To mobilize all parties to alleviate the cli-mate crisis凝聚各方力量,缓解气候危机


疯狂英语·爱英语 2022年6期


Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 25th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 25) in Madrid, Spain, UN Secretary General António Guterres issued an urgent warning about the deep-ening climate crisis. He said that our planet was nearing “the point of no return” and that all countries should take even more ac-tive measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

It has been six years since The Paris Agreement went into effect in November 2016, but making the climate deal actually operational has proven to be a tough problem. With vary-ing preferences and conditions, it is difficult to provide an accurate assessment and evalua-tion of the effectiveness of climate policies. Thus, it is not surprising that it remains a major concern as to how to provide the financial and technical assistance needed to help poorer nations to deal with the impacts of climate change and pursue low?carbon development.

Although climate change is an issue needing a global solution, challenges like the free?rider problem may discourage international cooperation. The effects of climate change vary in different parts of the world. But the benefits of climate policies are diffused (散布的), leading to some countries not sharing the costs, only enjoying the fruits of others' efforts. Moreover, in recent years, the world economy has been affected by several issues such as sluggish (缓慢的) trade and investment flows, as well as monetary loosening by central banks around the world. As a result, the desire for international cooperation on climate change action has been badly reduced.

However, the international community is pushing forward with negotiations in a coop-erative and practical way to make positive progress in putting The Paris Agreement into op-eration and open a new chapter in global climate governance.

Activity A Reading for understanding

Ⅰ. Text?centered chunks

climate crisis 气候危机

opening ceremony 开幕式

urgent warning 紧急警报

go into effect 生效

prove to be 结果是;证明为

push forward 推进

Ⅱ. Text?centered sentences


With varying preferences and conditions, it is difficult to provide an accurate assess-ment and evaluation of the effectiveness of climate policies. 由于偏好和条件的不同,人们很难对气候政策的有效性进行准确的评估和评价。

【点石成金】With varying preferences and conditions意为“由于偏好和条件的不同”,表原因。



Thus, it is not surprising that it remains a major concern as to how to provide the fi-nancial and technical assistance needed to help poorer nations to deal with the impacts of climate change and pursue low?carbon development. 因此,如何提供所需的资金和技术援助,以帮助较贫穷的国家应对气候变化的影响,追求低碳发展,仍然是一个主要的问题,这一点也不奇怪。D1F06254-D527-440D-AAF7-DBE3A549AB70

【点石成金】it is not surprising that中的it指代that引导的从句内容,表示“如何提供所需的资金和技术援助,以帮助较贫穷的国家应对气候变化的影响,追求低碳发展,仍然是一个主要的问题”,为避免头重脚轻,用it指代后面较长的真正主语,放在主语的位置。


Activity B Reading for writing


1. 全球气候现状;

2. 分析现状的形成原因;

3. 你想到的措施。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 至少需要使用一次介词短语结构或形式主语。






What is the text mainly about?



Fill in the blanks according to the text.




1. solve the climate crisis 解决气候危机

2. climate change 气候变化

3. extreme weather event 极端气候事件

4. security threat 安全威胁

5. take action to do 采取行动做……

6. ecosystem 生态系统

7. renewable energy 可再生能源


1. It is clear that... 很明显……

2. No one can deny the fact that... 没有人能否认这个事实……

3. It is estimated that... 据估计……

4. Reasons for...are varied. ……的原因是多种多样的。

5. The reasons can be listed as follows. 原因可以列举如下。

6. From above, we can find that the reasons why...are as follows. The primary reason, I think, is... The second reason, ... The third reason, actually, is... 从以上内容我们可以发现……的原因如下。我认为最主要的原因是……第二个原因是…… 第三个原因实际上是……


1. There are many steps which can be taken to settle this problem. First of all, ... In addition, ... Another way contributing to the success of solving this problem is... 有许多方法可以解决这一问题。首先,……;此外,……;另一种能成功地解决这一问题的方法是……

2. We should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. 我们应该采取一系列有效的措施来应对这种情况。

3. Not only can it...but it also... 这不仅……而且……

4. The government should take effective measures to cope with the current problems.政府应该采取有效措施来解决目前的问题。



Good morning, my name is... It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to make a speech here. My topic is...

Recently, ...has aroused wide public concern and I'm of no exception. From my point of view, the reasons can be listed as follows. First of all, ... What's more, ... Furthermore, ...

There are many steps which can be taken to settle this problem. First of all, ... In addition, ... Another way contributing to the success of solving this problem is...




