On the Street (Excerpt)街上(节选)


英语世界 2023年6期

约翰·班维尔 赵喜梅/译介

【导读】约翰·班维尔(1945— ),爱尔兰小说家、编剧、戏剧改编作家、电影剧本作家,其小说《证词》(The Book of Evidence)曾入围布克奖提名,2005年凭借第14部小说《海》(The Sea)获得布克獎。他还斩获不少其他重要奖项,包括卡夫卡奖(2011)、爱尔兰笔会奖(2013)、澳大利亚国家文学奖(2013)、奥地利王子奖(2014)等。他曾以本杰明·布莱克(Benjamin Black)为笔名,创作了主角为奎尔克(Quirke)的犯罪小说系列。2007年,班维尔入选英国皇家文学学会。“街上”节选自班维尔的散文集《光阴拾碎——都柏林回忆录》(Time Pieces: A Dublin Memoir,2016)第四章。人的记忆不一定是连贯的,往往以碎片形式嵌于我们的脑中。那些可捡拾的记忆片段,是随着时间逐渐深刻的人生经验;我们年轻时错过不少“熟视之若无睹也”的事物,所幸,岁月会赋予我们辩识真善美的智慧,那些险些被记忆抛却的终将会被捡起。本文作者对乔治王朝风格的都柏林的情感可谓后知后觉,他带着一半遗憾与一半幸运为读者当向导,走街穿巷,让我们领略这座城市的前世今生。

I could not have lived in a lovelier location. The view from the Natural History Museum along Merrion Square and Mount Street to St Stephens Church—the Pepper Canister, as it is fondly called—is one of the most handsome and dignified prospects in any of the worlds cities that I know or have visited. Leinster, originally Kildare, House, which is now the seat of government, was built in the 1740s by the Earl of Kildare, James FitzGerald, in an unfavoured and marshy area south of the river Liffey. Poor though the site might be, the canny earl predicted that fashion would soon follow him, and he was right: before the end of the century the bulk of the citys aristocracy had moved southwards across the river. The result was that in the following century, rich redoubts such as Henrietta Street and Rutland Square would fall into decrepitude and be sold off to rack-renting landlords, so that much of the north inner city was transformed into one of the worst slums in Europe. Meanwhile, on the south side of the river there grew up around Leinster House a grid of elegant streets and boulevards, a large number of which are still intact and in use today, though most of the fine old houses have been given over to office space.


A lot of the Georgian city was still standing when I first came to live there, but a lot of it was gone, too. It is a fact, as Maurice Craig pointed out as recently as 1992, that ‘much more of Dublin survives, and in reasonable order, than might be deduced from listening to the lamentations of those who deplore its destruction, but all the same, in the postwar years and up to the end of the 1960s, the city was subjected to appalling bouts of officially sanctioned destruction. The ultra-nationalist ideologues who ran the country then had scant regard for the delights of Georgian architecture, and indeed many of them would have seen Georgian Dublin as a despised monument to our British conquerors, who had been driven out in the War of Independence at the start of the 1920s. Hence permissions were liberally given for large-scale despoliation of, in Yeatss words, ‘many ingenious lovely things. A particularly deplorable instance of urban mutilation was the demolition of a large stretch of the south side of Fitzwilliam Street, to make way for the building of the Electricity Supply Boards headquarters—one of the developments that Daithí Hanly had so passionately opposed. Had the state coffers been in a more healthy state, it is likely that many other such streets would have been razed to make way for the New Brutalism. There was even a plan to fill in the Grand and Royal Canals and build super-roads over them, with sewers underneath. And the bosky green heart of delightful Merrion Square, which was then the property of the Catholic Church, barely escaped having a monster cathedral erected on it, at the behest of the unspeakable Archbishop McQuaid.


In 1969, Green Property—my Mount Street landlords, as it happened—a development company with strong links to the ruling Fianna Fáil party, were given permission by the then Minister for Local Government to knock down a large chunk of Hume Street, another fine example of Georgian architecture, that leads from Ely Place on to St Stephens Green. When the plan became public, the buildings were promptly occupied by a band of architectural students, who in time were joined by a number of public figures, including Garret FitzGerald, a Member of Parliament who would later become Taoiseach, and the future President of Ireland, Mary Robinson. However, late one night Green Property sent in a demolition crew, who destroyed the roofs and much of the interiors of the houses. In the end the company was compelled to erect fake Georgian buildings on the spot—‘unconvincing paraphrases masquerading as replicas, in Maurice Craigs disdainful judgement—while the rest of the street was saved.


Strangely, perhaps, none of this seems to have had much effect on me. The truth is, I had little interest in Dublins past, and not much in its present, either, if it came to that. What was it to me that in its days of glory Dublin had been the second city of the British Empire—‘the finest classical city in Europe, according to the architectural historian Mark Girouard—or that it was unique in having two major canals, or that the Duke of Wellington had been born in Merrion Street opposite what is now the Department of the Taoiseach? For me, as a writer in the making, the fact was that Joyce had seized upon the city for his own literary purposes and in doing so had used it up, as surely as Kafka did with the letter K, and consequently the place was of no use to me as a backdrop for my fiction. True, some of my early short stories take place in an identifiable Dublin, but they could as well have been set in London, or Paris—or Moscow, for that matter. It was not until much later, when I invented my dark brother Benjamin Black, that I saw the potential of 1950s Dublin as a setting for his noir novels.


Thus in this wise I largely ignored Dublin, as I had largely ignored Wexford. Again, I seek to comfort and perhaps even exonerate myself with the thought that this is what artists do, the imagination being their only true place in which richly to live. But am I convinced? Some years ago I was asked to contribute to a collection of six-word ‘stories, along the lines of Hemingways masterpiece—one of the best things he ever wrote: ‘For sale: baby shoes, never worn. My contribution to the volume may seem facetious, but it contains a serious and bitter truth: ‘Should have lived more, written less.


Yet I was happy in those early years, after my aunt died and I took over her ninety-nine-year lease on the Mount Street flat—happier, indeed, than I realised at the time. And how I loved my particular patch of Dublin. I recognise now that for all my cosmopolitan as-pirations, mine was essentially a small-town sensibility, and that Baggotonia was my ideal Wexford-sized vicinity, beyond the borders of which I ventured with reluctance. Thus I remained disgracefully ignorant of, for instance, the medieval quarters of the city, around Swifts St Patricks Cathedral and Guinnesss brewery, or, on the north side, the even older village of Howth and environs—although eventually I was to settle there, in the days when it was still a thriving fishing village; I recall taking my two young sons for walks along the west pier and seeing fishermen in wooden clogs packing kegs of salted herring for export to Britain and Scandinavia; those scenes hang in my memory, colourful and busy and antiquated, like genre pieces by one of the minor Dutch masters.


Of the suburbs I knew nothing at all, and recoiled from the prospect of all those acres of housing estates and soot-blackened factories, dotted here and there with littered patches of green where Traveller children galloped bareback on piebald ponies, and where in my overheated imagination of such places wild-eyed young men with Brylcreemed hair engaged in gang warfare, and wives were beaten and girls were got in the family way, and at night the barn-sized pubs throbbed with a drunken din, and life in general was irredeemably squalid.


What a prissy and purblind young man I was, a snob with nothing to be snobbish about.



