Three Times Beating Monster


阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2021年6期

霍田田 祝家彩 金媛 金娟


Tang: Amitabha, do you know where we are now?

Wukong: Bajie, map!

Bajie: (gives the map to Wukong) Here you are.

Wukong: Look!

Tang: Bajie! How many times I have told you, dont use the map to wrap the food!

Bajie: Oh, Master, sorry. (tries to take the map back)

Tang: (draws back his hand) Ill keep it for you until we reach the west.

Bajie: We have arrived in White Tiger Mountain, but I cant go any farther. I am so hungry.

Wukong: You fat pig!

Bajie: Monkey, if you dare to say these two words once again, I will ...

Wukong: You will what?

Bajie: I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤).

Tang: (gives a little cough) Wukong, I am a bit hungry, too. Could you get some food?

Bajie: You see, Master is hungry, too!

Tang: Bajie, dont forget who ate up our food!

Monk Sha: But Master, if a monster comes while Monkey is away, what shall we do?

Tang: It is a problem. Wukong, do you have any idea?

Wukong: (draws a circle with the golden cudgel) Master, as long as you stay here, no monster can hurt you.

Monk Sha: Dont worry. Well take good care of our master.

Monster: (a young woman in disguise) Excuse me, where are you from?

Bajie: What a beautiful girl!

Tang: Bajie, calm down. We are from Tang Dynasty, and to the west for Buddist scriptures.

Monster: You look hungry and tired. Would you like to eat some food?

Bajie: You are so kind. I cant wait to have some food.

Wukong: (appears suddenly) You monster!

Monster: (falls down) Ah ...

Tang: Wukong! Look what you have done! She is just a girl!

Wukong: She is a monster!

Tang: Nonsense(胡说)! (chants scriptures)

Wukong: Please, please dont ...

Tang: Wukong, I am disappointed with(对……失望) you.

Monster: (an old woman in disguise) Hello, have you seen my daughter?

Tang: Daughter? Oh, Im so sorry.

Wukong: You monster! Ill beat you into hell!

Tang: Sun Wukong, how dare you! (chants scriptures)

Monster: (an old man in disguise) Oh... My daughter! My wife! Who did it! (cries sadly and shouts loudly)

Wukong: Ill kill you, monster!

Tang: You have taken away three lives!

Wukong: No, they are not human. You are cheated by the monster.

Tang: You are a real monster! Never let me see you again.

Wukong: (becomes so sad and goes away) All right.

Monster: (appears suddenly) Hahaha!

Tang: You are...

Monster: How foolish you are!

Bajie: Fight against her!

Monster: (catches Tang Monk) Ill enjoy your meat! Ill live forever!

Tang: Wukong?

Monk Sha: Our hero is back!

Wukong: Master, this monster changed her appearance three times in order to separate(使分離) us!

Tang: Wukong, I admit my mistake this time. Im sorry.

Wukong: Never mind. Ill get you out of here.

Tang: Thanks to you.

Wukong: Lets go, guys!

(The End)

