A Hazy First Love


Special Focus 2019年3期

By Yu Dafu

Young Boy's Puppy Love

As the youngest pupil in the class, I didn't find it interesting at all when my classmates whispered and chuckled about the love affairs between men and women after the teacher left the classroom. Speaking of love, I knew I was ignorant. Furthermore, as I was accustomed to solitude since childhood and grew up in an impoverished family, my shyness had turned me into a shrinking violet.

At that time, there were three girls known for their fashionconsciousness and graceful manners in our class. One of them, the niece of a local Shanghai billionaire named Zhao, lived closest to my house. The other two girls, born with a silver spoon in their mouth, were her neighbors.

Zhao, fair-skinned and ovalfaced, was always dressed in the latest fashion because of her wealthy family background and her frequent visits to her uncle. Even the materials of her dresses were new to me. The other two girls were just as pretty and fashionconscious. As close neighbors, they were always together, actively strengthening ties. They were as open-minded as today's new women, so boys filed into their houses for fun or loyally stood in the doorway, waiting for their chance.

I was timid and a little reserved—I knew little about relationships and held a belief that an educated person who was always with girls would end up being a shameless loser. After all, I was a disciple of Eden, who could neither swallow nor spit out the apple lump stuck in the throat. However, my interest for girls was like the budding grass beneath the thick snow, expecting the early arrival of the spring even during wintertime. To be honest, I was almost choked by desire when I came across any one of them on the way or just happened to pass by their house.

Zhao was the girl on my young mind for two consecutive years.

My Love Revealed

As I lived close to her, we often had chances to meet each other. She would normally greet me with a girlish smile and a gentle nod as she did to any other classmates, but I felt as ifi had committed an unpardonable crime. Whenever I met her, my head would spin and my heart would pound for nearly half an hour like a caged rabbit.

My feelings for her, like a pure crystal kept tight in a casket, somehow betrayed themselves eventually, and my classmate sitting on my left read my mind. On a Saturday afternoon after class, he seized me by the hand and told me, “This afternoon Zhao will go to Qianer's house. Would you like to join them together with me?” Qianer was one of Zhao's neighbors and besties. Understanding his meanings, I blushed with embarrassment immediately and panted heavily with shame. I replied haltingly as I shook my head like a rattle—I dreaded going. My nervousness almost brought me to tears. However, he seemed to hear my inner voice, and dragged me out of school as if I wished to.

Standing in the doorway of Qianer's house, there was another round of hesitation, but before I knew it, he called out and the three girls rushed out at once with smiles on their faces. Since I was pushed in front of them, I had to summon up my courage to go ahead. I entered with my head lowered and cheeks flushed, like a criminal to be taken to the execution ground.

They played Chinese dominoes (a tile-based game), and I seated behind my friend. My eyes settled on the tiles, but my furtive glance found its way to the two girls' lovely faces from time to time. After many rounds of games and dinner provided by Qianer's mother, I became closer to them, and eventually engaged with them in conversation.

When we left, Qianer's mother lit up a lantern and asked me to send Zhao back home. After that night, I had joined my friend to pay frequent visits to Zhao's, as well as the other two girls' houses. However, shy as I was by nature and with final exams approaching, I didn't meet them as often as my friend did.

Sadness from Separation

On the night of the thirteenth day of the Lunar New Year in 1909 (the first year of the last emperor Xuantong) when I was fourteen years old, the school laid out five tables of food for graduates after we were granted diplomas at our graduation ceremony.

The moonlight was wonderful that night, and the weather was as warm as in late February or early March. The entire city was drowned in a pleasant din of fireworks in celebration of the lantern festival. After drinking a few cups of liquor, I found myself in a state of burning ecstasy. With a clear moon hanging high overhead, my feet carried me out of school straight down to Zhao's house.

Her mother and the housemaid had left for the market to do grocery shopping and get candles and fruit for the lantern festival. I entered the house, and she was there by a table practicing calligraphy by herself under a kerosene lamp, with long braided hair gracefully reaching down behind her. Hearing my footsteps, she asked in a casual voice without looking up, “Who's there?”

I held my breath purposely and tiptoed over to her back when I blew out the kerosene lamp with a quick short breath. All of a sudden, the south-facing room was thrown into a pool of pure moonlight. With a sharp scream she looked back.

In a moment, I gazed at her marble-like delicate face and black-crystal-like eyes against the moonlight. Driven by a keen urge, I stuck out my hands to seize her by the arms.

She turned speechless and I kept silent. She remained seated and I stood right before her. Her beaming eyes jumped between me and the moon, and my smiling look swept between her and the yard. Alone together in the moonlit darkness, we spent delightful hours that I had never found so sweet before, without the slightest hint of flirtation or ill intention.

After a long silence under the moonlight, she eventually started talking to enliven the situation,“You had some liquor just now?”

“Yes, I did. There was a graduation banquet.” Now I let go of my hands, sitting down into a chair beside her.

“You'll go to Hangzhou tomorrow to take the high-school entrance exam, right?” She paused before asking softly.

“Yes. I'll set out in the morning by boat.”

Bashful speechlessness followed until the conversation between her mother and the housemaid became clear. She struck a match to light up the kerosene lamp.

Having entered the living room, her mother made some congratulatory remarks about my graduation. I also told her about my Hangzhou trip. After a little small talk for less than half an hour, I bade them farewell and left.

On my way back home in the shadows of willow trees against the moonlight, I recollected the delightful moment when Zhao and I exchanged gazes. Meanwhile, a feeling of lovesickness as thin as water began to stir in me.

(From A Prose Selection of Chinese Classics, China Yanhuang Publishing House. Translation: Wang Wen)

Editor's note: This essay is abridged with subtitles added by the editor.



Yu Dafu (1896-1945), popular short-story writer of the 1920s in China, one of the founding members of the Creation Society, which was devoted to the promotion of modern literature.































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