

中学生英语·阅读与写作 2019年4期

【新目标英语七年级(下) Unit 4 STEP BY STEP随堂通参考答案】

Section A

一、1~5 BCACC

二、1~5 CDBBD 6~10 CBBCC


Section B

一、1~5 AABBD 6~10 CABAC

二、1~5 CDCCB

【新目标英语七年级(下) Unit 5 STEP BY STEP随堂通参考答案】

Section A

一、1~5 CDBCD

二、1~5 BAACB 6~10 CBACB


Section B

一、1~5 CADBA    6~10 BDCAD

二、1~5 CADCA

【新目标英语七年级(下) Unit 6 STEP BY STEP


Section A

一、1~5 CBCAC

二、1~5 CABDD 6~10 AABCD


Section B

一、1~5 ABAAD  6~10 CBCBC

二、1~5 CAABC

【新目标七年级(下)Unit 4 单元要点检测题参考答案】

1~5 ABCBC 6~10 BCABC 11~15 ABAAB

16~20 CBCCA 21~25 CACCB 26~30 CBACC

31. too many rules

32. do (his) homework 33. watch TV

34. make his bed        35. learn the piano

36~40 TFFFF

书面表达。(One possible version)

Hello, Laura!Welcome to our school! Now let me tell you some of the rules in our school. We cant arrive late for school. So you have to get up early if your home is far away from the school. We should say hello to our teachers when we meet them. We must keep quiet in class and  we cant eat food in the classroom. Besides, we cant listen to music or play games in class. And we must take care of the flowers and grass in the school. Please remember the rules because they are very important to us.

【新目标七年级(下)Unit 5 单元要点检测题参考答案】

1~5 AAACC 6~10 ACCBA 11~15 CABAB

16~20 BACCA 21~25 CAABA 26~30 ACCAB

31~35 FTFFF 36~40 BFADE

書面表达。(One possible version)

Do you like animals? What kind of animals do you like best? My favorite animal is giraffes. Last weekend I visited the zoo with my family. We saw a giraffe from Africa. Her name is Katie. She is so beautiful that many visitors came to see her. The zoo keeper told me she is five years old now. She eats grass and leaves. Her neck is so long that she can reach the top of the tree. I like her very much. And I took many photos of her and we had a pleasant day.

【新目标七年级(下)Unit 6 单元要点检测题参考答案】

1~5 BBACA 6~10 BCCBA 11~15 ACBCA   16~20 BABAA 21~25 ABABA 26~30 CAABC

31~35 FFTTF 36~40 CFADE

书面表达。(One possible version)

Hi, Candy!Everyone in my family is busy now. My father likes soccer, and he is watching a soccer game on TV. He thinks it is very interesting. My mother is good at cooking, and she is cooking dinner for my family. Im reading a comic book in my bedroom. You know, I like reading comic books very much. And my  sister is doing her homework in her room. So what about you?

