The dilemma and development of industrial design in contemporary life


新教育论坛 2019年13期


Abstract: the Chinese nation has a profound culture of five thousand years, the design was once a bright pearl on this bright culture. However, with the continuous passage of time, in modern times, with the continuous development of economy, the consciousness of designers is still developing and progressing, but it cannot be recognized by the social consciousness. In the pursuit of the spirit of craftsman today, industrial designers know how to better maintain the spirit of craftsman, can let Chinese design out of the difficulties, the Chinese made into Chinese design.

Key words: industrial design,dilemma,development

The dilemma and development of industrial design is also the problem of the whole design circle. To analyze these problems, we must first introduce the industrial design. The definition of industrial design usually has two kinds, one is the narrow definition and the other is the broad definition. In the narrow sense, the concept of industrial design only refers to product design, which means that people communicate with their surroundings in daily life, understand their needs, and design articles to meet and improve the quality of life. The definition of industrial design in a broad sense not only refers to product design, but also refers to the whole design process from the proposal of design concept to the achievement of design purpose when designers know that People's Daily needs cannot be met. The most important factor in industrial design is that designers must consider whether the products designed by them are industrialized mass production, which is the reason why they are different from decoration design, ceramic design and other design activities. Therefore, modern industrial design is the product of the industrialization of the industrial revolution, which is to meet people's material and spiritual needs in modern society.

The dilemma of industrial design is mainly reflected in :(1) most of the products we can see everywhere in our life are made in China. But most of these products are manufactured by Chinese factories, and the core technology of those products is mastered in western developed countries. China can only earn profits by relying on cheap labor. The quality of some products is inadequate, which reduces the status of design in the eyes of the public, making the development of industrial design in China more difficult. (2) in the direct competition with many foreign design companies, many domestic industrial design companies always seem unprepared, helpless. However, the reason for these phenomena is not the economic or market problems, but that the products they design do not conform to the current consumer concept of consumption. (3) at present, relevant national policies all emphasize that innovation is the driving force for the development of science and technology, and put forward the slogan of "from a manufacturing country to a creating country". However, the public's understanding of industrial design is still insufficient, and it should be said that these problems are actually problems that must pass through the development period of industrial design.

So what we need to know is what are the solutions to these dilemmas? The most important word should be "craftsman spirit". Since ancient times, China is a country with profound hand design culture. The occupation of craftsman seems to have become a job at the bottom of the society. In China's industrial design education, industrial design is divided into art and machinery, but in fact, the mechanical and artificial art of the distinction. But this kind of training method, often will cause the phenomenon is the product design creativity unrestrained, but to make it can not be down-to-earth. Craftsman spirit is the pursuit of faith in the pursuit of excellence in design. It is not limited to the field of manufacturing, but emphasizes a kind of spirit. I insist on making the best design, instead of only focusing on immediate interests. I should not forget myself just because I have made small achievements. I don't know the sky and the earth. At present, industrial design is the lack of this is a design of perseverance and perseverance, in the design, always want to take a shortcut, play tricks, they really need is a craftsman spirit.

China's industrial design must rise. China will not only fake product, does not have its own label design, which is a key way for the development of Chinese industrial design, although the road may be more difficult, but as long as can stick to it, has belongs to our industrial designers have spirit of a workman, abandon the blundering now exist around the literary point of view, has its own design feelings, persistent, industrial design in our country in the coming years will have their own brilliance.


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张睿 主宰人生, 睿不可当