The Most Ferocious Wolf


阅读(快乐英语中年级) 2019年5期

史元翠 陈晓彤

In the forest, there is a wolf. In his mind, he is the most ferocious person in the world. One day, after a big meal, he decides to take a walk and do a survey. He wants to know whether all the other animals consider he is the most ferocious one in the forest.


Mr. Wolf: Hello, Beautiful Ears!

Little Rabbit: Hello, Mr. Wolf.

Mr. Wolf: (loudly) Tell me who is the most

ferocious one in the forest?

Little Rabbit: Of course you are. It is well known that you are the most ferocious. We are all afraid of you.

Mr. Wolf: Haha! I love this feeling. I am the

most ferocious one in the forest.

Soon, Mr. Wolf meets the Little Red

Riding Hood.

Mr. Wolf: (whispering)You just look like a cherry

for me and I can eat you up in one

big bite. Tell me who is the most

amazing one in the forest?

Little Red: Absolutely, it’ s you. I’m sure you

are the most ferocious one in the


Mr. Wolf: I strongly agree with you. You can

call me that for one hundred times.

I enjoy it.

Then Mr. Wolf encounters three pigs.

Mr. Wolf: (loudly) Oh my god, how did you

three poor pigs get so far away from

home? Tell me, who is the most

amazing one in the forest?

Pigs: You are the strongest and the most

handsome animal in the world.

Mr. Wolf: Haha! Obviously, I am the

strongest, the most ferocious

and handsome animal in the

forest. I am the King!

When Mr. Wolf immerges himself in happiness, he finds one thing which looks like a dragon.

Mr. Wolf: Hello! I guess you must know who the most amazing animal in the forest is.

Dragon: Of course I know, my mum is the most amazing animal in the world.

Mr. Wolf: (loudly)What? I will give you one more chance. Who is the most ferocious animal in the forest?

Dragon: I told you just now, my mum is the strongest. Who are you?

The small dragon’s mum appears.

Mr. Wolf: (in a low voice): I... Who am I? Who am I? I’m the gentlest wolf in the forest.

(The End)


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