

中国现代医生 2021年16期

郑晓佳 金丽红  刘良红  施赵维  方国美

[關键词] 非内分泌科;护士;糖尿病;认知现状;专科培训

[中图分类号] R97;R4          [文献标识码] B          [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)16-0176-04

Investigation on the status quo of diabetes knowledge of non-endocrinology nurses and the specialist training model

ZHENG Xiaojia1   JIN Lihong2   LIU Lianghong1   SHI Zhaowei1   FANG Guomei2

1.Department of Endocrinology,Lishui People′s Hospital in Zhejiang Province,Lishui   323000,China;2.Department of Nursing,Lishui People′s Hospital in Zhejiang Province,Lishui   323000,China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate and understand the status quo of diabetes knowledge of non-endocrinology nurses,and to explore the specialist training model so as to improve the nurses' diabetes knowledge awareness. Methods A cluster sampling method was adopted to select 100 non-endocrinology nurses who were employed in their positions by the medical alliance from January 2019 to June 2019 as the study subjects. The self-made diabetes knowledge questionnaire was used to conduct on-site surveys on nurses. The questionnaires were distributed and collected on site, and the results of the survey were analyzed statistically. The diabetes knowledge awareness of nurses at different years of ages,at different lengths of nursing practicing, and of different titles were analyzed. According to the random number table method,100 non-endocrinology nurses were randomly divided into two groups, namely a control group and an observation group. The control group was trained by the hospital′s endocrinology department for routine diabetes knowledge training. The observation group was trained on diabetes knowledge by professional internal trainers of diabetes in the hospital. The training results were compared between the two groups. Results The questionnaires of 100 non-endocrinology nurses were all effectively recovered, and the effective recovery rate was 100.00%. The awareness rates of 100 non-endocrinology nurses on basic diabetes knowledge,dietary knowledge,exercise knowledge,medication knowledge,blood glucose monitoring knowledge, and complication care knowledge were 78.00%,73.00%,71.00%, 69.00%, 72.00%, 67.00% respectively; the awareness scores of nurses at different ages, at different lengths of nursing practices, and of different professional titles on basic diabetes knowledge,dietary knowledge,exercise knowledge,medication knowledge, blood glucose monitoring knowledge,and complication care knowledge were compared,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). After training,the observation group′s awareness scores of basic diabetes knowledge,dietary knowledge,exercise knowledge,medication knowledge,blood glucose monitoring knowledge, and complication nursing knowledge were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05). The diabetes management ability score and self-efficacy score in the observation group were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion Non-endocrinology nurses' awareness of diabetes knowledge is not optimistic, especially nurses with shorter nursing practices and lower level professional title. The hospital needs to strengthen the professional training of diabetes knowledge for non-endocrinology nurses to enhance their diabetes knowledge awareness and diabetes management capabilities.

[Key words] Non-endocrinology departments; Nurses; Diabetes; Status quo of knowledge awareness; Specialist training


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料



1.2 方法

1.2.1 调查方法  采用自制的糖尿病知识认知调查问卷对100名医联体非内分泌专科护士开展现场调查,现场发放和回收调查问卷,统计调查结果。调查问卷主要包括糖尿病基本知识、饮食知识、运动知识、用药知识、血糖监测知识、并发症护理知识,知晓则答“是”,反之答“否”[7-9]。

1.2.2 培训方法  ①对照组由医院内分泌科组织进行糖尿病知识常规培训,参考《中国2型糖尿病防治指南》进行培训,培训老师由内分泌科省级糖尿病专科护士担任,每周培训1次,每次培训时间60 min,持续培训8次。②观察组由医院专业的糖尿病内训师进行糖尿病知识培训,在非内分泌科护士中选择糖尿病知识认知良好、糖尿病管理能力好的高年资护师作为内训师,由专业的内分泌科专家、糖尿病专科医生及护士长对内训师进行持续8周的培训(每周1次,每次持续90 min),对其进行考核通过后,再由内训师对本组护士进行专业化的培训,采取一对一带教模式进行培训,每周培训1次,每次培训持续60 min,持续培训8次。




采用SPSS 22.0统计学软件进行数据分析,计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,组间比较采用t检验;计数资料以[n(%)]表示,组间比较采用χ2检验,P<0.05為差异有统计学意义。


2.1 非内分泌科护士的糖尿病知识认知情况分析


表1   非内分泌科护士的糖尿病知识知晓率(n=100)

2.2 不同专科培训模式后非内分泌科护士糖尿病知识认知度、糖尿病管理能力、自我效能感比较








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