The Pass of Mount Lou


疯狂英语·初中天地 2024年5期

◎贵州省遵义市绥阳县绥阳中学 罗 意 指导教师:高菲菲

Compared to the site of the Zunyi Conference,the Pass of Mount Lou is less well-known but definitely worth visiting.It is located about 60 kilometers south of Zunyi City,in the small town of Banqiao.“The Pass of Mount Lou” were etched(蚀刻)onto its pass gate,where countless visitors pay their respects to revolutionary heroes and feel the toughness of the past years.Let’s explore some important scenic spots at the Pass of Mount Lou.

The Pass of Mount Lou Red Army Battle Sites(娄山关红军战斗遗址)

On the entrance of the Pass of Mount Lou lies the Red Army Battle Site.It was in this battleground that the Central Red Army defeated the Guizhou Army on January 1,1935,and achieved their first major victory since the Long March.This battle became known as the Pass of Mount Lou Victory,turning China’s strategy around.Since then,the Pass of Mount Lou has become famous for its Red Army Battle Sites.Various military defensive works,trenches(战壕),rock carvings,and plaques are well-preserved,attracting many Chinese and foreign tourists coming here to pay tribute to the revolutionary heroes.

The Pass of Mount Lou Battle Exhibition Hall(娄山关战斗陈列馆)

The Pass of Mount Lou Battle Exhibition Hall covers an area of about 6000 square meters and houses statues of revolutionary heroes and historical photos.

Mao Zedong’s Poetry Inscription(毛泽东词碑)

When the Red Army achieved the pass of Mount Lou,Mao Zedong wrote one of his most famous poemsThe PassofMount Louexpressing his sadness about the battle while he was there.In the poem,he writes “Fear not the strong pass ironclad on all sides! The summit’s now surmounted with big strides.(雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。)” This poem is now carved in large print in cursive script(草书)on a marble monument measuring 14 meters high by 25 meters wide for tourists to admire.

Memorial Forest(纪念林)

The Memorial Forest was created at Xiaojian Mountain area in the Pass of Mount Lou to honor fallen soldiers from this battle.The local government planted trees to commemorate(纪念) those brave men during this war,naming it after this spot.

Visitors can also enjoy performances like “Red Army Battle in the Pass of Mount Lou” or “Journey along the Pass of Mount Lou”.Only then can one truly appreciate the hardships and cruel nature of the revolution war,and cherish our hard-won happiness.

The Pass of Mount Lou is a place full of historical significance.Its huge mountains and cliffs serve as a reminder of the hardships and dangers that revolutionary heroes overcome.


百年大党 壮阔历程 《娄山关》
贵州绥阳张喜山祠 :石文化经典之作