

孔子学院 2023年4期


soon after its establishment,CITCMbegan offering a joint undergraduate andpostgraduate degree program in TraditionalChinese Medicine (Acupuncture). It was apioneering initiative, being the first Chinesemedicine degree program integrated into thecurriculum of a British university. since then,CITCM has successfully trained close to ahundred graduates.


cITCM has also launched a state-of-the-artChinese medicine clinic, offering a comprehensiverange of treatment programs.such as acupuncture,Tuina massage, and traditional Chinese medicinetechniques like cupping and scraping. Patients canaccess a wide array of traditional Chinese medicineservices here.The positive therapeutic effects ofthese treatments have been experiencedby numerous local patients. As a result,they have become ardent supporters ofthe traditional Chinese medicine andmake regular visits to the clinic for healthconsultations and wellness care. The clinichas been staffed by professional teachers,doctors.and experts dispatched fromthe Heilongjiang University of ChineseMedicine since its inception. Serving asan overseas teaching practice base for theuniversity, CITCM also functions as atraining and teaching facility. Each year,exceptional volunteer students are handpicked toassist in delivering medical services. Additionally, ithas successfully trained several British-born Chinesemedicine practitioners.

哈利娜是一位长期生活在英国的波兰籍患者,三年前她不幸患上了莱姆病,身体疲劳和肌肉疼痛给她的生活带来了很大影响。她虽然在波兰和英国四处寻医问药,但都没有得到满意的治疗。2022 年,她经朋友推荐来到伦敦中医孔子学院中医门诊就诊,医生对她进行了针、药结合的治疗。数月后,她的症状明显缓解。2022 年圣诞节,她在寄给医生的贺卡上写道:“是中医药给了我希望。

”Halina is a long-term Polish resident inthe UK. She contracted Lyme disease threeyears ago,which profoundly affected herlife with physical fatigue and muscle pain.Despite seeking treatment in both Polandand the UK, she found no satisfactory relief.In 2022, a friend recommended the CITCMclinic,where she received a combinationof acupuncture and medication from adoctor. Within a few months, her symptomssignificantly improved. Deeply grateful, sheexpressed her gratitude in a Christmas cardto the doctor, acknowledging that“traditionalChinese medicine had given her hope"


over time, numerous patients like Halina havewitnessed the remarkable effectiveness of traditional Chinesemedicine.Their trust and support for CITCM and its clinichave grown immensely. As a result, the local community hasdeveloped a deeper understanding and embraced traditionalChinese medicine more readily.


LSBU and local communities regularly invite CITCM todeliver popular science lectures on preventing and treatingcommon and prevalent diseases, as well as maintaininghealth through seasonal changes. Drawing from traditionalChinese medicine theories,the institute offers clearexplanations of the causes and development of thesediseases. Their lectures also include practical healthcaretechniques and methods that align with local dietarycustoms and cultural norms, such as health-preservingexercises, acupressure, and dietary therapies.


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