

文化交流 2022年4期


2022年1月,拥有Youtube1000多万粉丝、美国顶流美妆博主“J姐”Jeffree Star 在社交网站上推送了新年第一个美妆测评视频,这是他时隔8个月之后的首次更新。没想到这样的“首秀”献给了中国国货、浙产彩妆品牌花西子——源自苏轼那句流芳百世的诗词:“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜”。

一些网友猜测,这次是不是“中国品牌给太多了?”熟悉“J姐”的粉丝可能会笑了,“这还真不是花钱能解决的事”。除了出色的业务能力以及自创的品牌成为美国十大彩妆品牌之一之外,敢说敢骂敢做从来都是让他成为全球豪气网红的绝招,他曾经怒撕卡戴珊家族小女儿、人称“金小妹”的凯莉 · 詹娜名下品牌的天价彩妆刷,让吃瓜观众们看得那叫一个热闹。而且,Jeffree Star并不是向来都买中国产品的账,他早在2018年的一次测评中就直言不讳地对一款美妆产品进行过吐槽;而在4年后,虽然不是对每款都予以好评,但他看到中国美妆产品从美学到产品力的提升,毫不吝啬地给了其中几款特色产品高度的赞誉。













近几年,由于既拥有成熟化妆品供应链,又在电商运营、推广上占据先天优势,浙江美妆再次开启第三个新纪元。如杭州高浪,陆续孵化了来自日本、韩国、西班牙等国50多个品牌,包括现在中国女性消费者中有一定知名度的韩国SNP、日本院线级品牌Bb laboratories、西班牙品牌sesderma等;再比如新晋国货品牌、浙产美妆花西子、俊平JUNPING、花知晓等,让越来越多的国内甚至国外年轻人通过小红书、抖音、微博、Youtube等各大社交平台频频被种草。















In January 2022, Jeffree Star, one of the US cosmetics reviewers on Youtube with more than 10 million followers, posted a new year review video on his YouTube channel. This was his first update in eight months and his fans wondered why this “first show-up” was about a Chinese makeup brand named Florasis (Huaxizi). Jeffree called it the “MOST beautiful makeup” in its title. Florasis is an emerging Chinese cosmetic brand made in Zhejiang province. Its name is derived from a famous Chinese verse written by Su Dongpo (1037-1101), one of the most renowned Chinese poets, in the Song dynasty (960-1279). “The West Lake looks like the fair lady at her best. Whether she is with light or heavy makeup.”

Why did Jeffree choose Florasis as his first release in the new year? As the founder and owner of one of the top 10 American makeup brands, Jeffree is not only recognized for his outstanding marketing skills, but more importantly, for his brutal honesty. He never gets paid to say something on his channel. He once posted a negative review on Kylie Cosmetics brush set, which was liked by more than 14 million followers and he also criticized a Chinese makeup product in 2018. However, four years later, another Chinese brand Florasis got his approval all because of its gorgeous product design and high quality.

In fact, Florasis is not the first Zhejiang cosmetic brand that has gained global recognition. Zhejiang’s cosmetic industry and its cultural history can be dated back to 1862 in the Qing dynasty (1616-1911).

Kophenix was the most popular cosmetic brand in the Qing dynasty and its signature goose-egg foundation powder was widely used in the imperial court. Its great reputation is clearly reflected in a well-known verse: “Blushes Sun Yuanmao the best, while foundation powder certainly be Kophenix. Enjoying fair skin north and south, an attractive makeup easily occurs with just one slight touch on the eyebrows.” On the early morning of April 14, 1862, a makeup store named Kong’s Powder was grandly opened on Hefang Street in the city of Hangzhou. The co-founders, three Kong brothers in their Sunday best, smiled and bowed at the gate, greeting customers.

Later on, the store changed its name into Kophenix. Ko stands for peacocks, and together with phoenix, it carries the meaning of rebirth and vitality. Kong’s star products such as pearl cream, magnolia powder, hair nourishing oil and the goose-egg foundation powder were so popular that they were often in short supply. Kophenix goose-egg foundation powder was exclusively produced by the Kong family. They mixed goose egg white into well-filtered talc and lead powder, making the powder extra fine and smooth. With its unique touch and flower smell, it soon became the prevailing cosmetic product in the imperial palace and highly praised by Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908). Then Kophenix became the first cosmetic enterprise in Chinese written history.

The early 20th century witnessed Kophenix’s most glorious era. More than 400 ships and 16,000 customers came to the store in March alone. The store had to keep open for more than 10 hours a day. Its pearl cream even saved Chinese Antarctic explorer Jiang Jialun’s fingers and toes, which were damaged by freezing water in 1985. At that time, a Kophenix product was so fashionable that many local Hangzhou ladies have been loyal customers ever since. They can still clearly remember that they brought their own containers and lined up outside the store on Hefang Street when they were young.

After Kophenix became well-known all over the world, Zhejiang cosmetic industry experienced three developing stages, and each stage alone was a history of change, of struggle and of consistent pursuit of beauty.

The first stage was in the 1980s. In 1988, Kophenix established a joint venture with Kose Corporate Japan named Chunsili. From then on, a great number of international cosmetic OEMs emerged, making Zhejiang the “Foxconn” in cosmetic industry. As the first OEM in China, Kose kept developing and expanded its business into a new cosmetic company named Sincere. With an annual sale of 300 million, Sincere has established cooperation with international brands like L’Oreal, Dior and LG. It also purchased a cosmetic trading company in Japan years ago.

The second stage started from the late 1990s. Some OEMs transformed successfully into self-owned brands, such as Maogeping, Proya and OSM. In the recent years, based on its mature supply chains and inborn advantages in e-commerce, Zhejiang cosmetic industry has entered its third new stage. Hangzhou GoLong has incubated more than 50 international brands, such as SNP from Korea, Bb Laboratories from Japan and Sesderma from Spain. Several Chinese brands like Florasis, JUNPING and Flower Knows are also top rated on social media all over the world.

Looking either into the history of Zhejiang cosmetic industry or into the features of each popular brand, it is easy to find the unchanged “root” supporting Zhejiang cosmetics. It is a “root” of cultural insistence on craftsmanship and Chinese aesthetics. In an interview, Mao Geping, a well-known makeup artist and founder of the Maogeping brand, told of a product development experiment. He used his highlight product on his face, turned a heater into highest temperature mode to test the product at 40℃for two hours. “Chinese people’s skins are different from those of Europeans and Americans. We have dry and combination skins while European and American skins are more oily. That is why our foundation products and skincare ingredients should be different,” Mao Geping explained. “For skin colors, it is obviously even more different. European and American skins are fair and rosy while ours are yellowish olive. But Chinese people see white as beauty, so we need to achieve porcelain white with moisture and gloss in our products.”

In 2009, Ye Linlin, a PhD in chemistry from the MIT, gave up a high salary position in Unilever and established Hangzhou Yayan Cosmetics Co. Ltd. With her own R&D team and labs, her company is highly competitive in ingredient R&D and testing. In recent years, several time-honored traditional Chinese medicine brands in Zhejiang also extended their business into cosmetic industry. For example, Hu Qingyutang, a century-old brand as famous as Beijing Tongrentang has cooperated with the Institute of Modern TCM Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University and produced 20 cosmetic items using Chinese herbal medicine.

Craftsmanship is the life of a brand while effective global marketing strategies are equally vital. The story of cosmetic development in Zhejiang has offered us plenty of successful experience. One of the most repeatedly mentioned brands is Florasis, which opened up its market overseas in March 2021. On the first day of its launch on Amazon Japan, its signature item, a blooming rouge love lock lipstick, jumped into the Top 3 hourly sales ranking. The love lock lipstick well integrates traditional Chinese sculpture skills into cosmetics. Various ancient Chinese stories are delicately engraved onto the lipsticks, and its colors are oriental classics as well. Another example is Flower Knows, whose style was first known as a minority mainly for teenage girls. However, in the past few years, it infuses Chinese painting elements, such as peony, orchid and birds, into its product design, and produces palettes with Morandi colors, achieving impressive results as well.

There are obvious changes during the past years. New cosmetic brands are continuously showing up and being recognized by users on international social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.

The increasing international recognition of Chinese makeup brands has triggered more and more interest and discussions on Chinese makeup characteristics. Based on its long history and influenced by ancient cultures, regional diversities, and ethnic features, Chinese makeup has a great variety and it is therefore not easy to settle down on one standard. However, it is our responsibility and mission to define Chinese makeup on the global stage.

It is worth mentioning that some Zhejiang cosmetic brands have already started to explore their domination in defining characteristic Chinese makeup. Some professionals propose that thin and long eyebrow, blushes under eyes and small red lip be the three main Oriental makeup elements. Different from European and American arch eyebrows and Korean straight eyebrows, Chinese thin and long eyebrow is gentle and confident. The idea of blushes under eyes is a Chinese eye makeup tradition, which emphasizes more on eyebrows than on eyes. Small red lip is also an ancient makeup style of cherry lips, only using lipstick on the center part of the lips while covering other parts with foundation powder and setting powder.

Even though there is no specific definition of Chinese makeup at the moment, Chinese makeup characteristics will certainly be much clearer with its continuous internationalization and innovation efforts. We firmly believe that more and more international friends will be able to enjoy Chinese makeup, to experience the long-standing and well-established Chinese culture, and to feel our open, attractive and confident aesthetic tastes in the near future.


MIX&MATCH 清甜一夏 彩妆配色新风潮