Mary??s Weekend


考试与评价·七年级版 2021年1期


阅读难度:☆☆☆ 阅读时间:5分钟

My friend Mary likes sports and she can play soccer and basketball well. Now she is a P.E. teacher in a school. Mary likes her job very much. She gets up at 5:40 in the morning. After ten minutes, she runs for an hour in the park. She doesnt have enough time for breakfast, so she usually eats bananas and milk quickly. She walks to work at 7:10. She arrives at the school at 7:40. Students like playing ball games with her.

On weekends, Mary has many things to do. On Saturday morning she teaches students how to play volleyball and basketball well. At 4:00 oclock in the afternoon, she dances with me in a park. On Sunday morning, she plays soccer with her students. Sometimes, she goes to see her grandparents by bus. They live in a small town①. They has many hens. Her grandma usually sends② Mary some eggs. Mary always says, “Im a happy and healthy girl!”


1. for an hour (持续)一小时 2. walk to work 步行去上班 3. dance with sb. 与某人一起跳舞 4. send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb. 送给某人某物

I. 用合适的短语完成句子。

1. 艺术节你能与我一起跳舞吗?

Can you ____ ____ ____ at the art festival?

2. 谁是你的体育老师?

Who is your ____ ____?

3. 我通常在周六早上锻炼一小时。

I usually exercise ____ ____ ____ on Saturday mornings.

4. 迈克常常送给妈妈一些漂亮的花。

Mike often ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

5. 我总是步行去上学。

I always ____ ____ ____.

II. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。

1. Where does Mary work?

A. In a village.             B. In a school.       C. In a park.                D. In a club.

2. Mary usually runs ____ in the morning.

A. at 5:40                  B. in a school        C. after breakfast        D. for an hour

3. Mary is good at ____.

A. playing ball games                           B. running and dancing

C. playing the piano                             D. drawing pictures

4. Marys grandparents ____.

A. live with her family                            B. dont like city life

C. have many hens                           D. dont work today

5. How is Marys life?

A. Difficult and boring.    B. Busy and happy.  C. Useful and easy.           D. Relaxing and nice.


A Glimpse of the Art Festival遇见艺术节
加拿大担任今年北京艺术节主宾国 派百人艺术团