

孔子学院 2023年4期



Situated between the Atlantic Ocean in thenorth and the Caribbean sea in the south,theDominican Republic is the second-largest country inthe Caribbean. Its capital, Santo Domingo, is widelyrecognized as the"First City of the Americas". On May1st, 2018,China and the Dominican Republic officiallyestablished diplomatic relations. To commemoratethe one-year anniversary of this diplomatic milestone,Heilongjiang University and Santo Domingo Instituteof Technology (INTEC) jointly inaugurated the firstConfucius Institute in the Dominican Republic.over the past five years of diplomatic ties, the twocountries have fostered a robust partnership in cultureand education, setting a prime example of friendlycollaboration and mutual progress between nations.'Through its exceptional Chinese language instructionand diverse array of cultural events, the ConfuciusInstitute has gained local acclaim over the course offour years. It now stands as a vital gateway for the localpopulation to deepen their understanding of Chinaand the Chinese culture.


Mastering a language is like unlocking the key tounderstanding a country's culture. In the case of theDominican Republic and China, the Chinese languagehas increasingly become a bridge that nurturesfriendship and mutual understanding. Over the pastfive years of establishing diplomatic relations, moreand more Dominicans have developed a passion forlearning Chinese.The Confucius Institute at IN'TEChas assembled a team of skilled Chinese languageteachers who tirelessly explore innovative teachingmethods and refine the curriculum to ensure top-notch education. Their dedication has sparked aheightened interest in Chinese among local enthusiastsand has yielded many exceptional students.


The Confucius Institute has responded to theneeds of local businesses by introducing businessChinese classes that integrate fundamental Chineselanguage instruction. Since 2020, the institute hascollaborated with a Dominican company called Haycoto provide training for its employees. Many of theparticipants have attested that learning Chinese hasbrought them convenience and numerous advantagesin terms of their professional growth. They havebecome proficient in using Chinese effectively,allowing them to overcome language and culturalbarriers when collaborating with Chinese partners.Moreover,both entities have jointly organized eventssuch as the"Chinese Cultural Exchange Week” andthe "spring Festival Celebrations" On these occasions,the director and teachers from the Confucius Institutepersonally visited the company to deliver lecturesthat covered a wide range of topics, including cross-cultural differences, Chinese etiquette, and taboos.The participants have greatly benefited from theseinformative sessions.

孔院优秀学员吴恺杰(Edilian Uceta Espinosa)荣获2021年“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛美洲冠军。他流利的中文表达和丰富的中文知识腩备,给现场评委和观众留下了深刻的印象。多米尼加外交部为吴恺杰举行了隆重的颁奖仪式,并表彰了孔院在推动多米尼加国际中文教育、培养优秀中文青年等方面作出的杰出贡献。多米尼加外交部副部长何塞·胡利奥·戈麦斯(JoséJulio Gomez)代表外交部在致辞中说:“我们在吴恺杰身上看到了许多多米尼加年轻人的努力、自律、才华和拼搏。他们克服重重困难,以奋斗和奉献的稍神取得了成功,将我们的国旗升到了最高处。他们每天都在鼓励我们对更美好的家园充满希望。”他指出:“吴恺杰代表多米尼加获此殊荣,也激励和鞭策着我们必须继续提高我们的中文教育质量,维续开辟道路并提供机会,让所有的多米尼加年轻人都能充分发挥他们的无限中文潜能。”

Edilian Uceta Espinosa is one exceptional studentgraduating from the Confucius Institute. He emergedas the champion of the 2021“Chinese Bridge"world High School Students Chinese Competitionin the Americas, leaving both judges and spectatorsimpressed with his fluent Chinese expression and vastknowledge. To honor his achievement and commendthe Confucius Institute for their efforts in promotinginternational Chinese education in the DominicanRepublic and nurturing exceptional young Chinesetalents, the Dominican Ministry of Foreign Affairsorganized a prestigious award ceremony. José JulioGomez, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, expressedhis admiration in a speech, saying,"In Edilian UcetaEspinsa,we witness the tireless efforts, discipline,talent, and perseverance of young Dominicans.Despitefacing numerous challenges, they have triumphedthrough hard work and unwavering dedication,elevating our national flag to unprecedented heights.Each day, they inspire us, filling our hearts with hopefor a brighter future for our country.”He furtheremphasized,“Edilian's accomplishment serves asa representation of the Dominican Republic. Hemotivates and encourages us to continuously enhancethe quality of Chinese education, thereby openingdoors and creating opportunities for all youngDominicans to unleash their potential in Chinese”

"2023 年,吴恺杰凭借扎实的中文基础和创新的教学方法,成了孔子学院的一名本土中文教师。他的课堂氛围活跃,教学内容生动有趣,深得学生们的喜爱。他即将在2024 年赴华留学,实现自己的中国梦!In 2023,Edilian's exceptional command ofChinese and his innovative teaching methods ledhim to become a Chinese language instructor at theConfucius Institute. His classroom exudes energy, andhis teaching materials effortlessly captivate the heartsof his students. With his exciting plans to study inChina in 2024, he stands on the brink of fulfilling hisChinese dream


The Confucius Institute has gone above and beyondin organizing a wide range of cultural events. Theseevents include lectures on Chinese traditional culture,calligraphy and painting competitions held duringthe Mid-Autumn Festival and the Spring Festival, theSpring Festival Gala, celebrations for the InternationalChinese Language Day, and the rice dumpling makingworkshop on the Dragon Boat Festival. Thanksto these culturally enriching gatherings, Chineselanguage enthusiasts in the Dominican Republic havebuilt a comprehensive, vivid, and multi-dimensionalunderstanding of China and are eagerly embracingtheir role as friendly ambassadors between China andthe Dominican Republic.


Thanks to the new collaboration mechanisms betweenChinese and Dominican universities, the ConfuciusInstitute at INTEC has experienced remarkable growth.In the last four years, it has received unwavering supportfrom Heilongjiang University. During the challenging timesof the pandemic, it has benefited greatly from extensivesupport and cooperation from IN'TEC in organizing andparticipating in online teaching activities. The Presidentand Vice President of INTEC have actively participatedin various events organized by the Confucius Institute,including the Spring Festival Gala and the "Chinese Bridge"competition. In 2021, they recorded a congratulatorymessage celebrating Heilongjiang University's 8othanniversary, where they commended the remarkableachievements resulting from the collaboration between thetwo universities and expressed their confidence in fosteringfurther cooperation.


Over the past four years, the ConfuciusInstitute at INTEC in the DominicanRepublic has flourished. Both the Chineseand Dominican communities have witnessedthe institute's inception, growth, and theblossoming of friendly exchange betweenthe two countries.As the Confucius Institutecontinues to introduce more Dominicansto China and foster an admiration for itsdynamic culture, it also enhances Chinesepeople's understanding and familiarity withthe Dominican Republic.


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