

求学·理科版 2020年8期


As a second semester high school senior, I was expecting a season of milestones, but not quite like this. A few weeks ago, I turned 18—and celebrated my entrance into adulthood with friends and family on Zoom. A few days later, I got into my first choice college—and videoed my reaction as I opened my virtual acceptance letter. And a few days after that, I heard New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announce that all New York schools will remain closed for the rest of the academic year.


So, I guess Ill be spending my last weeks of high school in bed with my laptop, and I wont be shaking my principals hand as he presents me with the diploma that symbolizes 13 years of my life.


These past few months of staying home and social distancing have been unusual, but also eye-opening. The people I am used to seeing in person every day are suddenly on my screens instead. People of all ages have been feeling a sense of dislocation and dependence on technology during this time, but my generation is in a unique position.


Many people assume Gen Zers prefer everyday interactions mediated by screens—we have been using modern technology since before we could walk, so naturally we would not be as affected by social distancing. Whether it be Snapchat, Facetime or TikTok, my age group had been actively choosing to communicate digitally long before Covid-19 forced us to. But even if we are digital natives, the assumption that we are comfortable living a fully digital life is wrong. We value in-person interactions more than many may think. And now that this privilege has been taken from us, its just plain obvious.


Studies have shown that social interaction is beneficial to our physical and mental health, and that relationships are particularly important in adolescence. Social isolation, by contrast, has a negative impact on brain development and behavioral patterns—and can weaken communities and even our democracy.


These are not surprising facts. However, before this pandemic, many people my age thought we could fulfill this need for human connection by communicating with others online.Clearly, we were mistaken. Being quarantined has affected the way I am feeling, behaving and sleeping, and my friends have told me they feel the same—more anxious, lonely and unhappy. Facetime, Zoom, iMessage and other forms of digital communication do not have the same effect as being with our friends and loved ones in person, or in a classroom with our teachers and classmates.


Going to school is hardly something we thought we would miss, having just gone through some key years of pressure and stress. But remote learning takes away much of what makes high school enjoyable and special. Although I am able to stay in touch with my close friends through technology, I dont get the spontaneous, unplanned interactions that occur in real life.


In fact, one of the paradoxes of remote learning is how limiting it can be. In some ways, it makes it harder for me to get out of my comfort zone. There are people I might never have occasion to reach out to remotely, but still appreciate seeing on a daily basis —my favorite middle school teacher; a girl in my math class who helps me when Im struggling; the friendly security guard who always gives me a high five.


It is this sense of serendipity that I miss, and which I now recognize is key to making kids my age feel noticed, supported and happy. School is about more than just learning in the classroom, and it seems impossible to get this feeling of community and sense of belonging online. Close your laptop and you're alone again. This experience has made many of us realize how much we need school, not just an education.


As teenagers, we are going through pivotal life changes and learning how to form healthy relationships. We are figuring out who we are and who we want to surround ourselves with. Many high school seniors like me are going to college in the fall—we hope—and want to forge new friendships there to shape the next four years of our lives.


Many of us planned on meeting our new college peers at accepted students events, but those arent happening. Unfortunately, this means well be more reliant on social media to make friends before we arrive at campus. Getting to know someone will consist of looking at their Facebook profile or having a quick text exchange—not exactly deep engagement or even all that spontaneous.

我们中的许多人都计划在迎新会上和新的大学同学见面,但是那些都没有发生。不幸的是,这意味着在我们到达校园之前,我们将更加依赖社交媒体来交朋友。了解一个人的过程包括观察他的 Facebook 或者进行一次快速的短信交流——不是深度的接触,甚至不是自发的。

Not only might this make it harder for us to find our place, it may make us increasingly dependent on, and even consumed with, how we appear online. This is something we should steer away from, as over-reliance on social media has been shown to take a toll on a persons happiness.


If what we take away from this experience is that in-person interaction is less necessary now that we are more comfortable with remote communication, we are learning the wrong lesson.


Although many of us can have school on video chat, and can have meetings over the phone and can binge-watch an entire Netflix series instead of talking to our friends, we shouldnt.

虽然我们中的许多人可以上视频聊天课;可以通过电话开会;可以连续看一整部 netflix 电视剧,而不是和朋友聊天,但我们不应该这样做。

We must not only return to our previous way of living, but place an even greater emphasis on community, real life engagement and the now rare pleasure of human interaction off a screen.


(文章摘自美国有线电视新闻网: )


1. How did the author celebrate his 18th birthday?

A. He videoed his school life.

B. He held a party at home.

C. He accepted congratulations online.

D. He spent that day with his laptop in bed.

2. We can learn from the fourth paragraph that ________.

A. young generations feel good living a fully digital life.

B. teenagers are not affected by social distancing at all.

C. young people would not like to communicate face-to-face.

D. young generations adapt more to online communication.

3. In the authors opinion, remote learning ________.

A. has more benefits than disadvantages.

B. can make people a sense of belonging.

C. makes school life more colorful.

D. lacks pleasure of human interaction.

4. From the article, it can be inferred that _________.

A. we should not heavily depend on social media.

B. it is very difficult to form a healthy relationship.

C. kids feel supported and happy in a community online.

D. it is no use looking at a persons Facebook if you want to know someone.

5. What does the author feel about social distancing?

A. stressed. B. uncomfortable.

C. annoyed. D. indifferent.


1. C。細节理解题。根据第一段“A few weeks ago, I turned 18—and celebrated my entrance into adulthood with friends and family on Zoom.”可知,作者的家人朋友是通过Zoom给他祝贺生日的,后文也提到了Zoom是一个视频网站。

2. D。细节理解题。根据第二段作者的叙述,可知这一代人更适应网上的交流。选项A和本段第一句矛盾,选项B和C是作者否认的。

3. D。推理判断题。根据文章的最后一句“...the now rare pleasure of human interaction off a screen.”可以推断,作者认为远程学习是没有乐趣的。

4. A。推理判断题。根据文中的“This is something we should steer away from, as over-reliance on social media has been shown to take a toll on a persons happiness.”可知,作者认为我们不应该过于依赖社交媒体。

5. B。态度意图题。文章中比较社交媒体或网上交流和现实生活中的交流,很明显作者更喜欢的是前者,而且也有很多类似“In some ways, it makes it harder for me to get out of my comfort zone.”这样的句子,因此作者对于因新冠引起的社交隔离是不舒服的。


1. If what we take away from this experience is that in-person interaction is less necessary now that we are more comfortable with remote communication, we are learning the wrong lesson.


分析:这是一个主从复合句,主句是we are learning the wrong lesson,从句是if引导的条件状语从句,其中又包含着what引导的主语从句;that in-person is less necessary now that...communication是表语从句,此表语从句中又含有now that引导的原因状语从句。


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