

农业工程学报 2022年23期

胡 炼,彭靖怡,赖桑愉,冯达文,陈高隆,王晨阳,罗锡文


胡 炼1,2,彭靖怡1,2,赖桑愉1,冯达文1,2,陈高隆1,2,王晨阳1,2,罗锡文1,2※

(1. 华南农业大学南方农业机械与装备关键技术教育部重点实验室,广州 510642;2.岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室,广州 510642)

为提高农田建设中挖掘机施工作业精度和智能化程度,该研究提出了一种基于北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, BDS)和惯性测量单元(Inertial Measurement Unit, IMU)的挖掘机铲斗位姿测量方法。首先,采用IMU测量挖掘机各执行机构的姿态角信息,解算获得挖掘机车体坐标系下铲斗末端的三维坐标,利用双天线BDS和IMU检测车体的位置和姿态建立了挖掘机铲斗末端三维坐标的实时解算模型,并设计了融合双天线BDS和IMU输出高频率高精度位姿的卡尔曼滤波算法。模拟挖掘机实际施工场景进行了静态和动态试验,采用全站仪验证铲斗末端三维坐标解算值。试验结果表明,该方法能准确实时测量挖掘机铲斗末端三维坐标,挖掘机铲斗末端三维坐标解算值与全站仪实测值的运动轨迹变化一致,同一时刻空间两坐标点距离均方根偏差小于30 mm,三个轴向坐标动态测量均方根偏差均在20 mm内,绝对偏差≤30 mm的数据占比不低于95.35%,挖掘机铲斗位姿的准确测量为挖掘机精准施工智能引导提供了基础。


0 引 言



位姿由位置和姿态两部分组成。在三维坐标系中,可以用质点的坐标表示位置,质点坐标与坐标原点组成的三维向量表示姿态,位置的变化即质点的平移过程,姿态的变化是向量的旋转过程。其中姿态的测量可通过多种方法实现,周云成等[17]提出一种基于时序一致性约束的自监督位姿变换估计模型以实现温室环境下机器人行进过程中的位置及姿态跟踪。李晨阳等[18]利用高频率里程计信息估计机器人位姿,但在农田等地面不平整的环境中,里程计信息存在一定误差。在基于传感器的方法中,使用了如惯性测量单元(Inertial Measurement Unit, IMU)、光学姿态测量系统、GPS姿态测量系统、无线局域网(WLAN)、射频识别(RFID)和基于超宽带(UWB)等方法[19-21]。在基于WLAN、RFID和UWB的三维姿态估计中,信号源被放置在固定位置,这在动态工作现场条件下并不适用[22]。IMU不受气候条件、空间条件限制,方便携带,成本因精度而定,适用于对测量精度、动态性能、实时性均有较高要求的领域,然而连续测量角度变化会受到磁干扰和漂移问题的影响。在基于GPS的姿态估计方法中,GPS估计的每个位置和航向相互独立,这解决了漂移问题,但其无姿态信息、数据率低且易受环境因素干扰[23-26]。随着中国北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)建成,其已经在测量航向和姿态方面得到了广泛应用,为运动目标提供三维姿态信息,可以达到毫米级的静态定位精度和厘米级的动态测量精度[27-28]。


1 基于BDS和IMU的铲斗位姿测量方法

1.1 坐标系转换


1.2 铲斗位姿测量原理


1.BDS基站 2.BDS双天线 3.车身IMU 4.车载终端 5.动臂IMU 6.斗杆IMU 7.铲斗IMU 8.铲斗末端

1.BDS (BeiDou Navigation Satellite System) base station 2.BDS dual antenna 3.IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) on the body 4.Vehicular terminal 5.IMU on the boom 6.IMU on the stick 7.IMU on the bucket 8.End of excavator bucket


Note:xyzis the vehicle body coordinate system,xrepresents the forward direction of the car body,yperpendicular toxand point to the left side of the vehicle body,zaxis perpendicular toxyplane and upward;xyzis the local construction coordinate system,xpoints east,ypoints north,zis perpendicular to the local horizontal plane and upward along the local vertical line;,,are yaw, roll and pitch angles of the body respectively, (°).

图1 挖掘机铲斗位姿测量系统

Fig.1 The position and posture measurement system of excavator bucket

1.3 铲斗位姿测量算法





由于GNSS输出频率较低且易受干扰、IMU在动态测量过程中受频繁振动影响测量精度。因此,设计了卡尔曼滤波融合算法,融合BDS(频率10 Hz)输出定位信息和IMU(频率50 Hz)输出三轴加速度、角速度信息来估计最优车体定位信息和航向信息,保证位姿测量的实时性和准确性,以满足挖掘机实际应用的要求。








车体坐标系通过绕欧拉角横滚、俯仰、偏航3次旋转到与施工本地坐标系对齐。则()、()、() 3个旋转矩阵分别为






Note: xozis the local construction coordinate system;xozis the car body coordinate system;() represents the joint between the body and the boom and is the origin of the local construction (body) coordinate system;1represents the joint between the boom and the stick;2represents the joint between the stick and the bucket;3represents the measuring points at the end of the bucket;1is the length of the boom, represents the linear distance from point() to Point1, m;2is the length of the stick, represents the linear distance from point1to Point2, m;3is the length of the bucket,represents the linear distance from point2to point3, m;1,2,3are the measured values of boom IMU, stick IMU and bucket IMU respectively, (°);is the pitch angle of the car body coordinate system based on the local construction coordinate system when the car body is in motion, (°).

图2 挖掘机几何结构图

Fig.2 Geometric structure diagram of excavator





2 挖掘机模型平台试验

2.1 试验材料


设计由铲斗、斗杆、动臂和回转平台组成的挖掘机模型平台,可模拟挖掘机各机械臂和回转关节运动,并在挖掘机模型平台上安装BDS双天线,如图3所示。试验选择施工本地坐标系的、、3个轴向来观察挖掘机铲斗末端真实值与解算值的误差,采用直线导轨滑块机构保证动态试验的3个坐标轴向运动直线度,导轨安装有位移传感器测量轴向运动位移[30],位移传感器采用WXY15M型,最大量程为400 mm,输入0~5 V电压,输出为模拟量,分辨率0.01,线性精度为0.02%FS,设置拉线传感器的采样频率为10 Hz。

1.斗杆长 2.动臂长 3.回转平台 4.拉线传感器 5.铲斗长 6.铲斗末端 7.BDS双天线

1.The length of excavator stick 2.The length of excavator boom 3.Rotary platform 4.Cable sensor 5.The length of excavator bucket 6.The end of excavator bucket 7.BDS dual antenna


Note:Theaxis of the vehicle body coordinate system points to the east, theaxis points to the north, theaxis perpendicular toplane and upward. Make the longitudinal direction of the slide rail platform parallel to the,andaxes of the vehicle body, respectively.

图3 挖掘机模型试验平台

Fig.3 Model test platform of excavator


BDS双天线系统(司南导航K726定位板卡,静态差分精度为水平面2.5 mm、高程5 mm,输出频率为10 Hz,航向角测量精度为0.2°/。其中,为双天线基线长,m)、DTU(型号:CM510-71F)、HWT605传感器(角度精度:、轴静态0.05°,动态0.1°,输出频率为0.2~200 Hz可调)、5 V直流稳压电源、NI myRIO模块、PCAN-USB 模块、USB 转串口线、笔记本计算机、多串口卡、Labview 软件和Matlab 软件。

2.2 试验方案


动态试验采用直线导轨滑块平台实现3个轴向动态变化模拟真实挖掘机运动时铲斗末端三维坐标的变化,如图4所示。采用BDS设备以10 Hz的采样频率测量并记录导轨滑块平台的起始点的定位信息后,由导轨平台本身的几何特性及位移传感器的测量值推算此时铲斗末端三维坐标的真实值。试验选择施工本地坐标系下的、、3个轴向来观察铲斗末端真实值与算法解算值的偏差。

图4 挖掘机模型平台动态试验

2.3 试验结果与分析

2.3.1 静态试验


表1 铲斗末端三维坐标的静态试验结果

通过试验数据可知,在各种姿态下,测得、、3个轴向的最大绝对偏差分别为15.15、15.48和23.57 mm,均小于30 mm。解算值与真实值(验证值)两坐标点间的距离最小偏差为11.94 mm、最大偏差为29.03 mm、平均偏差为19.55 mm。

2.3.2 动态试验

统计6组试验偏差,根据挖掘机正常工作经验速度和试验模型尺寸综合考虑,试验挖掘机铲斗末端分别沿、、3个轴向以0.1和0.2 m/s水平运动进行2组试验,试验数据统计结果如表2所示。

表2 挖掘机模型平台铲斗末端三维坐标动态试验结果

由于每组试验认为只有当前坐标轴变化,所以试验结果中的偏差均为解算点与真实点之间的偏差。通过、、3个轴向的两组试验数据可知,解算值与真实值(验证值)之间的平均绝对偏差分别为8.81、14.87和16.37 mm,均方根偏差分别为10.74、18.15和18.85 mm,均小于20 mm;轴和轴的最大绝对偏差分别达到42.33和47.45 mm,这是因为挖掘机模型关节间运动时存在间隙,从而产生更大的偏差。

3 挖掘机现场试验

3.1 试验材料

试验采用山河swe40UF智能挖掘机、BDS双天线系统、HWT605姿态传感器、Android车载终端。试验中,采用徕卡MS60高速影像全站扫描仪(测量精度:1 mm,追踪运动轨迹输出频率为10 Hz)动态测量铲斗末端三维坐标。

3.2 试验方案

如图5所示,将基于BDS和IMU的挖掘机铲斗位姿测量系统安装在挖掘机上,在挖掘机车顶上安装双天线北斗卫星系统(BDS)以10 Hz的采样频率获取定位和航向角信息,并保证双天线间连线与驾驶室和各臂方向保持垂直;在车体上安装HWT605姿态传感器以50 Hz的采样频率读取车体横滚角与俯仰角;在挖掘机的动臂、斗杆、铲斗合适处安装HWT605姿态传感器获取各机械臂姿态角信息;在驾驶室内安装Android车载终端并连接BDS双天线和姿态传感器,以铲斗棱镜放置处为测量点,读取实时信息解算铲斗末端三维坐标。依据《建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50202-2018)的场地平整土方开挖≤50 mm、填土≤30 mm和《高标准基本农田建设标准》(TD/T 1033-2012)田面高差应小于±30 mm的要求统计试验结果绝对偏差≤30 mm的数据占比。试验分为静态试验和动态试验。

图5 挖掘机动作试验现场图


动态试验针对挖掘机施工作业中深挖、整平、刷坡等作业场景,操作挖掘机分别以试验组1:车身航向不动,各机构臂动作;试验组2:车身航向转动,各机构臂不动;试验组3:车身航向和各机构臂同时动作,3种试验动作来模拟实际施工场景。采用全站仪以10 Hz的采样频率自动追踪放置于铲斗的棱镜实时采集铲斗的三维坐标来验证与解算值之间的偏差。

3.3 试验结果与分析

3.3.1 静态试验


表3 挖掘机铲斗末端三维坐标静态试验结果

由表3可知,在不同姿态动作下,测量点、、3个轴向最大绝对偏差分别为17.69、14.99和11.68 mm,均小于20 mm;解算值与真实值(验证值)两坐标点间的距离最小偏差为7.40 mm、最大偏差为20.65 mm、平均偏差为13.57 mm。

3.3.2 动态试验


从表4中3组试验数据可以看出,在不同的试验动作下,、、3个轴向坐标的解算值与真实值(验证值)之间的平均绝对偏差和均方根偏差均小于20 mm,且绝对偏差≤30 mm的数据占比均不低于95.35%。同一时刻,解算值与真实值(验证值)两坐标点间的距离均方根偏差分别为27.49、26.30和23.50 mm,均小于30 mm。


表4 挖掘机铲斗末端三维坐标动态试验结果

图6 铲斗末端测量点空间轨迹图

试验结果表明基于BDS和IMU的挖掘机铲斗位姿测量方法能准确测量铲斗位姿,、、3个轴向均方根误差均小于20 mm,解算值与真实值两坐标点间的距离均方根误差均小于30 mm,在实现智能化、自动化作业的同时满足机械挖土施工要求和高标准农田建设标准要求。

4 结 论



3)以山河swe40UF智能挖掘机进行试验,将解算值与全站仪实测值比较,结果表明挖掘机铲斗末端三维坐标解算值与全站仪实测值的运动轨迹变化一致,同一时刻空间两坐标点距离均方根偏差小于30 mm,3个轴向坐标的动态测量均方根偏差均在20 mm内,绝对偏差≤30 mm的数据占比不低于95.35%,该方法可为挖掘机铲斗三维坐标实时解算和精准施工提供精确测量和智能引导,满足工程机械挖填土施工质量验收中国国家标准要求和高标准基本农田建设标准要求。

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Method and experiments of excavator bucket position and attitude measurement using BDS and IMU

Hu Lian1,2, Peng Jingyi1,2, Lai Sangyu1, Feng Dawen1,2, Chen Gaolong1,2, Wang Chenyang1,2, Luo Xiwen1,2※

(1.,,510642,; 2.,510642,)

High precision and intelligent degree of excavator construction can be perferred in farmland reconstruction in modern agriculture. It is a high demand to real-time acquire the bucket position and attitude for the intelligent and accurate operation of excavator. In this study, a series of approaches were proposed to measure the bucket position and attitude of excavator using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). A real-time solution model was established for the three-dimensional coordinates of the excavator bucket end: Firstly, the body parameters of excavator were measured to establish the body coordinate system. The IMU attitude sensors were installed at the appropriate positions of the boom, stick, and bucket of the excavator, in order to measure the attitude angle information of each actuator in the excavator. The data was finally collected to obtain the three-dimensional coordinates of the bucket end under the excavator body coordinate system; Then, the BDS dual antenna was installed on the roof to obtain the yawing angle of vehicle body and spatial position. The IMU attitude sensor was also installed on the vehicle body for the rolling angle and pitching angle of the vehicle body. Then, the Kalman filtering algorithm is used to fuse the dual antenna BDS and IMU output high-frequency and high-precision position and attitude information to construct attitude rotation matrix. Among them, the three-dimensional coordinates of the excavator bucket end under the vehicle body coordinate system were rotated to the local construction coordinate system. Static and dynamic tests were carried out to simulate the actual construction scene of the excavator. In the static test, the three-dimensional coordinates of the prism were continuously collected at the excavator bucket under each group of test actions by the total station under different heading angles and attitudes of the simulated operating excavator body and mechanical arm. The deviation was then calculated between the measured of total station and solution of bucket pose measurement. The results show that the new model performed better to accurately measure the three-dimensional coordinates at the end of the excavator bucket. The maximum absolute deviations were 17.69, 14.99, and 11.68 mm (all less than 20 mm) in the,, andaxial coordinates of bucket measuring points, respectively. The minimum deviation, maximum deviation and average deviation of the distance between the two coordinate points of the calculated and the real value (verification value) were 7.40, 20.65, and 13.57 mm, respectively. In the dynamic test, the excavator was operated in test group 1: where the body heading remained still, as each mechanism arm acted; Test group 2: the vehicle body rotated in the heading, and each mechanism arm remained still; Test group 3: The body heading and each mechanism arm acted at the same time, in order to simulate the actual construction operation scene, such as deep excavation, leveling, and slope brushing in the excavator construction. The total station was used to automatically follow the prism on the bucket. The three-dimensional coordinates of the bucket were collected in real time to verify the three-dimensional coordinate calculation of the bucket end. The results show that the average absolute deviation and root mean square deviation were less than 20 mm between the calculated values of the,,three axial coordinates and the real value under different test actions. The proportion of the data with the absolute deviation less than 30 mm were not less than 95.35%. The calculated three-dimensional coordinates at the end of the excavator bucket were better consistent with the movement track change of the measured total station. The root mean square deviations of the distance between the two coordinate points of the calculated and the real value were 27.49, 26.30, and 23.50 mm, respectively, which were less than 30 mm. The accurate measurement for the position and posture of the excavator bucket can provide a practical basis for the intelligent guidance of the precise construction of the excavator.

agricultural machinery; excavator; BDS; IMU; coordinate transformation; position and attitude measurement


TU621; S222.5



胡炼,彭靖怡,赖桑愉,等. 基于BDS和IMU的挖掘机铲斗位姿测量方法与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(23):12-19.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.23.002

Hu Lian, Peng Jingyi, Lai Sangyu, et al. Method and experiments of excavator bucket position and attitude measurement using BDS and IMU[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(23): 12-19. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.23.002






