Book review: My Hero Is You 书评:《你就是我的英雄》


疯狂英语·读写版 2020年10期



1. respiratory /rsprtri/ adj. 呼吸的

2. solidarity /sldrti/ n. 团结

In January, the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) coo

perated on a storybook called My Hero Is You. Their objective was to help parents and caregivers educate 1. about COVID19, the respiratory disease caused by the virus, and give them tools to help fight it.

The book follows Sara, a young girl whose mother is a scientist. Sara soon realizes that the coronavirus can easily 2. and is difficult to treat. “What does COVID19 look like?” Sara asked her mom. “COVID19 is so tiny that we cant see it,” said her mom. “But it spreads in the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick and when they 3. people or things around them. People who are sick get a fever and a cough and can have some trouble 4. (breathing/walking).” Sara feels helpless until a winged creature named Ario magically appears in the dark and takes her on a journey around the world. They meet children living on an island, in a village, and in the mountains. At each new 5., Sara talks with the children about their fears and how theyre keeping themselves and their family members safe from the virus.

My Hero Is You aims to educate young people while also creating hope and solidarity. “I wanted children to know that they have the ability to take care of their stress and be the 6. to themselves and their loved ones,” said Helen Patuck, who wrote My Hero Is You.

So far, the book has been 7.(sold/published) in 120 languages ranging from Korean to Welsh. Hannah, a sixyearold from the United Kingdom, said that the book 8. her cope with her feelings about the virus. “I miss my friends, but were keeping each other 9., which is something Im willing to do.”

Melanie Powell, a mother who lives in Iceland, said that she thinks the book will empower children. “My 5yearold daughter loves to tell me with pride how she is being a COVID19 hero by

10. (following/setting) all the rules.”

Fill in each blank with only one word or select the right items given in the bracket according to the context.

Sentence for writing

My Hero Is You aims to educate young people while also creating hope and solidarity.

【信息提取】aim to do...意為“旨在/力求……”。



积跬步以致千里 积小流以成江海
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