

知与行 2022年2期

Main Abstracts

A Philosophical Interpretation of the Communist Party's Ideals and Beliefs

Zhao Zhen, Jiang Fan

(College of Arts and Sciences, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073)

Abstract:Since its establishment, the Communist Party of China has led the people of the whole country to achieve great victories in revolution and construction, demonstrating its strong spiritual strength. Ideals and beliefs are the core of the spirit of the Communists, and the realization of the social ideal of communism has become the source of the driving force for the unremitting struggle of the Communists. The ideals and beliefs of the Communists are rooted in the scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values, and have a profound philosophical foundation and rigorous logical argumentation. Marxist philosophy endows practice with a new connotation. Practice is not only an intermediary activity that unifies subject and object, but also a way of human existence. The Communists take changing the real world in practice as their own responsibility, and continue to strive to build a communist society that has become the supreme pursuit of the Communists, which has also changed into a firm ideal and belief. The social ideal of communism takes the realization of the fundamental interests of the vast majority of the people and the ultimate realization of the free development of everyone as its value goal. It shows transcendence and is a scientific and complete belief. It has been formed through rational thinking and theoretical exploration and has been tested by practice, to convince people with the power of truth so as to provide a steady stream of spiritual power for the Communists. The communist social ideal is a scientific prediction made on the basis of fully grasping objective laws, and conforms to the laws of human social development revealed by historical materialism, dedicated to serving the people and consciously dedicated to this lofty ideal.

Keywords:Communists; ideals and beliefs; communism

On the Rich Connotation of Building a Socialist Modern Power in an Allround Way

Fang Lanxin, Yu Mengjie

(School of Marxism, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001)

Abstract:After building a moderately prosperous society in an allround way as scheduled, it is my country's strategic task in the new era to build a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful socialist modernized country in an allround way. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the longterm goal of basically realizing socialist modernization by 2035, and made the latest expression of “four comprehensives”, placing the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country at the top of the four comprehensives, and opening the door for comprehensive construction. A new journey for a powerful modern socialist country. Building a powerful modern socialist country in an allround way has rich connotations and profound implications, with distinctive features of comprehensiveness, socialist attributes, and modernity. On the new journey, we must fully understand and grasp the rich connotations of a great modern socialist country and promote socialism with Chinese characteristics. We will continue to advance the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Keywords:comprehensiveness; socialist nature; modernity

The History, Achievements and Experience of China's Poverty Alleviation Since the Reform and Opening Up

Dou Yimin

(School of Marxism, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201701)

Abstract:Since its establishment, the Communist Party of China has placed poverty eradication, improvement of people's livelihood and realization of common prosperity at the core of revolution, construction, reform and development. Since the reform and opening up, China has made remarkable achievements in getting rid of poverty and becoming rich. By 2021, a welloff society will be built in an allround way, and the party's first centenary goal has been successfully completed. This remarkable achievement has attracted widespread attention from governments and scholars around the world. In the process of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich, building a moderately prosperous society in an allround way is not the end. Our party must take history as a mirror to open up the future. On the basis of the historic achievements in deepening the building of a moderately prosperous society in an allround way, we will start to seize the building of a modern socialist country in an allround way and achieve common prosperity.

Keywords:get rid of poverty and become rich; welloff society; common prosperity

Consolidate the Path of Effective Connection Between Poverty Alleviation Achievements and Rural Revitalization

Wang Huabiao

(School of Marxism, Hebei Institute of Architecture and Engineering, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000)

Abstract:At present, we face countless broken bones at the grassroots level, and tough bones to chew. We are  faced he task of effectively linking poverty alleviation with rural vitalization. The more precious our time is, the heavier the task, and the higher the requirements.; the more we need to strengthen our sense of urgency and responsibility, take a firm political stance, make progress while maintaining stability, fulfill our responsibilities, and make contributions on the front lines; the more we need to practice our poverty alleviation skills, climb the hill, and strive hard;the more we should carry forward the spirit of nails, “not afraid of clouds obscuring eyes”,“ flying cloud still remains calm”;  The more necessary it is to tackle the last tough bones and conquer the last bastion of poverty in a downtoearth manner, the more necessary it is to accelerate the effective connection between the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.

Keywords:poverty alleviation; rural revitalization; effective connection

Ideological and Political Courses in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of the Common Value of All Human Beings  

Ji Dou

(School of Marxism, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080)

Abstract:The common value of all mankind is a contemporary expression of the historical experience of “thinking about the world” accumulated by the Communist Party of China in the course of its centurylong struggle. As an important value basis for the new path of Chinesestyle modernization, the common value of all mankind contains the dialectical relationship between the three dimensions of the community of the Chinese nation, the community of human destiny, and the community of natural life. The common value of all mankind requires us to effectively promote the symphony of China and the world, and the harmonious coexistence of man and nature in the modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The cultivation of the threedimensional community awareness, the overall vision and the transcendental spirit has become the direction and important content of the new era of ideological and political education in colleges and universities to cultivate morality and practice innovation.

Keywords:the common value of all mankind; ideological and political courses; morality and people; community

Analysis of the Causes of Ecological Humanism in Chi Zijian's Works

Zheng Xiaoping, Zhang Mingming

(School of International Culture and Education, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030)


Chi Zijian's literary works present a strong ecological consciousness, which originates from the author's ecological humanism. Through the perspective of ecological humanism, the author explores the ecological value of Chi Zijian's literary world, and further examines the causes of his ecological humanism values, which will help to excavate the ecological connotation of his works and promote the construction of my country's ecological civilization. Chi Zijian's childhood growth experience and the ideas of“the unity of nature and man”and“the unity of things and me”in traditional Chinese philosophy are the raw materials for the formation of Chi Zijian's ecological humanism. Discussing these can, on the one hand, enlighten our country's children's“ecological”education problem, and on the other hand, further explore the ecological connotation in Chinese traditional cultural thought, and integrate ancient Chinese ecological wisdom into the contemporary construction of ecological humanism.

Keywords:Chi Zijian; ecological humanism thought; cause of formation

