

时代英语·高二 2019年1期


No matter what your age or style is, MNA (Museum of Northern Arizona) Education Programs have a program to fit your desires. Stay close to home and enjoy the following:

MNA Ventures (冒險)

The MNA Ventures program offers opportunities to discover and explore the Colorado Plateau—130,000 square miles of mountains and canyons (峡谷) centered in the Four Corners Area of Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Discovery Programs

The Discovery Programs offer educational experiences that emphasize (强调) the artistic traditions, natural sciences, Native American culture, and history of the Colorado Plateau. A variety of program choices provide fun learning opportunities for students of all ages and interests. Programs range in length from half-day classes to week-long classes, and offer experiences for three-year-olds to adults. Discovery classes take place mainly in the Museum grounds but may include field trips to go with the experience.

Custom Tours

The Custom Tours offer opportunities to discover and explore the wonders of the Colorado Plateau. Experience the rich natural wonders and cultures of this area through experts eyes by traveling with scientists, writers, artists, and professional guides.

Group Exhibit Tours

There are self-guided programs for the archaeology (考古) of the Colorado Plateau, Native American culture, and the geology and biology of the Colorado Plateau.

1. What do we know about the Colorado Plateau?

A. It is an area without much culture.

B. It is mainly made up of grasslands.

C. It ranges over at least four states.

D. It has a history of 130,000 years.

2. Which of the following is TRUE about Discovery Programs?

A. There are classes at varying times.

B. They are intended for art students.

C. They are mainly for teenage students.

D. The activities are held in the museum.

3. If you want to be guided by experts, you should attend _____.

A. Group Exhibit Tours B. MNA Ventures

C. Discovery Programs D. Custom Tours


When my now 19-year-old daughter Shanna was in Grade 3, all of Mrs Mathews students were given a small pot with a bean seed to plant. Green string beans are pretty strong and the perfect seed to use when promoting green thumbs in young children.

Once the bean plants had flowered, their teacher allowed the kids to carefully transport it from school to home. Once home, Shanna settled it on a sunny south window sill.

Shannas sisters were jealous and even our cat looked interested which should have been a warning to me because when I woke up the next morning, I saw that the bean plant had been unkindly knocked off the window sill. The plant, it seemed, was a goner.

As I gently began to explain that the bean plant had to be put in the compost (混合肥料), her reaction was not what I expected. She got the first aid kit from the bathroom and there was a deep belief on her face that the sad-looking, near?-dead bean plant would live, thrive and even produce food!

Days later, to my surprise, the bean plant was standing tall and looking lively. It was also amazing to see that the one and only bean, had become fleshy almost completely masking the claw marks that had scarred it. This time we built a castle of heavy books to keep it safe until our day of reward.

In my work as a youth motivator I am brought together with kids and teens that all desperately need people to believe in them. Now, more than ever, no matter what I have been told about a child or a teen and their behavior, I see everyone, no exceptions, with the same eyes and heart that my daughter used on her broken, beaten up bean plant.

4. Why does Mrs Mathew make her students plant beans?

A. To eat more beans as healthy food.

B. To learn the hard work of farmers.

C. To make a research in the bean structure.

D. To develop their ability of growing plants.

5. What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

A. The plant might fall off the window sill.

B. Other children might be jealous of Shanna.

C. The cat might make trouble to the bean plant.

D. The bean plant might die for lack of sunlight.

6. What was the author surprised at?

A. The plant recovered from its damage.

B. The cat left some claw marks on the plant.

C. The plant bore enough beans for a dinner.

D. Shanna knew how to save a broken bean plant.

7. What lesson did the author learn from her daughter?

A. Children need to be well taken care of.

B. Every child is growing like a bean plant.

C. A child is very easy to believe in others.

D. A child with bad behaviors can become good.


Here is a passage about learning a foreign language.Outside of class, the most natural way of finding out if you are making mistakes is from other peoples responses. If the mistakes are too serious, your listeners will be asking you all the time what you mean. If they are not so serious, then people may be asking you whether you said such and such. That will tell you how close you are to speaking “correctly”.

Of course, there are other times when it is important to have errors pointed out. Your class assignments are probably marked in this way, in which case you need to spend time going over them to take advantage of the individual feedback. In some classes the teacher gets better and better at grammar because she does all the corrections, but the students make slow progress if, when an assignment is returned, they quickly stuff it into their school bags without looking.

You are the person who should be correcting your errors, even if the marker has signaled them. When you look at them, there are some steps to work through. One distinction that has been made about learners language is this. You make mistakes about rules that youve already known but you make errors about points you havent learned yet. In other words, you can find your own mistakes, but not your errors. First, make sure you understand what you have written or said, or your correction will simply be another stab (嘗试) at the right answer. Next, decide on the best way of practicing the correct form. Would it help you to write out the sentence once more? Can you make up another similar sentence? Then you could test yourself in a few days time to see whether you have remembered the right form. Anyone can get it right immediately after being told. The challenge is to remember it and apply it later.

8. How can you know that you are making fewer mistakes when talking to listeners?

A. From the amount of time they talk with you.

B. From the questions asked by them.

C. From their attitude to you.

D. From their responses.

9. Why do some students make slow progress in language learning?

A. They have remembered the wrong grammar form.

B. They dont understand what they have written or said.

C. They hardly pay attention to their marked assignments.

D. They dont know the best way of practicing the correct rules.

10. What might be the most important to work through your mistakes?

A. Correcting them and writing down the teachers words.

B. Keeping the right form in mind and using it later.

C. Writing out the sentence once more.

D. Learning your mistakes by heart.

11. What can we know about learning a foreign language?

A. Making mistakes about rules can always be avoided.

B. Speaking is the best way to correct mistakes.

C. Getting and using responses is important.

D. Errors can be easily corrected.


Some people make you feel comfortable when they are around. You spend an hour with them and feel as if you have known them half your life. These people have something in common. And once we know what it is, we can try to do it ourselves.

How is it done? Here are several skills that good talkers have. If you follow these skills, theyll help you put people at their ease, and make friends with them quickly.

First of all, good talkers ask questions. Almost anyone, no matter how shy he or she is, will answer a question. One well-known businesswoman says, “At business lunches, I always ask people what they did that morning. Its a common question, but it will get things going.” From there you can move on to other matters—sometimes to really personal questions. And how he answers will let you know how far you can go.

Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen to the answers. This point seems clear, but it isnt. Your questions should have a point and help to tell what kind of person you are talking to. And to find out, you really have to listen carefully.

Real listening at least means some things. First it means not changing the subject of a conversation. If someone sticks to one topic, you can take it as a fact that hes really interested in it. Real listening also means not just listening to words, but to tones of voice. If the voice sounds dull, then, its time for you to change the subject.

Finally, good talkers know well how to deal with the occasion of parting. If youre saying goodbye, you may give him a firm handshake and say, “Ive really enjoyed meeting you.” If you want to see that person again, dont keep it secret. Let people know what you feel, and after that they may feel as if theyve known you half their life.

12. Asking questions can be a good way .

A. to begin business talks B. to make new friends

C. to start a conversation D. to get to know others

13. What will be polite after asking somebody a question?

A. To make sure he will reply.

B. To listen to his reply attentively.

C. To turn back to your own business.

D. To go on asking him more questions.

14. Generally speaking, good talkers are persons who .

A. always speak in a gentle way

B. never talk too much or too little

C. are good at making topic important

D. know how and when they should change the topic

15. What can you do when parting someone if you want to meet him again?

A. Let him know it.

B. Give him a second handshake.

C. Have further understanding of him.

D. Take him as your lifelong trustworthy friend.

I had just walked in the door after dropping off the dress I had made for a friends daughter when I received a message from my 1 . “I know you worked hard on the dress and it looks very 2 , but Janet doesnt like all those sequins (亮片). Could you 3 it?”

I was 4 and wanted to call her back but I suddenly thought of Grandma and what she had once 5 for me when I was eight.

One day, Grandma spent a long time curling my hair. I could tell she enjoyed 6 my hair. When she 7 it she seemed very satisfied. She was so 8 that she had me stand on a chair to look in the mirror. My heart sank. I looked 9 .

“You can go out and 10 now,” Grandma said with 11 .

I nodded and 12 walked down the stairs. I looked out of the small window in the door and could see the neighborhood kids playing games. I knew everyone would 13 my curls. At the same time I couldnt go back and tell Grandma how I 14 .

Finally I went upstairs. I said in a 15 voice, “Grandma, my hairs too curly.”

She didnt say a word, combed out all my curls, and then stood me back on the 16 so I could see in the mirror.

It was when Grandma took out the curls that I knew she

17 me. Grandma had put my feelings 18 hers. That is the kind of love I try to 19 today.

Keeping that 20 in my mind, I called my friend back. “Id be glad to change the dress,” I said.

1. A. boss B. daughter C. friend D. neighbor

2. A. nice B. simple C. small D. different

3. A. repair B. change C. wear D. decorate

4. A. sad B. happy C. angry D. exhausted

5. A. made B. recorded C. written D. done

6. A. drying B. washing C. cutting D. styling

7. A. prepared B. finished C. touched D. held

8. A. interested B. careful C. tired D. proud

9. A. young B. lazy C. funny D. beautiful

10. A. study B. dance C. play D. search

11. A. smiles B. worries C. tears D. fears

12. A. patiently B. politely C. immediately D. slowly

13. A. care for B. laugh at C. point at D. pick up

14. A. minded B. left C. wished D. felt

15. A. strange B. low C. crazy D. sleepy

16. A. chair B. table C. bed D. ground

17. A. needed B. missed C. loved D. trusted

18. A. on B. beside C. up D. before

19. A. turn to B. pass on C. join in D. put up

20. A. task B. memory C. dream D. matter

Rivers are one of our most important natural resources. Many of the worlds great cities 1 (locate) on rivers, and almost every country has at least one river 2 (flow) through it that plays an 3 (importance) part in the lives of its people.

Since the beginning of history, people 4 (use) rivers for transportation. The longest one in the United States is the Mississippi, and the lifeline of Egypt is the Nile. Besides transportation, rivers give water to drink, water for crops, and

5 (chance) for fun and recreation for the people 6 live along their banks.

However, large cities and industries located on rivers often make problems. As the cities grow 7 size and industries increase in number, the water in the rivers becomes 8 (pollute) with chemicals and other materials. People should learn the importance of doing more 9 (keep) their rivers clean 10 they want to enjoy the benefits of this natural resource.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.


anyhow awkward cautious customer divorce

function imagine interrupt purpose success

1. The store has more ____ than it can take care of.

2. Humor is the wisdom and resourcefulness that can ease up an ____ situation.

3. New investors also need to be ____ in choosing suitable investment products.

4. Penny got ____ and rushed into another marriage.

5. It may rain, but ____ I shall go out; I dont mind the rain.

6. The two students stopped talking to each other because their conversation was ____ by the ringing of the telephone.

7. The ____ of the heart is to send blood around the body.

8. A ____ company must keep up with the pace of technological change.

9. We never ____ that men would land on the moon.

10. A special class meeting was held for the ____ of exchanging our studying methods.


1. How can they finish this difficult work on the absence of other helpers? ____

2. They know me well because Im one of their regular customer. ____

3. Presently she becomes aware with footsteps after her because it is not safe any more here. ____

4. Of course, he neednt to violate your professional knowledge.


5. No matter how you read it, his sentence just doesnt make sense—the most important words have left out. ____


(cheer up)

2﹒一有人走进屋子,孩子们就开始炫耀起来。(show off)

3﹒Jerry经常学习到深夜,所以他在本次考试中获得了年级第一名。(as a consequence)

4﹒Emily在考试中得了最高分,但她很谦虚,没有告诉任何人。(so... that...)


(in addition)


Top football team rises from slum 贫民窟中崛起的足球队
Birthday Gift
球迷悼念 这一夜为沙佩科恩斯足球队流泪