The Book


中学生英语·中考指导版 2021年5期

Yvonne Freeman


There was once a very old book whose cover was made of lovely red leather and itspages were of the finest paper. It belonged to a girl named Amelia. His Amelia, as thelittle book liked to think of her, was sweet and kind, and of course she loved to read.


At first Amelia ' s mother would read to ber, but as she grew older Amelia could readthe little book all by herself. This was not an ordinary book, for within its pages were themost amazing stories that had ever been written. There were tales of princesses anddragons, of pirates 1 and treasure 2, of things you could hardlv believe! When you openedthe book, a world of adventure lay within.


Amelia loved the little book, for it had belonged to her mother, and her mother'smother before her, but something was about to happen that the little book did not expect.


One day as he lay on the heavy nightstand3 next to Amelia's bed, where he spentmuch of his time. a terrible thing happened. The family cat jumped up and accidentallygave him a great big shove4. The little red book slid 5 right over the edge6 and fell behindthe nightstand. He just lay there, wedged7 tightly in the space between the wall and thenightstand. He could not cry out for help. All he could do was hope that help would come.


Alas 8, it did not.


His Amelia, in fact her whole family, searched far and wide, high and low, btt noone could see him. So there he lay. Amelia was heartbroken, for she loved the little bookabove all others. No other book that her mother gave her could replace the little red bookwith its wonderful stories.


And so the years passed. The little book never really gave up hope of being found, buthis heart was full of sadness. for he missed his Amelia and the way that she had alwaysturned his pages with such gentle and loving hands. Then one day, when he thought that allhope was lost, something happened. The heavy nightstand that had kept him hidden all thoseyears was being moved and suddenly he heard a voice cry out, "My book, my book! It'sbeen here all this time! " Then familiar hands gently picked him up, carefully dusted himoff, then held him close.


But this was not his Amelia! Where was his Amelia'? Then the woman began to turn hispages and suddenly the little book knew. Amelia must have grown up during the long yearsthat he'd been lost. But the gerntle, loving hands were the same. He was home at last!


Then he heard the sound of children's voices.


“Mummy, mummV!”they cried. "What is that book ?"


“This is it!”said their Mother. "My book, my lost book! Found again!”


"Read to us. read to us," the children begged, and so she did. With those gentle handsshe turned the little book's pages and with that sweet voice she told his amazing stories. Dayturned to night and still the wide-eyed children sat and listened as his amazing stories werebeing read to them.


Such stories!

Such adventures!

Such joy!

The little book' s heart was overflowing 9, forhere he was, back with his Amelia. And the little book knew that Amelia's children, and herchildren ' s children would continue to read his wondrous l0 tales for vears to come.


And the little red book was happy.




1.pirate[?pa?r?t] n.海盗

2.treasure [?tre??] n.财宝


4.shove [??v] n.推;挤

5.slid [sl?d] v.滑;滑落



8.alas [??l?s] int,唉(表示难过或不幸的惊叹声)

9.overflowing [???v??fl????] adj.溢出的,充满的

10. wondrous [?w?ndr?s]adj.奇妙的;令人惊奇的


床头柜: 小角色,大心机