Staying moderately active benefits our brains


新世纪智能(英语备考) 2019年11期

◆ Mika

词 数:475阅 读 难 度:★★★☆☆建议阅读时间:5分钟

Scientists studying Alzheimer’s have found that staying moderately active can lead to healthier brain functions in those at risk of developing the disease, potentially giving us another clue how to beat the condition.In particular the research looked at glucose metabolism, the process that gives brain cells the right amount of fuel, and that also happens to break down with the onset of Alzheimer’s.

Scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that study participants who spent more than an hour per day taking part in moderate physical exercise showed greater levels and healthier levels of glucose metabolism than those who didn’t.“This study has implications for guiding exercise ’prescriptions’ that could help protect the brain from Alzheimer’s disease,” says one of the team, Ryan Dougherty.“While many people become discouraged about Alzheimer’s disease because they feel there’s little they can do to protect against it, these results suggest that engaging in moderate physical activity may slow down the progression of the disease.”

The study used accelerometers to measure a week’s worth of physical activity for 93 middle-aged volunteers, all at high genetic risk of Alzheimer’s but so far showing no cognitive signs of the disease.Physical activity was split into light (the equivalent of walking slowly), moderate (a brisk walk), and vigorous (a strenuous run).This collected data was then compared against glucose metabolism levels in the brain.Using a special imaging technique called 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET)to trace glucose metabolism, the researchers found healthier patterns in moderately active patients in all areas of the brain under observation.

The link is enough for the researchers to suggest physical exercise is an “important contributor” to brain health for those at risk of Alzheimer’s, though they also stress that further research is required to establish how staying active might be connected to the chances of developing Alzheimer’s later in life.

Plenty of previous studies have found associations between exercise and improved memory, and there’s a growing pile of evidence that exercise boosts brain power as well as other parts of the body.Now we just need to figure out how Alzheimer’s fits into all this.A small 2016 study found that exercise could be one factor in reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s, alongside changes to diet and sleep habits, and a personalised program of vitamins and other drugs.Everyday exercises such as gardening or walking are already recommended for those suffering from dementia—as well as just about everyone else—but scientists are still trying to pin down the details.

According to one of the researchers, Ozioma Okonkwo, ongoing research continues to take a closer look at how exercise could perhaps protect the brain from the onset of Alzheimer’s off the back of this new study.“Seeing a quantifiable connection between moderate physical activity and brain health is an exciting first step,” he says.


1.Why did the researchers studying Alzheimer’s pay attention to glucose metabolism?

A.Because they found Alzheimer’s was similar to the process of glucose metabolism.

B.Because Alzheimer’s gave them the clue to study the process of glucose metabolism.

C.Because glucose offers fuel to the brain cells of Alzheimer’s people.

D.Because the process of glucose metabolism stops once Alzheimer’s disease begins.

2.From the second paragraph we can infer that ______.

A.taking part in physical exercise shows healthier levels of glucose metabolism

B.the study will guide doctors to add exercise to prescriptions

C.physical activities may slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s

D.even now scientists have no method to stop Alzheimer’s

3.According to Paragraph five, we can know that ______.

A.plenty of previous studies have found associations between exercise and Alzheimer’s

B.researchers have much work to do on the connection between exercise and Alzheimer’s

C.a growing pile of evidence shows exercise can only boost brain power of Alzheimer’s people

D.gardening and walking are the best exercise of all the activities

4.After the passage being read, staying active for over an hour every day must benefit _____.

A.a senior three student in the middle school

B.a patient suffering physical disability

C.a peasant working in the fields

D.a gardener looking after the garden all the day

5.What’s the author’s attitude towards the result of the research?




2.D。段意推测题。第二段最后Ryan Dougherty的话意思是“很多人对于阿兹海默症感到绝望,因为他们觉得自己无法避免患上这种病,但是研究结果表明,适度运动或许能减缓该疾病的发生。”所以研究结果是运动仅减缓疾病的发生,不能阻止。





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