

疯狂英语·新策略 2022年10期

广东 王慧琴

Talent Night was approaching and my classmates were busy preparing for it. Kate was good at paper-cutting,and Tommy could create breath-taking beats on drums.Among others are dancers,gymnasts,bakers and singers.However,when my teacher asked me what to do,I just reminded her that I had no talents.“Nonsense, Benjamin,”she said.“You'll think of something.”

“I'll just ask for a sick leave on that day,”I announced to my friends one afternoon.“Benjamin, be serious!”Kate rolled her eyes and said.“You must have a talent.”Then they helped me make a list of what I was good at,but I was still confused about what I could do on Talent Night.I sighed,lowering my head.“Cheer up,Benjamin!I still remember your last birthday party, which was so well arranged that we enjoyed ourselves!”said Kate.“Yeah!”agreed Tommy.“And you always get us together to do things like the glue that holds us together.Without you,we couldn't have done anything fun.”

Their comments got me thinking.“You must do something for the talent show,”a voice rang in my ears. Lying in the bed that night, I came up with a plan so exciting that it took me two hours to fall asleep. The next morning, I couldn't wait to tell my teacher about it.“That's a wonderful idea,Benjamin,”she said.“Stay original and true to who you are.”

In the next few weeks, I asked my friends to join in with me. I wrote countless lists,making sure every item got checked off. We bought lanterns and decorated the stage together.“The stage has been completely transformed and looks magical,”my teacher whispered to me.

On the night of the big event,everything was ready.All of us were eager to display our talents on the stage,but I still felt a little nervous.

Reading Cheak




Paragraph 1:

Finally,the talent show began as scheduled.


Paragraph 2:

Much to my surprise,my teacher invited me onto the stage.


Step 1 语篇研读




Characters Personalities/Feelings Clues●However, when my teacher asked me what to do, I just reminded her that I had no talents.●I 1. ,lowering my head.2. and frustrated Benjamin●“You must do something for the talent show,”a voice rang in my ears.●Lying in the bed that night, I came up with a plan so exciting that it took me two hours to fall asleep.●In the next few weeks,I asked my friends to join in with me.●I wrote 3. lists, making sure every item got smart,4.and cooperative checked off.●“Cheer up, Benjamin! I still remember your last birthday party, which was so well 5. that we enjoyed Benjamin's friends 6. and supportive ourselves!”said Kate.●“Yeah!”agreed Tommy.“And you always get us together to do things like the glue that holds us together.Without you,we couldn't have done anything fun.”●“That's a wonderful idea, Benjamin,”she said.“Stay original and true to who you are.”Benjamin's teacher 7. and kind

Step 2 情节构思




1.Did the talent show go smoothly?

2.What did the performers do on the talent show?

3.How did the audience feel after the talent show?


I stayed behind the stage,full of pride.


1.Why did the teacher invite Benjamin onto the stage?

2.How did the audience react when Benjamin was on stage?

3.What did Benjamin say in the end?

Step 3 语言打磨




I still remember your last birthday party, which was so well arranged that we enjoyed ourselves! (Para.2)


Without you,we couldn't have done anything fun. (Para.2)


Lying in the bed that night,I came up with a plan so exciting that it took me two hours to fall asleep.(Para.3)


be busy doing 忙着做……

prepare for 为……准备

ask for a sick leave 请病假

roll one's eyes 眼珠一转;翻白眼

be confused about 对……感到困惑

make a list 列清单

can't wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事

be eager to do sth 渴望做某事


Reading with Rhea The Woodcutter and the Axe