

世界建筑导报 2021年4期




设计团队:Veronica Schereibeis,Carla Tamariz,Christian Böttger

施工单位:Héctor Suasnabar


摄影:Mayu Mohanna,Miguel Carrillo,Cecilia Larrabure,路易斯·隆吉

Client:Catholic University of Peru

Architect:Longhi Architects

Principal in charge:Luis Longhi

Project Team:Veronica Schereibeis,Carla Tamariz,Christian Böttger

Construction:Héctor Suasnabar

Supervision:Longhi Architects

Photography:Mayu Mohanna,Miguel Carrillo,Cecilia Larrabure,Luis Longhi





1998 年,这名“长者”在遭受大火的洗礼后,却依旧渴望涅槃重生。作为秘鲁首都最重要的舞台,他必须要以往日的姿态再次站立起来。





In dialogue with the injured

Architecture does not arise from the mere human conversation between the client and the architect but from the metaphysical dialogue that the designer establishes with the reality in which he has to intervene.A dialogue in the deepest sense of the word,as it requires you to show sensitivity with an eloquent but silent interlocutor.You must understand and interpret it,demonstrate what they call empathy.

When the medium is Nature,the ultimate creation,the challenge is to find how to intervene without disturbing it,how to honor it with an object foreign to it.Centuries ago,the Incas gave the guideline of how human creation can exceed its usefulness and come to belong to a landscape.

On the other hand,intervening in a man-made building means listening to it,understanding it,meeting its demands and enhancing its virtues.Even when it comes to spaces victimized by a circumstantial conflict such as the Municipal Theater of Lima.

This "old man" wanted to return to activity one year after being killed by fire in 1998.He had to be helped to stand up with the dignity that the capital's most important stage deserved.

His still open wounds required attention,moved,but he did not want compassion.Where his stage was,there was a huge void in the open air.The ceiling and the stage had disappeared,but the energy of all the artists who had passed through it remained in its walls,so it was proposed that this space be performed on a ramp.As a sign of their approval of our idea,the building let us discover a bricked-up door in the wall at the point where the ramp headed.It was the pass that was needed for the entrance and exit of the actors.

The metal tubes and mesh of the ramp were the vocabulary of the added elements,both those that offered security to the public and those that were part of the scenography.The energy and the history of the true materials were always the allies.

The first work mounted was "King Lear." The performance took place both on the ramp and on the surface of the stalls and boxes,with which the stage space took on a threedimensional character.

"Faust" required a bridge,a platform and a gigantic skirt made from the rubble of the theater."Othello" demanded to build new platforms and define spaces in which events parallel to the main action would take place."The musical" was a peculiar case,since the public stood on the old stage and the performance took place in a room,which was covered with fabrics that symbolized the gauze that protect the wounded man's scars and that involved the entire theater space on the action.


Seven years later,the interventions persist and are repeatedly requested for other uses,even other than cultural ones.This confirms its potency and its belonging to the site.They are much more than pertinent incidental sets mounted for temporary plays.


阿德里亚娜·利马 祖师级天使