didnt know his uncle was just the__10__.

[答案及简析] 短文的大意是:教育检察官要去视察学校,校长很害怕。于是他派一个孩子去看看车站上有没有检察官。这个孩子没有看见检察官,只见到了他的叔叔。他告诉他的叔叔他来车站的目的。他以为他的叔叔是来看他的爸爸的,而他的叔叔却随他去了学校。原来他的叔叔就是要来视察的检察官。 Key: 1. afraid 2. visit 3. back 4. saw 5. happy/glad 6. why 7. at 8. for 9. with 10. inspector




[试题演练] Hamsters(仓鼠) are small and sweet and make ideal first pets for children. If you want to buy it,you will need a cage,bedding(寝具),a water bottle and a food dish.

Hamsters must be kept indoors——they are not hardy enough for the great outdoors in Europe. The cage should not be situated in a very cold room,either,or there is a risk that your hamster may start to hibernate(冬眠) in winter. You will need some bedding for the floor of the cage. Bedding that is too dusty,can cause serious health problems. A water bottle will prevent the water from spilling all over the cage. A food dish will also help to keep the food clean,although most hamsters will remove the food and store it in some secret place,often in their bed.

Hamsters are vegetarian,and require a mixture of seeds and grains. You can buy hamster mix but be careful that the mix is not too rich in fattening sunflower seeds,or is too gentle and lacking the full range of vitamins. Its best to feed your hamster in the evening when he starts to wake up.

The best age to buy a hamster is at 4 weeks,when they should be fully weaned(断奶). Adult hamsters are sometimes seen offered for sale,but they may have bad behavioural(行为的) characters,or may be difficult to train.


[答案及简析] 这篇短文介绍了仓鼠的习性、饲养方法等。一般来说,能从短文中为表格中的问题找到答案。对第一个问题,我们可在第一段的最后找到明确的答案,即: A cage,bedding,water bottle and a food dish. 对第二个问题“在哪儿饲养它?”,我们可以从第二段的第一句找到明确的答案,即: Indoors. 短文中说“仓鼠笼子在冬天不能放在很冷的地方,因为它会在那里开始冬眠”。由此我们可以推断出,仓鼠在冬天很冷的时候冬眠。即第三个问题的答案为: Hibernate. 短文中说“寝具不干净,仓鼠会生病”。因此,第四个问题的答案为: Because it can keep hamster healthy. 第五个问题的答案很明显为: In the bed. 对于第六个问题的答案,我们可以直接在第三段的第一句话中找到,即: A mixture of seeds and grains. 根据第三段的最后一句,我们可知第七个问题的答案为: In the evening. 根据第四段的第一句我们可知,第八个问题的答案为: At four weeks.




[试题演练] Do you want to stay safe and have fun while youre on the Internet?You can do just that if you follow our tips.

1. Always have good manners and be polite when talking to someone else online.

2. Ask your parents to spend time with you while online so that you can show them some of the neat things you can find online.

3. Only use Internet when your parents tell you its OK,and only for as long as you are supposed to.

4. Dont give out personal information like your address,telephone number or school name to anyone unless you have permission from your parents.

5. Never meet with a key pal unless your parents go with you or you have their permission to go alone.

6. Dont break copyright rules by taking words,pictures or sound from someone elses Web site without their permission.

7. Dont answer any e-mail messages you get if they are strange,mean or upsetting to you,and tell your parents or teachers right away.


1. Who are supposed to go online together with you,your classmates,your teachers,your parents,or your good friends?

2. Is it good for you alone to meet your key friends?

3. What should you do if you received a strange e-mail?

[答案及简析] 本文提出了安全上网的七条建议。考生可以针对后面的问题,一个一个地进行突破。第一小题是一个选择疑问句。第二条建议就说,上网时,“要求你的父母陪着你,以便……”,故答案为: Your parents. 第二小题是个一般疑问句。第五条建议就是说“不要去见你的key friends,除非你的父母陪着你去或者允许你单独去”,故答案为: No,it isnt. 第七条的建议是教你如何处理陌生人的邮件,故第三小题答案为: Dont answer (open) it,tell your parents or teachers right away.


