Film Review: We Can Be Heroes影评:《我们能成为英雄》


英语世界 2022年3期

弗兰克·舍克 刘思涵

A group of superhero offspring team up to save their parents and the world in Robert Rodriguez1’s fantasy adventure.

Most parents think it’s a big deal to take their kids to Disney World or Universal Studios for some family bonding. Sorry, but Robert Rodriguez has you all beat. When this prolific filmmaker wants to spend some quality time with his children, he makes a superhero movie with them. The result can either be labeled a sort-of sequel2 or quasi3-spinoff4 of 2005’s The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Either way, We Can Be Heroes should provide fun holiday family viewing after all the presents have been open.

As usual, the prolific5 Rodriguez has personally taken on most of the film’s responsibilities, serving as writer, producer, director, director of photography and editor. But he’s also outsourced6 many of the creative chores to his children: son Racer Max, who created the characters of Sharkboy and Lavagirl when he was only 7, serves as a producer and has an onscreen cameo; son Rebel composed the film’s score; son Rogue designed the alien spaceship that figures prominently in the extended climax; and daughter Rhiannon came up with many of the female characters’ attributes. Try not to think of that next time you get all verklempt7 hanging your kid’s drawings on the refrigerator.

Oh, and then there’s the film itself, which is fast-paced and funny enough to satisfy even those adults on Christmas morning who haven’t gotten enough sleep. The aspect that should particularly please younger viewers is that the superheroes are not only the adults, dubbed the “Heroics,” but also their children, who save the day when their parents are kidnapped by giant tentacled alien invaders.

Among those captured is Marcus Moreno, played by Pedro Pascal, who with this, The Mandalorian and Wonder Woman 1984 is firmly cementing his status in the fantasy/sci-fi market. He had retired from being a superhero in order to raise his young daughter Missy (YaYa Gosselin) with the help of her loving abuelita8 (Oscar nominee Adriana Barraza). Marcus has good company when he’s taken prisoner; his fellow captive superheroes include Miracle Guy (Boyd Holbrook), Tech- No (Christian Slater) and yes, Lavagirl (Taylor Dooley, returning to the role after 15 years) and Sharkboy (JJ Dashnaw, filling in for Taylor Lautner).

After her father is taken, Missy is transported to a secure underground government facility headed by the officious Ms. Granada (Priyanka Chopra Jones, relishing her role). There, she’s introduced to a roomful of kids equipped with a wide variety of baroque9 superpowers, including Rewind (Isaiah Russell-Bailey), who can turn back the clock a few moments; Fast Forward (Akira Akbar), who can predict the future; A Capella (Lotus Blossom), who can do amazing things with her singing voice; Noodles (Lyon Daniels), who can stretch his body in miraculous ways; Facemaker (Andrew Diaz), who can alter his appearance at will; and even Sharkboy and Lavagirl’s progeny Guppy (Vivien Blair), who can manipulate water … or something like that.

Frankly, it’s hard to keep track, although parents should be very grateful for the abandonment of the film’s original plan to have one of the kids’ superpowers be the ability to emit toxic farts.

Figuring out that they’re the only ones who can save the day, the kids escape from the facility and eventually engage in combat with the aliens aboard their giant vessel. The extended, elabor-ately staged action sequence10 provides the film’s biggest set piece11 and should inspire no end of copycat12 alien battles among the small fry13 at home.

Much like Rodriguez’s Spy Kids14 films, We Can Be Heroes proves silly, light-hearted fun for its target audience, blissfully free of ponderousness15 and enlivened by antic16 humor. The filmmaker also once again proves he’s a technical whiz17 with a relatively small budget, infusing the proceedings with brightly colored special effects resembling a cross18 between comic books and videogames and making them effective despite their artificiality.

The movie also delivers a wholesome message as the superhero parents look on their similarly gifted children’s alien-battling efforts with pride. In the fun fantasy world of Robert Rodriguez, there’s no better way to bring families together than by saving the world.





马库斯·莫雷诺是众多被俘超级英雄中的一员,由佩德罗·帕斯卡饰演,帕斯卡凭借该片及电视剧《曼达洛人》、电影《神奇女侠1984》正逐步筑牢自己在奇幻与科幻题材影视圈内的地位。影片中,为抚养幼女蜜西(亚亚·戈瑟琳饰演),马库斯早已卸下了超级英雄的重任,而蜜西亲爱的祖母(奥斯卡提名获得者艾德里安娜·巴拉扎饰演)也一直帮衬着这对父女。被俘期间,马库斯还有一众狱友做伴,包括超级英雄战友奇迹侠(波伊德·霍布鲁克饰演)、工程师(克里斯蒂安·斯莱特饰演),是的,还有岩浆女孩(泰勒·杜雷在15年后再次出演该角色)和鲨鱼男孩(J. J. 达什诺代替泰勒·劳特纳出演)。






1罗伯特·罗德里格兹,美国导演、编剧、制片人、摄影师、剪辑师。1991年执导个人首部黑白短片《床头》,开启其导演生涯,代表作品有《杀手悲歌》、《杀出个黎明》、《罪恶之城》系列、《非常小特务》系列等。  2 sequel(书、电影、戏剧等的)续篇,续集。  3 quasi类似;准;拟。  4 spinoff(书、电影或电视连续剧的)衍生作品。  5 prolific(艺术家、作家等)多产的,创作丰富的。

6 outsource外包,交外办理。  7 verklempt〈意第绪语〉情绪受到极大影响的。

8 abuelita〈西班牙语〉奶奶;外婆。  9 baroque以怪诞、奢侈、复杂或华丽为特征的。

10 sequence(电影中表现同一主题或场面的)一组镜头。  11 set piece(戏剧、电影、音乐等中的)固定套路。  12 copycat模仿性的。  13 small fry小鱼;小动物;儿童。

14《非常小特务》系列电影(又译《特工神童》或《 特工小子》),罗伯特·罗德里格兹执导,安东尼奥·班德拉斯、卡拉·古奇诺主演的动作奇幻片,讲述的是世界上曾经最出色的特工夫妻档格雷格里奥和英格丽以及他们两个孩子卡门和朱尼的故事。首部电影于2001年3月在美国上映。  15 ponderousness慢条斯理;沉闷乏味。  16 antic荒诞的,稀奇古怪的。  17 whiz高手。  18 cross混合物;雜交品种。


