@重庆@世界·首届“TALK IN 重庆”外语演讲大赛圆满收官


重庆与世界 2023年4期


The final of the First “TALK IN Chongqing” Foreign Language Public Speaking Contest, jointly hosted by the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government and Chongqing Hualong Newsnet Group Co., Ltd., was held at Chongqing Foreign Affairs Building on March 11. This contest is aimed to thoroughly study, publicize and implement the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, speed up the development of Chongqing into a Leader of Opening up in Inland China and the Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China, strengthen its capacity of international communications, and tell compelling stories of the new Chongqing along the new journey in the new era.

Centering on “Striving for Achievements in the New Era,” “Realizing the Dream of Making a More Prosperous China,” and “Beautiful New Chongqing: A Pacesetter of Opening-up”, 30 outstanding contestants from various fields and industries told compelling stories of new Chongqing, bringing this contest to a successful conclusion.

Contestants delivered thought-provoking speeches such us Next Station: Chongqing, The Invisible Individuals in Chongqing, Chongqings Wisdom for the World, The Solid Foundation of the Chinese Nation, and Transportation Leads Chongqing to the World Stage. Contestants speeches reflected the tremendous changes in Chongqings urban appearance, economy, opening-up, social life, and other elements by blending new thoughts and philosophies of the 20th CPC National Congress with their work and study experience and feelings. An international outlook, perspectives based on Chongqing, and expressions as global citizens were conveyed in their speeches.

At the final, each contestant delivered a prepared speech followed by an impromptu Q&A session. In each group, contestants were assessed based on their speech content, voice, non-verbal presence (appearance and body language), and overall effectiveness. As a result, 1 contestant received the first prize, 3 were awarded the second prize, 5 were given the third prize, and 6 received an excellence award in each group. More than 20 representatives of international students from Chongqing University, Southwest University, and Chongqing Normal University were invited to serve as audience judges to pick 6 popular awards. After intense competition, Wang Wujiao from Chongqing Medical University and Mu Jun from the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University won the first prize in the university group and vocational group, respectively.

“The @Chongqing @The World ‘TALK IN Chongqing Foreign Language Public Speaking Contest aims to build more exchange platforms for foreign language enthusiasts and develop a group of excellent talent with a global vision who are conversant with both Chinese and foreign culture and connect China with the world. Through our strengths, we can present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable with a colorful, true, and multi-dimensional view to the world and tell the fabulous stories of Chongqing people about their diligence, perseverance, and efforts of chasing dreams,” said Wang Wen, Director-General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government, at the award ceremony. As she noted, the Foreign Affairs Office has taken the lead in building the Chongqing talent pool of translators and interpreters. With joint efforts, the Central and Western China Branch, Academy of Translation and Interpretation, China International Communications Group (CICG) was established in Chongqing to develop an international talent pool. She hoped that this competition would unearth and incorporate outstanding foreign language talent into the citys talent pool of translators and interpreters to enhance Chongqings talent team for international exchanges. She also conveyed her expectation that the contestants would play a dynamic role in the development of a new modern socialist Chongqing, promoting and enhancing the global perception of Chongqing, and standing out in their contribution towards building a modern socialist China in all aspects.

Yuan Kaiwen, a contestant in the university group, made a special trip from Beijing to Chongqing to participate in the contest. She stated that this contest provided contestants with a premium platform for exchanges and mutual learning and allowed them to exhibit their talent. This final was particularly meaningful, especially during the two sessions. Tan Wenjing, a contestant in the vocational group, said that Chongqing is accelerating its pace to become a Leader of Opening up in Inland China and a Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China, ripe with vitality and development opportunities. She also remarked that, as a young teacher, she would actively contribute to developing her hometown and Chinas basic education.

Brooks Schanelle Lison, a Jamaican international student at Chongqing University, served as an audience judge in the contest. She said, “Todays contestants are all very talented. I can see that they must have made considerable efforts behind their speeches.” She commented that the contest was a huge success, broadening her knowledge of Chongqing, and she aspired to share this knowledge with people in her country. Another audience judge Ayu Novianti Lahinta, an Indonesian exchange student at Southwest University, expressed that the contestants speeches enlightened her with numerous stories she had never heard. She found the speeches fascinating as they helped her gain a deeper understanding of the diversity of Chongqing. She said, “Chongqing is a city of heroes. I was greatly touched by the heroic account of how the residents and the local government of Chongqing worked together to combat the forest fire at Jinyun Mountain.”

Since its launch, the contest has garnered immense awareness and interest from all walks of life. The contest attracted the participation of 265 contestants from universities and various professions, such as medicine, education, foreign trade, finance, and culture. The Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government will continue building exchange platforms for foreign language enthusiasts who can better tell compelling stories of China along the new journey in the new era.

Photo/The Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government

深入學习宣传贯彻党的二十大精神,加快重庆建设内陆开放高地和中西部国际交往中心,加强国际传播能力建设,讲好新时代、新征程、新重庆故事。3月11日,由重庆市人民政府外事办公室与重庆华龙网集团联合主办的@重庆@世界·首届“TALK IN 重庆”外语演讲大赛决赛在重庆市外事大楼成功举行。

围绕“奋发有为 建功新时代”“强国有我 筑梦正当时”“开放高地 美丽新重庆”三大主题,30名来自不同领域、不同行业的优秀选手生动讲述新重庆故事,发出新重庆好声音,为本届外语演讲大赛画上圆满句号。

《下一站:重庆》《看不见的“我”—致敬每一个重庆人》《重庆智慧 奉献世界》《稳稳的守护—从泥土中生长》《交通引领重庆走向世界》……选手将党的二十大精神的新思想、新理念融入演讲,结合自身工作、学习的经历和感受,以国际视野、重庆视角、世界表达,生动描绘了重庆在城市面貌、经济建设、对外开放、社会生活等方方面面的巨大变化。


“我们创办@重庆@世界·‘TALK IN 重庆外语演讲大赛,旨在为广大外语爱好者搭建沟通交流平台,培养一批融通中外、联通世界的优秀国际化人才,向世界展示丰富多彩、立体真实、可爱可敬的中国,展示山城人民勤劳奋斗、追逐梦想的精彩故事。”市政府外办主任王雯在比赛颁奖仪式上表示,市政府外办牵头建立了重庆市翻译人才库,并经多方努力争取在渝设立了中国外文局翻译院中西部分院,全面加强全市国际人才队伍建设。希望通过本次大赛发掘优秀外语人才,吸纳到全市翻译人才库中,充实重庆国际人才队伍。希望选手们积极投身建设社会主义现代化新重庆,做重庆国际形象的传播者、塑造者,在全面建设社会主义现代化国家的火热实践中绽放绚丽之花。


“所有选手都非常优秀,从她们的演讲可以看出背后所付出的努力。”来自重庆大学的牙买加留学生大众评委BROOKS SCHANELLE LISON评价此次大赛非常成功,加深了她对重庆的了解,学习到很多知识,希望可以将这些知识传播到自己的祖国。来自西南大学的印度尼西亚留学生大众评委AYU NOVIANTI LAHINTA则表示,比赛选手演讲内容丰富,很多内容都是第一次听说,让她了解到更多元的重庆。她说:“重庆是英雄的城市,尤其是去年政府和人民同心协力抗击山火,让我深受感动。”



