The Analysis of Scarlett’s Character in Gone with the Wind


广告大观 2020年4期

Abstract:This is an analyzing article in which you will get some detailed description about Scarlett in Gone with the Wind.This article analyzes the character of Scarlett from three aspects.Then her attitude towards love and marriage will be explained in detail. Finally,the reasons for her changes will also be analyzed.

Key words:characters,changes,marriages.

I. Introduction

Gone with the Wind gives description of the main roles and their relationships,so as to show Scarletts special characters through her deeds and other roles around her.Life from peaceful to tough.,failure of marriages and tragedy of her family all give her more strength to live.

II. Changes of Scarletts characters

Scarlett was born in a rich family and never need to worry about her living conditions.But the Civil War has an disastrous effect on her life.She gradually becomes an independent woman who has to struggle for living.Before the Civil War,Scarlett is a hybrid who exhibits more of her Irish fathers hard-headedness than her mothers refined Southern manners.when going to a party,they would stuff themselves with food at home,so they would be able to eat only the daintiest morsels at the party.The war brings destructive consequence to her life. Scarlett becomes a woman who has to rise up against invaders. But her callous deeds brings tragic endings to her.

III. Scarletts attitude towards marriage and love

Scarlett is a brave girl who strives for love actively and wants to do everything for her lover. But in the other aspect,she seems to be so practical that she married three men just for material reasons.The most sarcastic thing is that she doesnt find her true lover until the end of the novel.

IV. The reasons for the changing of her characters

Before the war,she lives a comfortable and luxury life with a good plantation,best equipment and mens loving care,in where the author portrays the rebellious character spontaneously.The triangular love between Scarlett,Ashley and Rhett is another element to influence the developing of Scarletts character,it is also the internal reason for the mature of her character.


[1]  Brian Philips &J ulie Hollar. Study Guides to Gone with the Wind [M] . Tianjin:Tianjin Technology Translation Press,2003.




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