

火炸药学报 2022年6期

题 目作者卷(期)页


肖忠良 45 (1) ⅰ


姜一帆,赵凤起,李 辉,张 明,蒋周峰,侯晓婷,张建侃,李 娜,戴亚堂 45 (1) 1


张 坤,王 健,王晓峰,冯晓军 45 (1) 20


周飞飞,侯天骄,罗 军 45 (1) 30

High Energy Density Materials based on N4Molecules: Synthesis Routes from First-principles Calculations

MAO Yu-ting, SUN Chu-li, DU Hui-fang, GUO Wei 45 (1) 36


曹少博,周林裕,张亮亮,陈建峰 45 (1) 46


熊 杰,金致远,余雪梅,金 波,彭汝芳 45 (1) 53


叶宝云,冯宸赫,安崇伟,王晶禹,赵凤起,赵嘉静 45 (1) 60


徐明辉,杨伟涛,卢先明,莫洪昌,葛忠学 45 (1) 67


张树凯,王科伟,谢佳良,李晓刚,张浩宇,程 立 45 (1) 73


牛国涛,南 海,牛余雷 45 (1) 81


朱 煜,王建华,刘玉存,荆苏明,翟思源,温 旭 45 (1) 85


魏 国,刘 锋,吴攀宇,王锡东 45 (1) 90


胡义文,王江宁,张 军,袁志锋,陈俊波,陈太俊,宋秀铎,裴江峰,耿超辉 45 (1) 97


刘奔奔,张 慧,李军强,陈国辉,杨士山,彭 炯,何吉宇,李向梅,杨荣杰 45 (1) 103


石先锐,许灿啟,贾永杰,李小东 45 (1) 109


苟永亮,刘 波,李梓超,魏 伦,马方生,姚月娟,于慧芳,李 强 45 (1) 115


侯聪花,张 鑫,马静静,张诗敏,吴 楠,李泽睿,杜宇星 45 (1) 120


巨荣辉,罗一鸣,王 浩,蒋秋黎,张蒙蒙,杨 斐,翟连杰,王锡杰 45 (1) 126


王晶禹 45 (2) ⅰ


肖 磊,郝嘎子,郭 锐,柯 香,张光普,胡玉冰,周 昊,王苏炜,姜 炜 45 (2) 133


袁志锋,胡松启,刘林林,赵凤起 45 (2) 154

Use of Hydrazine and Its Substitutes as Fuel

A.A.Boryaev 45 (2) 164


折巍青,翟连杰,李建康,黄 洁,王伯周 45 (2) 179


胡冬冬,陈鑫健,汪营磊,周智勇,张 帆,任钟旗 45 (2) 193

李陶琦,丁可伟,刘红利,卜建华,杨 斌,刘 卫,葛忠学 45 (2) 200


罗 西,常 海,刘红妮,周文静,栾洁玉,邓明哲 45 (2) 205


叶宝云,范家珂,安崇伟,王晶禹,赵凤起,秦 钊 45 (2) 212


谢 晓,朱晨光,赵凤起,仪建华,秦 钊,李海建 45 (2) 222


王中友,李星翰,甘云丹,施逸蕾,刘福生,仲 凯,苏健军 45 (2) 229


杨 珊,王树山,王韫泽,桂秋阳,曾 晶,郑灿杰,贾曦雨 45 (2) 243


吴攀宇,刘 锋,魏 国,李松林,何 祥,陈皓楠 45 (2) 249


张晓军,邢鹏涛,朱佳佳,常新龙 45 (2) 257


唐 刚,罗运军,李霄羽 45 (2) 264


高宇晨,李曼曼,胡 睿,杨伟涛,张玉成,田德庆 45 (2) 271


周文君,刘 博,张有智,马有志,王煊军 45 (2) 277


焦清介 45 (3) ⅰ


王晓峰 45 (3) 285


彭翠枝,赵春柳,毛长勇,王 林,王建波,邵玉玲,柏席峰 45 (3) 290


杜 斌,姚洪志,赵凤起,赵 团,杨 帆 45 (3) 300


王书记,王 迪,刘 平,孙晓乐,王小龙,郭学永 45 (3) 308


郭 伟,贾路川,王浩旭,曹 威,曹落霞,聂少云,宋清官,高大元 45 (3) 315


高家乐,周 霖,苗飞超,张向荣,李东伟,倪 磊,朱英中,江 涛 45 (3) 323


罗一鸣,沈 飞,王 辉,张蒙蒙,王煊军 45 (3) 332


肖有才,洪志雄,蒋海燕,王志军,熊言义,张 宏 45 (3) 339


张 坤,陶 俊,薛乐星,冯 博,潘 文,王金华,冯晓军,王晓峰 45 (3) 348


陈永进,孙晓乐,焦清介,任 慧 45 (3) 355


种 涛,傅 华,李 涛,莫建军,蔡进涛 45 (3) 364


雷 伟,张蒙蒙,王红星,杨 斐,李秉擘,罗一鸣 45 (3) 370


阚润哲,聂建新,刘 正,郭学永,焦清介,朱英中,刘 攀 45 (3) 377


毕 超,郭 翔,屈可朋,沈 飞 45 (3) 383


吴成成,王正宏,李世伟,李胜伟,王 硕,郭学永 45 (3) 388


刘鹏华,李云欣,张浩斌,王保民,袁洪魏,黄 忠,孙 杰 45 (3) 396


吴鑫洲,邓玉成,邓 鹏,焦清介,任 慧 45 (3) 404


沈 飞,罗一鸣,余文力,王煊军 45 (3) 412


张云龙,程王健,李 昆,高立龙,叶宝云,安崇伟 45 (3) 419


何 祥,刘 锋,陈皓楠,吴攀宇,魏 国 45 (3) 425


冯昌林,袁 德 45 (3) 432


肖 川,宋 浦,张默贺 45 (4) ⅰ


于 瑾,徐司雨,姜菡雨,赵凤起 45 (4) 439


胡松启,韩进朝,刘林林 45 (4) 452


刘人天,翟进贤,杨荣杰,宋振坤 45 (4) 466


杨真理,张建国,崔立明,张纬经,陆祖嘉,董文帅 45 (4) 472


张梦瑶,倪德彬,于国强,刘 江,董璐阳 45 (4) 479


李 岩,余文力,黄 璜,李 彪 45 (4) 486


姜一帆,于宪峰,李 辉,李 娜,张建侃,蒋周峰,张 明,李瑞勤,戴亚堂,赵凤起 45 (4) 494


边 圆,杨凌枫,李纯志,毛长勇,伍 波,裴重华 45 (4) 504


安 静,罗一鸣,巨荣辉,马海霞 45 (4) 513


龙茂豪,崔立明,黄可奇,夏良洪,王彦娜,张同来 45 (4) 522


沈 飞,王 辉,罗一鸣,余文力,王煊军 45 (4) 529


肖 游,智小琦,王 琦 45 (4) 536

A Method to Predict the Thermochemical Behavior of N-butyl zaideethylnitramine (BuAENA) in DMSO

LU Xu,HU Ling-yan,WANG Tao,LI Bao-jun,LIN Xin-bing,LI Lian-qiang,ZHU Yan-long,DING Li,CHANG Hai 45 (4) 544


李一鸣,李文彬,韩 伟,张 庆,王晓鸣 45 (4) 549


赵 越,丁政茂,杨 武,罗运军 45 (4) 555


孙世雄,赵本波,桑 超,程 原,罗运军 45 (4) 561


赵锋伟,惠 丰,袁 俊,张 前,刘昭铁,刘忠文,吕 剑 45 (4) 567


刘燕华,陈春林,杨 琴,张晓志,陈鹏万,邵自强 45 (4) 576


杨旭光,余永刚,陈 安 45 (4) 582


杨海斌,汪旭光,王尹军,郭宝江,张风军,李继红 45 (4) 590


马海霞,李嘉辰 45 (5) ⅰ


刘英哲,曹意林 45 (5) ⅱ


崔 巍,王亚军,甘 强,冯长根 45 (5) 597


刘 犇,肖 磊,武宗凯,王苏炜,李 铎,刘所恩,赵凤起,姜 炜,宋秀铎,郝嘎子 45 (5) 612


郭元盛,吕 玺,李 洋,薛 祺,弥阳丽,崔 伟,南少聪,刘 鹏,张 萌 45 (5) 629


唐晓飞,张 瑶,廉 鹏,朱军臣,张圣龙,王锡杰,刘 宁,陈 松 45 (5) 639


王晓军,王霆威,崔立明,胡 勇,张 陆,曹文丽,董文帅,吴金婷,张建国 45 (5) 645


刘亚静,刘浩然,葛瑞荣,赵宝东,刘卫孝,高福磊,张 萌 45 (5) 651


牛振威,曾淑琼,唐 梅,葛妮娜,马兆侠 45 (5) 658


苏海鹏,刘 影,贾雅婷,丁可伟,尉 涛,刘浩然,葛忠学 45 (5) 666


廖奕玫,陈伶媛,游 婷,段晓惠 45 (5) 671


赵宁宁,曾见有,姚二岗,安 亭,马海霞,赵凤起 45 (5) 679


游 婷,谢五喜,廖奕玫,陈伶媛,段晓惠 45 (5) 688


刘 锋,匡 照,吴攀宇,魏 国 45 (5) 697


杨 玥,董子文,孔 松,黄 辉,李小东,王晶禹 45 (5) 703


武文杰,刘 旭,马宇谦,谭 伟,齐秀芳 45 (5) 711


宋浩宇,李晨阳,安崇伟,王晶禹 45 (5) 722


雷婧宇,王利侠,寇鹏飞,薛 标 45 (5) 730


李珊珊,门 爽,魏 莉 45 (5) 735

Static and Dynamic Combustion Performance of 4-Perforated Gun Propellants

LI Zi-chao,YAO Yue-juan,XU Zhen-zhen,YU Hui-fang,GOU Yong-liang,MA Fang-sheng,YAN Wei,WEI Lun,

WANG Feng,LIU Bo,ZHENG Shuang,LI Qiang,LIU Shao-wu,WANG Qiong-lin,WANG Shu 45 (5) 744


秦 钊,赵凤起,郝 宁 45 (6) P1


方延延,王功名,曲文刚,赵凤起 45 (6) 749


李 辉,杨燕京,赵凤起,黄雪峰,李盛姬 45 (6) 761


赵 杨,黄 琪,金 波,彭汝芳 45 (6) 770


荣光耀,程 杪,盛兆华,张允祯,刘向阳,王健平 45 (6) 785

Revealing the Thermal Responses of CL-20 Polymorphs by Conformer Transformation and Initial Decomposition Using ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Simulations

REN Chun-xing,LI Xiao-xia,NIU Shi-yao,QU Wen-gang,GAO Hong-xu 45 (6) 793


文琳元,何晓凯,师进文,刘英哲,王伯周 45 (6) 807


郭延芝,吴艳玲,赵凤起,宋秀铎,徐司雨,蒲雪梅 45 (6) 814


姜菡雨,王煊军,于 瑾,石锦宇,慕晓刚,徐司雨,赵凤起 45 (6) 821


钟 圣,金 波,彭汝芳 45 (6) 827


雷若辰,柳宛彤,张 明,金红晓,金顶峰 45 (6) 835


宋远航,曲文刚,赵凤起,牛诗尧,陈 永,徐抗震 45 (6) 841


李海建,陈 超,张 哲,谢 晓,马 宁,陈 松,金 波,彭汝芳,仪建华 45 (6) 848


金孟媛,张建侃,罗宇同,秦 钊,赵凤起,郭艳辉 45 (6) 856


于润田,马曼曼,张 睿,秦 钊,刘 冬 45 (6) 862


秦丁益,杨 越,栗 晶,柳朝晖,秦 钊,仪建华 45 (6) 870


刘 双,张锡铭,张 京,郑梦泽,刘文皓,罗运军 45 (6) 877


袁志锋,胡松启,韩进朝,王 印,王 瑛,胡义文,李 恒,栗 磊,张 军,赵凤起 45 (6) 884


李金键,王丙寅,齐 琪,张 彪,许传龙 45 (6) 891


张 云,赵懿明,许张归,赵凤起,徐司雨,裴 庆,徐 森,焦枫媛,吴星亮,贾宪振,曹卫国 45 (6) 898

Chinese Journal of Explosives and Propellants 2021 Vol.45
Total Contents

Direct Ink Writing Technology for Additive Manufacturing and Its Research Progress in Energetic Materials

JIANG Yi-fan,ZHAO Feng-qi,LI Hui, et al 45 (1) 1

Application and Research Progress of Dihydroxylammonium 5,5′-bistetrazole-1,1′-diolate (TKX-50) in Explosives & Propellants

ZHANG Kun,WANG Jian,WANG Xiao-feng, et al 45 (1) 20

Synthesis,Characterization and Performance Prediction of Oxalohydrazidinium 5,5′-dinitro-3,3′-bi(1,2,4-triazolate)

ZHOU Fei-fei,HOU Tian-jiao,LUO Jun 45 (1) 30

High Energy Density Materials based on N4Molecules: Synthesis Routes from First-principles Calculations

MAO Yu-ting,SUN Chu-li,DU Hui-fang,et al 45 (1) 36

Preparation of Submicron RDX Particles by High-gravity Assisted Solvent-Antisolvent Recrystallization Method

CAO Shao-bo,ZHOU Lin-yu,ZHANG Liang-liang, et al 45 (1) 46

Synthesis of Fullerene p-Methylaniline Derivative and Its Effect on the Stability of Nitrocellulose

XIONG Jie,JIN Zhi-yuan,YU Xue-mei, et al 45 (1) 53

Preparation of TKX-50/Al/GAP Energetic Micro-units by Electrostatic Spraying Method and Its Performance

YE Bao-yun,FENG Chen-he,AN Chong-wei, et al 45 (1) 60

Cryogenic Mechanical Properties of GAP/PET Block Thermoplastic Elastomers

XU Ming-hui,YANG Wei-tao,LU Xian-ming, et al 45 (1) 67

Effect of In-line Asynchronous Initiation on Warhead Damage Efficiency

ZHANG Shu-kai,WANG Ke-wei,XIE Jia-liang, et al 45 (1) 73

Study on the Surface Free Energy of HTPB/Plasticizers

NIU Guo-tao,NAN Hai,NIU Yu-lei 45 (1) 81

Thermal Decomposition Behavior and Compatibility of DFTNAN/B

ZHU Yu,WANG Jian-hua,LIU Yu-cun, et al 45 (1) 85

Influence of Vibration on the Stability of On-site Mixed Emulsion Explosive

WEI Guo,LIU Feng,WU Pan-yu, et al 45 (1) 90

Mechanical Critical Transition Characteristics of CL-20/CMDB Propellants over a Wide Range of Temperature

HU Yi-wen,WANG Jiang-ning,ZAHNG Jun, et al 45 (1) 97

Research on Injection Molding Simulation and Process Parameters of EPDM Coating

LIU Ben-ben,ZHANG Hui,LI Jun-qiang, et al 45 (1) 103

Frictional Static Electricity Characteristics of Typical High Energy Nitramine Gun Propellant

SHI Xian-rui,XU Can-qi,JIA Yong-jie, et al 45 (1) 109

Prediction of Desensitizer Concentration Distribution in Gun Propellant Based on Artificial Neural Network Algorithm

GOU Yong-liang,LIU Bo,LI Zi-chao, et al 45 (1) 115

Effect of Graphene Oxide on Safety Performance and Mechanical Properties of RDX/PMMA

HOU Cong-hua,ZHANG Xin,MA Jing-jing, et al 45 (1) 120

Thermal Safety and Solidification Characteristics of BFFO

JU Rong-hui,LUO Yi-ming,WANG Hao, et al 45 (1) 126

Research Status and Prospect of Additive Manufacturing Technology for Energetic Materials

XIAO Lei,HAO Ga-zi,GUO Rui,et al 45 (2) 133

Research Progress of Typical Energetic Insensitive Plasticisers in Solid Propellant Application

YUAN Zhi-feng,HU Song-qi,LIU Lin-lin,et al 45 (2) 154

Use of Hydrazine and Its Substitutes as Fuel

A.A.Boryaev 45 (2) 164

Research Progress on the Synthesis of 3,4-Diaminofurazan and Its Energetic Derivatives

SHE Wei-qing,ZHAI Lian-jie,LI Jian-kang,et al 45 (2) 179

The Surface Structure and Properties Analysis of Ammonium Dinitramide Crystal

HU Dong-dong,CHEN Xin-jian,WANG Ying-lei,et al 45 (2) 193

LI Tao-qi,DING Ke-wei,LIU Hong-li,et al 45 (2) 200

Crystallization Thermodynamics of PYX in DMSO

LUO Xi,CHANG Hai,LIU Hong-ni,et al 45 (2) 205

Crystal Morphology Prediction of 3,3′-Diamino-4,4′-azofurazan in Seven Solvent Systems

YE Bao-yun,FAN Jia-ke,AN Chong-wei,et al 45 (2) 212

Preferential Reaction Characteristics of Mg and Nitridation Mechanism of Al during the Combustion of Mg-Al Alloy in Air

XIE Xiao,ZHU Chen-guang,ZHAO Feng-qi,et al 45 (2) 222

Study on Thermodynamic Evolution of Detonation Products in the Detonation Bomb Test

WANG Zhong-you,LI Xing-han,GAN Yun-dan,et al 45 (2) 229

Penetration Power of Large Underwater Explosion Height of Shaped Charge to Multi-layer Spacer Target

YANG Shan,WANG Shu-shan,WANG Yun-ze,et al 45 (2) 243

Effect of Particle Size of Internal Phase on Non-Isothermal Thermal Decomposition Characteristics of Field Mixed Emulsion Explosive

WU Pan-yu,LIU Feng,WEI Guo,et al 45 (2) 249

Experimental Study on HTPB Propellant Subjected to Temperature Cycle Impact

ZHANG Xiao-jun,XING Peng-tao,ZHU Jia-jia,et al 45 (2) 257

Rheological Properties of Hot-melt Adhesive-based Propellant

TANG Gang,LUO Yun-jun,LI Xiao-yu 45 (2) 264

3D Printing Technology and Properties of CL-20-based Photocurable Gun Propellants

GAO Yu-chen,LI Man-man,HU Rui,et al 45 (2) 271

Multi-objective Optimization for HTPB Propellant Breaking Process by Submerged Cavitating Water Jet

ZHOU Wen-jun,LIU Bo,ZHANG You-zhi,et al 45 (2) 277

Some Opinions about Insensitive Munitions

WANG Xiao-feng 45 (3) 285

Foreign Development Status of CL-20 Explosive Technology

PENG Cui-zhi,ZHAO Chun-liu,MAO Chang-yong,et al 45 (3) 290

Research Progress of Explosive Safety in the Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field

DU bin,YAO Hong-zhi,ZHAO Feng-qi,et al 45 (3) 300

Design and Safety Research of TKX-50-based Pressed General Blasting Explosive

WANG Shu-ji,WANG Di,LIU Ping,et al 45 (3) 308

Experimental Research on Cook-off Test of Accelerated Aging PBX-6 Explosive

GUO Wei,JIA Lu-chuan,WANG Hao-xu,et al 45 (3) 315

Numerical Simulation of Ignition Process of Explosive Charge in Overload Environment

GAO Jia-le,ZHOU Lin,MIAO Fei-chao,et al 45 (3) 323

Experimental Study on DDT of DNTF and Composition B Explosives under Different Ignition Conditions

LUO Yi-ming,SHEN Fei,WANG Hui,et al 45 (3) 332

Research on Dynamic Mechanical Behavior and Damage Constitutive Model of PBX Substitute Material

XIAO You-cai,HONG Zhi-xiong,JIANG Hai-yan,et al 45 (3) 339

Reactivity of TKX-50 under Different Stimulation Methods

ZHANG Kun,TAO Jun,XUE Le-xing,et al 45 (3) 348

Additive Manufacturing of Explosive Charges Containing Metastable Intermolecular Complexes

CHEN Yong-jin,SUN Xiao-le,JIAO Qing-jie,et al 45 (3) 355

High-pressure Sound Velocity and Equation of State of PBX-3 Explosives with Different Charge Densities

CHONG Tao,FU Hua,LI Tao,et al 45 (3) 364

Properties Comparison of DNP-based and DNAN-based Melt Cast Explosives

LEI Wei,ZHANG Meng-meng,WANG Hong-xing,et al 45 (3) 370

Energy Release Characteristics of Composite Charge in Confined Space Explosion

KAN Run-zhe,NIE Jian-xin,LIU Zheng,et al 45 (3) 377

Numerical Simulation of Charge Damage during Oblique Penetration

BI Chao,GUO Xiang,QU Ke-peng,et al 45 (3) 383

Design and Application of CL-20-based Pressed Explosives Structure Forming Carrier

WU Cheng-cheng,WANG Zheng-hong,LI Shi-wei,et al 45 (3) 388

Effect of Fluoropolymer Binder on the Compressibility of TATB-based PBX Molding Powder

LIU Peng-hua,LI Yun-xin,ZHANG Hao-bin,et al 45 (3) 396

Print Forming and Explosive Performance of Castable PBX Explosive

WU Xin-zhou,DENG Yu-cheng,DENG Peng,et al 45 (3) 404

Experimental Study on Propagation Characteristics of Detonation Wave of Typical Coaxial Binary Charges

SHEN Fei,LUO Yi-ming,YU Wen-li,et al 45 (3) 412

Effect of Surfactant on Rheological Properties of the RDX-based Cast Curing Aluminized Explosives

ZHANG Yun-long,CHENG Wang-jian,LI Kun,et al 45 (3) 419

Effect of Different Oil Phase Materials on the Anti-extrusion Ability of On-site Mixed Emulsion Explosive

HE Xiang,LIU Feng,CHEN Hao-nan,et al 45 (3) 425

Numerical Simulation and Experimental Verification on Thermal Safety of Explosive Charge of Aerial Bomb

FENG Chang-lin,YUAN De 45 (3) 432

Application and Development Trend of Microfluidic Technology in Preparation of Energetic Materials

YU Jin,XU Si-yu,JIANG Han-yu,et al 45 (4) 439

Research Progress on High-pressure Burning Rate and Regulation Methods of HTPB Propellants

HU Song-qi,HAN Jin-chao,LIU Lin-lin 45 (4) 452

Synthesis and Performance of Propiolate-terminated Ethylene Oxide-tetrahydrofuran Random Copolyether

LIU Ren-tian,ZHAI Jin-xian,YANG Rong-jie,et al 45 (4) 466

Synthesis and Properties Study of Energetic Ionic Salt 3-Amino-5-hydrazino-1,2,4-triazolium Trinitro-phloroglucinolate

YANG Zhen-li,ZHANG Jian-guo,CUI Li-ming,et al 45 (4) 472

Preparation Technology of Perovskite High-energetic Material DAP-4

ZHANG Meng-yao,NI De-bin,YU Guo-qiang,et al 45 (4) 479

Molecular Reactive Force Field Simulation on the Response of the Co-crystal of CL-20/TNT under the Coupling of Heat and Shock Wave

LI Yan,YU Wen-li,HUANG Huang,et al 45 (4) 486

Preparation,Characterization and Thermal Reactivity of Al/PVDF/MO Metastable Intermolecular Composites with Double Core-shell Structure

JIANG Yi-fan,YU Xian-feng,LI Hui,et al 45 (4) 494

Preparation of AP/PDA/Fe2O3Composite and Its Hygroscopicity and Thermal Decomposition Properties

BIAN Yuan,YANG Ling-feng,LI Chun-zhi,et al 45 (4) 504

Effect of Water Soluble Phenolic Resin and Encapsulation Method on Thermal Decomposition of RDX

AN Jing,LUO Yi-ming,JU Rong-hui,et al 45 (4) 513

Effect of AlH3and MgH2on Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate

LONG Mao-hao,CUI Li-ming,HUANG Ke-qi,et al 45 (4) 522

Design and Experimental Verification of Explosion Expansion Model of the Cylinder with Dissimilar Structure

SHEN Fei,WANG Hui,LUO Yi-ming,et al 45 (4) 529

Numerical Simulation of Fast Cook-off Based on the Combination of FDS and CFD

XIAO You,ZHI Xiao-qi,WANG Qi 45 (4) 536

A Method to Predict the Thermochemical Behavior of N-butyl zaideethylnitramine (BuAENA) in DMSO

LU Xu,HU Ling-yan,WANG Tao,et al 45 (4) 544

Relationship between the Average Mass of Warhead Shell Fragments and the Average Perforation Area

LI Yi-ming,LI Wen-bin,HAN Wei,et al 45 (4) 549

Effect of Montmorillonite on Mechanical and Rheological Properties of HTPB Propellant

ZHAO Yue,DING Zheng-mao,YANG Wu,et al 45 (4) 555

Mechanical Performance and Security Performance of Bu-NENA Based Modified Double-base Propellant

SUN Shi-xiong,ZHAO Ben-bo,SANG Chao,et al 45 (4) 561

Application of Iron Modified Hierarchical Mordenite in the Condensation Amination Reaction

ZHAO Feng-wei,HUI Feng,YUAN Jun,et al 45 (4) 567

Improvement of Internal Ballistic Performance of Oblate Spherical Propellants at Low Temperature by Using Nitrate Glycerol Ether Cellulose

LIU Yan-hua,CHEN Chun-lin,YANG Qin,et al 45 (4) 576

Effect of Rupture Form of End Cover on Grain Dispersion durning Ignition and Combustion of Single Module Charge

YANG Xu-guang,YU Yong-gang,CHEN An 45 (4) 582

Experimental Study on the Safety of Liquid CO2Phase Change Explosive Excitant

YANG Hai-bin,WANG Xu-guang,WANG Yin-jun,et al 45 (4) 590

Research Progress in Microscopic Simulation of Nanothermite

CUI Wei,WANG Ya-jun,GAN Qiang,et al 45 (5) 597

Research Progress on Quality and Safety Control in Calendering Process of Screwed Modified Double-base Propellant

LIU Ben,XIAO Lei,WU Zong-kai,et al 45 (5) 612

Research Progress in the Synthesis of Energetic Materials Based on Nitrogen-rich N-oxide Skeletons

GUO Yuan-sheng,Lü Xi,LI Yang,et al 45 (5) 629

Synthesis of Tetraacetyldibenzylhexaazaisowurtzitane from Hydrodebenzylation of Hexabenzylhexaazaisowurtzitane by Resonance Acoustic Technology

TANG Xiao-fei,ZHANG Yao,LIAN Peng,et al 45 (5) 639

Synthesis,Characterization and Process Optimization of 3-Hydrazino-4-amino-1,2,4-triazole Nitrate

WANG Xiao-jun,WANG Ting-wei,CUI Li-ming,et al 45 (5) 645

Synthesis and Properties of 5,5′-(Hydrazine-1,2-diyl)bis(1H-tetrazole)dihydroxylammonium

LIU Ya-jing,LIU Hao-ran,GE Rui-rong,et al 45 (5) 651

Initial Reaction Mechanism and Spectral Characteristics of RDX Decomposition Products under Shock Loadings

NIU Zhen-wei,ZENG Shu-qiong,TANG Mei,et al 45 (5) 658

Preparation and Performance Calculation of Polymeric Nitrogen under Ultra-high Pressure

SU Hai-peng,LIU Ying,JIA Ya-ting,et al 45 (5) 666

Micro-mechanism of MeNQ/NQ Eutectic Formation

LIAO Yi-mei,CHEN Ling-yuan,YOU Ting,et al 45 (5) 671

Thermal Decomposition Kinetics and Mechanism of GDY/HMX Composite Energetic Materials

ZHAO Ning-ning,ZENG Jian-you,YAO Er-gang,et al 45 (5) 679

Microscopic Interaction Mechanism of Ethylacetate with Crystal Faces of ε-CL-20

YOU Ting,XIE Wu-xi,LIAO Yi-mei,et al 45 (5) 688

Effect of Internal Phase Particle Size on Thermal Sensitivity of On-site Mixed Emulsion Explosive

LIU Feng,KUANG Zhao,WU Pan-yu,et al 45 (5) 697

Study on Dispersion Stability of Spray Drying Precursor of FOX-7 Based PBXs

YANG Yue,DONG Zi-wen,KONG Song,et al 45 (5) 703

Thermal Decomposition and Laser Ignition Properties of PBX(HMX)/AP Composites Containing Different Granularity of HMX

WU Wen-jie,LIU Xu,MA Yu-qian,et al 45 (5) 711

Study on Combustion and Delay Performance of B/CuO Delay Compositions

SONG Hao-yu,LI Chen-yang,AN Chong-wei,et al 45 (5) 722

Study on the Jet Velocity Prediction Method Based on the Kriging Model

LEI Jing-yu,WANG Li-xia,KOU Peng-fei,et al 45 (5) 730

Pretreatment of Carbon Nanotubes and Preparation of CuO/CNTs Combustion Catalyst

LI Shan-shan,MEN Shuang,WEI Li 45 (5) 735

Static and Dynamic Combustion Performance of 4-Perforated Gun Propellants

LI Zi-chao,YAO Yue-juan,XU Zhen-zhen,et al 45 (5) 744

Advanced Characterization Techniques for Unravelling the Structure and Catalytic Mechanism of the Single-atom Combustion Catalysts

FANG Yan-yan,WANG Gong-ming,QU Wen-gang,et al 45 (6) 749

Progress in Combustion of Levitated Single Fuel Particle/Droplet

LI Hui,YANG Yan-jing,ZHAO Feng-qi,et al 45 (6) 761

Review on the Application of Fullerene and Its Derivatives in Energetic Materials

ZHAO Yang,HUANG Qi,JIN Bo,et al 45 (6) 770

Flow Field Evolution Mechanism for the Whole Process of Ignition,Quenching,Reinitiation,and Stabilization in Continuous Detonation Engine

RONG Guang-yao,CHENG Miao,SHENG Zhao-hua,et al 45 (6) 785

Revealing the Thermal Responses of CL-20 Polymorphs by Conformer Transformation and Initial Decomposition Using ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Simulations

REN Chun-xing,LI Xiao-xia,NIU Shi-yao,et al 45 (6) 793

Prediction of Crystal Density of CHONF High Energetic Explosophoric Materials Based on Molecular Volume Method

WEN Lin-yuan,HE Xiao-kai,SHI Jin-wen,et al 45 (6) 807

Intelligent Design for the Burning Rate of MDB Propellants Containing RDX

GUO Yan-zhi,WU Yan-ling,ZHAO Feng-qi,et al 45 (6) 814

Preparation of Ultrafine HMX/FOX-7 Composites by Microfluidic Technology and Its Performance Tests

JIANG Han-yu,WANG Xuan-jun,YU Jin,et al 45 (6) 821

Preparation and Performance Study of Two Different Crystal Forms ofN-Methyl-2,4,6-trinitromethylamine

ZHONG Sheng,JIN Bo,PENG Ru-fang 45 (6) 827

Preparation of Nano Copper 2,4-Dihyoxybenzoicacid Catalyst and Its Catalytic Performance on the Decomposition of RDX

LEI Ruo-chen,LIU Wan-tong,ZHANG Ming,et al 45 (6) 835

Preparation of Amorphous Nano-NiO and Its Catalytic Performance on AP and GAP Based Propellant

SONG Yuan-hang,QU Wen-gang,ZHAO Feng-qi,et al 45 (6) 841

Preparation and Thermal Decomposition of CL-20-based Cocrystals Using Resonant Acoustic Mixing

LI Hai-jian,CHEN Chao,ZHANG Zhe,et al 45 (6) 848

Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Tetramethylammonium Octadecahydro-eicosaborate

JIN Meng-yuan,ZHANG Jian-kan,LUO Yu-tong,et al 45 (6) 856

Study on Single Particle Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Boron-based Composite Metal Fuel

YU Run-tian,MA Man-man,ZHANG Rui,et al 45 (6) 862

Pressurized Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Micro-Sized Single Aluminum Particle

QIN Ding-yi,YANG Yue,LI Jing,et al 45 (6) 870

Creep Properties of GAP-ETPE-based High-energy Solid Propellant

LIU Shuang,ZHANG Xi-ming,ZHANG Jing,et al 45 (6) 877

Study on Properties of NC/Bu-NENA Based Propellant′s (Ⅰ): Energy and Combustion Properties of Propellant

YUAN Zhi-feng,HU Song-qi,HAN Jin-chao,et al 45 (6) 884

Research on LM-GAUSS Based SRM Plume Temperature Field Test Method

LI Jin-jian,WANG Bin-yin,QI Qi,et al 45 (6) 891

Energy Release Characteristic Law of MgH2Dust Explosion

ZHANG Yun,ZHAO Yi-ming,XU Zhang-gui,et al 45 (6) 898

