Why Women Should Do “Men’s” Jobs女人为啥该干“男人”的活儿


英语世界 2020年3期


Pink versus blue. Skirts versus trousers. Netball versus basketball. Do you ever think the divisions between girls and boys are a bit silly? 粉色對蓝色,裙子对裤子,无挡板篮球对篮球。你有没有想过这样区分女孩和男孩其实有点儿蠢?

If youve started thinking about your career, youll probably have noticed that the same things happens in the workplace. There are certain jobs youre just not supposed to do if youre a girl. And thats just the way things are, right?

Wrong! A lot is happening today to get women into male-dominated areas of work. This International Womens Day, we look at four areas of work where things are tough for women right now—but where change is happening. We also look at why we need women in all areas of work. And dont miss our key resources to help you begin your way along that career path.

Science and research

The situation today

Have you heard of STEM? STEM means science, technology, engineering and maths. It covers a whole range of jobs, from scientists who research cures for diseases, to engineers who design things like buildings, roads and bridges. These jobs are highly skilled, important for scientific progress, and help us make money as a country. Theyre also very rewarding for the people who do them.

But of every eight people in a STEM job, only one is a woman. And this is hardly surprising. Go all the way back to A-level1, and youll find that of all the STEM subjects, only biology has more female students than male.

Why we need more women in science

Designers and engineers create things we all use, whether male or female. Because most things are designed by men, studies suggest that some offices are too cold for women, seatbelts are less safe for them, and tools are harder for women to use.

The lack of women in STEM jobs is also becoming a national problem. The government is worried there simply wont be enough scientists and engineers in the future. This could affect the whole economy because, as a country, we can sell our technology and skills to other countries. STEM jobs also create more work further down the line, such as for construction workers who build roads and bridges.

The police

The situation today

In March 2015, the percentage of female police officers stood at 28%. This compares with 22% nine years earlier in 2006. And the percentage has not always risen over this period. In fact, it peaked in 2010 before falling, before flatlining over the next three years.

Its not just a numbers problem. Women often face sexism from male colleagues, from name-calling to sexual harrassment. And because men outnumber women so dramatically, women are often in the minority, leaving them at risk when abuse takes place.

Why we need more women in the police force

The police are there for the whole community—and that includes women! When women experience crime like abuse by their partners, rape or anything else that is very personal, they dont always feel comfortable talking to a man. If women police officers arent available to talk to, this might mean they dont come forward at all.

Because crime is often to do with sex, or violence by men against women, a woman police officer might be more understanding or more approachable. Studies also suggest that women tend to trust other women more than men.

Women can also be more understanding. Often, when a person comes forward to report an incident, such as a problem at home or an issue with nuisance neighbours, it can seem trivial to others even if its a cause of major upset for the victim. Women are often better at listening and at understanding other peoples problems, while men are more likely to be dismissive.

The law

The situation today

Actually, more women study law at university than men. In 2014, nearly a third of students accepted onto a law degree were female, and nearly half of all working solicitors were women.

The problem is not that theres big difference in the number of men and women working in the law. Its that the higher up you go, the less likely you are to see women in the top jobs.

When researchers surveyed over 100 law firms in 2014, they found that only two employed as many as women as men as “partners”—that is, senior managers who own part of the business. And in only five firms did women make up more than a third of partners.

If you look at the countrys law courts, you see a similar story. Only around a quarter of judges are women, while in the UKs highest court—the Supreme Court—only one of the 12 judges is female.

This means that as it stands, although there are likely to be plenty of other women around you at university and work, youre less likely to be promoted into a high-up job as a woman in the legal profession.

Why we need more women in the law

Lawyers deal with a lot of people. This includes the people they are representing, other lawyers, and judges. That makes soft skills such as the ability to communicate, persuade and negotiate, one of their most valuable assets. They also need to be understanding and see other points of view.

These are skills which women tend to have more than men—yet the higher up the legal system you go, the harder they are to find.


The situation today

Youve heard of the City2? “Financial services” is all about making money from money by investing it in companies that are expected to rise in value. Financial services has a reputation for being a bit of a boys club. As in the legal world, the problem gets worse the higher up you go.

Whats more, the industry is lagging behind others in hiring more women, and conditions are much worse than for men. For women in the industry, average pay is half that of men, and bonuses (one-off rewards made when you perform well) are much lower as well. Women know about this, and it is putting them off going into the industry.

Why we need more women in finance

Financial services is often painted as full of testosterone, with boys competing with each other to make as much money as they can as quickly as they can. This certainly isnt a fair picture of the industry—but things could certainly be improved with more women on board.

Women are often less competitive than men, more level-headed and more responsible. Studies have shown that women are better with money than men at a household level, being less likely to take on debt or splash out unnecessarily. An industry based around financial decisions could certainly benefit from more of this!

This is reflected in the facts. Repeated studies show that the firms with most women on their boards made over a third more money.

Dont let your gender hold you back!

There may be a long way to go in all of these areas of work. But a lot has changed in recent years, and as more girls go into these careers, the fairer things will become. So if youre passionate, dont let your gender hold you back!





































以上这些工作领域可能都有很长的路要走。但是,最近几年发生了很多变化,并且随着越来越多的女孩子从事这些职业,情况也会变得越来越公平。所以,如果你有激情,可不要让你的性别阻碍了你!  □


