The mysterious note Walt Disney left behind before he died 华特·迪士尼的神秘字条


疯狂英语·读写版 2019年10期


When he died, Walt Disney left behind a multi-million dollar franchise, which changed everything. Theres no question that Walt Disneys life changed the world. As the mastermind behind Mic-key Mouse and the entire Disney enterprise, his lifes work has inspired children and adults alike for decades. And when he passed away due to lung cancer in 1966, the world truly lost one of the greats.

However, Disney made an impact in another way, as well. “Legend has it that he wrote one last message before being hospitalized prior to his death,” said Disney historian Jim Korkis. Titled “TV Projects In Production: Ready for Production or Possible for Escalation and Story”, the note listed four names: Ron Miller, 2 Way Down Cellar, Kurt Russell, and CIA-Mobley. Still, the notes true meaning rema-ined a mystery for decades. What did Disneys last message to the world intend to convey?

According to former Disney archivist Dave Smith, who found the note, Disney was listing possible future projects for his franchise. And one name stood out: Kurt Russell.

Disney had expressed his awe of the 15-year-olds talent before, praising him on television and personally ensuring that the boy received a studio contract. In October 1966, just months before his death, Disney even predicted “a great acting future” for Russell. But finally, it was Disneys last words that launched Russells career as an actor. And thats not the only time Disneys words proved life-changing—these timeless Walt Disney quotes continue to inspire people around the world.

Russell confirmed this suspicion in a 2013 episode of The View. “I assume that he was talking about some movie that he was thinking about having me in... I dont know what to make of it other than that,” Russell said.

The young actor went on to star in dozens of Disney films, including The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band. So in the end, we have Disney to thank for one of the most memorable  talents on screen. Of course, Disney fanatics may already be familiar with this story, but you may not know these mind-blowing facts you never knew about Disneyland.

Reading Check

True(T) or false(F)

()1. Walt Disney died of cancer in 1966.

()2. The note listed three mysterious names, which remained a mystery.

()3. Disney thought highly of Russells talent.

()4. It was Russells effort that launched his career as an actor.

()5. Disney fanatics may not be familiar with this story either.

Language Study

Sentences for writing

1. 毫無疑问,华特·迪士尼的一生改变了整个世界。

Theres    ____________ Walt Disneys life changed the world.

2. 但是到最后,正是迪士尼留下的最后几个单词使得罗素的演员生涯得以开启。

But finally,   ____________     was Disneys last words   ____________    launched Russells career as an actor.

