

疯狂英语·新阅版 2022年6期

Ⅰ. 热词积累


civil architecture 民用建筑

industrial building 工业建筑

business architecture 商业建筑

local architecture 本土建筑

green architecture 绿色建筑

infrastructure 基础设施

residential area 居住区

apartment/flat 公寓


corridor/passage 走廊

attic 阁楼

balcony 阳台

floor 地板;楼层

French window 落地窗

shutter/louver window 百叶窗

living room 起居室

dining room 餐厅

kitchen 厨房

bathroom 浴室

single bedroom 单人卧室

double bedroom 双人卧室

laundry 洗衣房

store room 储藏室

basement 地下室


storey height 层高

living area 居住面积

covered area 建筑面积

coverage 覆盖范围

ratio of green space 绿地率

population density 人口密度

density of settlement 居住密度

external wall 外墙

internal wall 内墙


tile 瓦

wall paper 壁纸

floor tile 地面砖

paint 涂料

cement 水泥

lime 石灰

sand 沙

gravel 砾石

brick 砖


roof garden 屋顶花园

pavilion 凉亭

square 广场

water feature 水景

children's playground 儿童游乐场

badminton court 羽毛球場

basketball court 篮球场

tennis court 网球场

parking area 停车场

carriageway 行车道

sidewalk 人行道

bicycle path自行车道

Ⅱ. 美句背诵

1. The architecture is a kind of solidified music. At first, we created the architecture, and later we built it to transform us. 建筑是凝固的音乐。起初,我们创造了建筑,后来我们建造它是为了改变我们自己。

2. Architecture is the very mirror of life. You only have to cast your eyes on buildings to feel the presence of the past, the spirit of a place; they are the reflection of society. 建筑就是生命的镜子。你只需要望着那些建筑就能感受到它的过去,感受到一个地方的精神。它们都是社会的映像。

3. In the process of Chinese architecture development, superior architectural techniques, and artistic design were combined to make unique Chinese architecture one of the three greatest architectural systems. 在中国建筑发展的过程中,出色的建筑技巧和艺术设计结合在一起,使独特的中国建筑成为最杰出的三大建筑体系之一。

4. The combinations of units of space in traditional Chinese architecture follow the principles of balance and symmetry. 中国传统建筑在将空间单位联成一体时遵循的是平衡与对称的原则。

5. Chinese architecture is an independent art featuring wooden structures.中国建筑是一门以木结构为特色的独立艺术。

6. Wood to the Chinese represents life, and “life” is the main idea that Chinese culture strives to communicate. This feature has been preserved up to the present.木材对中国人来说代表着生命,而“生命”是中国文化力图传递的主要思想。这一特点一直沿用至今。F3D9B4C2-B8AC-449F-9694-5068F248BE2D

7. As with many other elements of Chinese culture, tradition has been interwoven with modern technology. Although many traditional buildings still exist, almost all new buildings are built in Western style. 和中国文化中的其他许多要素一样,传统是和现代技术交织在一起的。虽然许多传统建筑依然存在,但是几乎所有的新建筑都是西式的。

8. By observing Suzhou's unique architectural styles, I learned to appreciate the value of traditional culture and to seek opportunities so that our cultural roots can thrive in modern times.通过观察苏州独特的建筑风格,我学会了欣赏传统文化的价值,并寻求机会,让我们的文化根源在当今时代生机勃发。

9. The existence of modern buildings in this ancient city did not give me a sense of conflict. Instead, I became fascinated by the surprising harmony that featured both traditional and modern architectural styles.这座古城中的现代建筑的存在并没有给我一种冲突感。相反,我开始对传统和现代建筑风格惊人的和谐感到着迷。

10. Though it is important for us to follow the steps of time and bring out new things to the world, it is even more important to protect old culture and historical sights.跟随时间的步伐,为世界带来新事物固然重要,但保护古老的文化和历史建筑更为重要。

Ⅲ. 读后创写

假定你是李华,本周六你校要组织学生去参观武汉新建的中国建筑科技馆(China Architecture Science and Technology Museum),你想邀請对中国建筑感兴趣的外教Daniel一同参观。请给他写一封邮件。内容要点:

1. 参观时间和地点;

2. 活动安排;

3. 参观建议。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Daniel,


Looking forward to your presence.


Li Hua

Ⅳ. 主题测评



以文化人 自然生成
Chinese Architecture Meets Globalization