

中学生英语·中考指导版 2019年3期

Derrick Meador


They Ask Questions. 他们会提问。

Most teachers want students to ask questions when they do not understand a concept that is being taught. It is truly the only way a teacher knows whether you really understand something. If no questions are asked, then the teacher has to assume that you understood that concept. Good students arent afraid to ask questions. Asking questions is often beneficial to the class as a whole because chances are if you have that question, there are other students who might have the same question.


Theyre Hard Workers. 他们很刻苦。

The perfect student isnt necessarily the smartest student. There are plenty of students who are blessed with natural intelligence but lack the self-discipline1 to hone2 that intelligence. Teachers love students who choose to work hard no matter what their level of intelligence is. The hardest working students will ultimately be the most successful in life. Being a hard worker in school means completing assignments on time, putting your maximum effort into every assignment, asking for extra help when you need it, spending the time to study for tests and quizzes, and recognizing weaknesses and looking for ways to improve.


Theyre Involved. 他们参与活动。

Being involved in extracurricular3 activities can help a student gain confidence, which can improve academic4 success. Most schools provide a lot of extracurricular activities that students can participate in. These activities provide so many learning opportunities that a traditional classroom simply cant. These activities also teach people to work together as a team to accomplish a common goal.


Theyre Motivated. 他们有上进心。

Motivation comes from many places. The best students are the ones who are motivated to be successful. Students who are motivated want to be at school, want to learn, and want to succeed. Motivation means different things to different people. Good teachers will figure out how to motivate most students in some way, but those students who are self-motivated are far easier to reach than others.


Theyre Well Behaved. 他们表现良好。

Teachers will tell you that classes full of students who follow the rules and procedures have a better chance at maximizing5 their learning potential. Students who are well behaved are likely to learn more than their counterparts who become student discipline statistics.

Students who are well behaved in class are easy for teachers to deal with, even if they struggle academically6. Nobody wants to work with a student who constantly causes problems, but teachers will try to move mountains for students who are polite, respectful, and follow the rules.



1. self-discipline [ ] n. 自律

2. hone [ ] vt. 用磨刀石磨

3. extracurricular [ ] adj. 课外的;业余的

4. academic [ ] adj. 学术的

5. maximize [ ] vt. 取……最大值;對……极为重视

6. academically [ ] adv. 学术上;学业上

